Example sentences of "who [vb base] some " in BNC.

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1 Stockbrokers W I Carr are aiming the Helmsman Self-Managed Personal Pension at controlling directors , partners , self-employed and senior executives who want some say in the control of their investments .
2 I offer the ones who want some silence that silence .
3 so that 's it : the match Norway-Poland will be televized by Sky Sport at wednesday for those who want some midweek-futba .
4 The ghinocerous part about it is the mega-big way that Citizen Kane have put the title single of their first and latest album on the doorsteps for milk drinkers who want some rhythm and blues with breakfast , in a tape on offer with extra pintas .
5 In a way , the struggle for the Shrine Of Khaine is symbolic of the greater struggle in the soul of the Elf race , between those who follow the darkness and those who seek some measure of harmony .
6 It is only among the richest pensioners , who receive some very high proportions of previous earnings from their occupational pensions , that this source of income dwarfs social security .
7 I grew up among the kind of communists and socialists who guided him into the working-class communities and who staff some of their struggles .
8 ( 4 ) that there should be visible within each school key individuals who are likely to be reliable and innovative leaders for the project and who show some affinity with and understanding of the aims and the principles behind the project ( e.g. an enlightened head , a vigorous teacher-librarian , or a sympathetic head of English )
9 The star of the show was the remarkable Malawian writer Jack Mapanje , perhaps Africa 's best known English language poet , who read some of the poems which landed him in Zomba jail without charge or trial for almost four years .
10 As James Tobin pointed out in his comments on the Coen and Hickman paper , a feature of their approach which exposes it to criticism from those macroeconomists who accept some variant of the NAIRU hypothesis is that it lacks a coherent explanation of the relationship between unemployment , be it Keynesian , classical or some mixture of the two , and inflation .
11 To crown it all , it is people like the extremists — in some cases , frankly , nut cases — who run some Labour authorities in London that the Labour party wants to see running London 's police .
12 The trouble has arisen from the policies of Labour councillors who control some London boroughs .
13 These explanations and justifications for the loneliness and isolation of older people are socially attractive and emotionally convenient for those who feel some guilt about their situation .
14 Enough is enough , say consumer watchdogs who reckon some money-spinning clubs have forced parents into an impossible corner .
15 There is considerable sympathy for members of the public who commit some minor infringement under circumstances which are considered justifiable and understandable .
16 The council wants to avoid complaints from shoppers who find some buskers a headache .
17 Mr Ozal may now be rivalling the PKK ( as violent in its tactics as are the soldiers sent to crush it ) for popularity among the 12m Turks who claim some ethnic Kurdish connection .
18 However there are , perhaps , an increasing number who recognize some of the contradictions in the outward referral model and are looking for alternatives .
19 War on the ground is really a man with a large field with curved corrugated metal huts to keep pigs in to grub all the vegetation off to feed them up to get themselves eaten by other men to help those men to have the energy to work to make the curved corrugated metal huts and grow other food in other fields that gets eaten by another lot of men who leave some of it to feed back to the pigs .
20 These people , young people often , who do some childminding , if they take in children ,
21 Oh , there 's a few wild lads who do some poaching .
22 We have a number of technicians in the environmental health department who do some sterling work , and I know that no one here would want you to suppose that they are a kind of second-string person .
23 There are Opposition Members who take some perverse delight in running down Britain 's environmental record and who are all too often to be found , both at home and abroad , adding their voices to those who accuse Britain of being the dirty man of Europe .
24 He displayed that strange other-worldliness that I have sometimes detected in other people who follow some strict religious code .
25 For those employees who wish some help to adjust to the smoking ban , the Council will be making available information packs and , for those who wish to stop smoking completely , smoking cessation classes .
26 They were n't too quick to give up their prejudices , for part of the reason for the existence of prejudice is that our intolerance is directed against those who form some kind of threat to us .
27 The performance of cast iron in fire is better than might be expected by those who have some knowledge of the dramatic reaction of steel structures to fire .
28 I prefer men who have some feminine tact and delicacy and sensitivity , and women who have some of the better masculine qualities — tenderness , protectiveness , a good brain and a humorous way of dealing with all the practical impossibilities of life .
29 I prefer men who have some feminine tact and delicacy and sensitivity , and women who have some of the better masculine qualities — tenderness , protectiveness , a good brain and a humorous way of dealing with all the practical impossibilities of life .
30 All workshops are suitable for beginners as well as those who have some experience .
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