Example sentences of "who [be] the " in BNC.

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1 Hugh Stoddart says of it now : ‘ I thought of it as a film set in peacetime about the people who are the cannon fodder in wartime ’ .
2 Mythological stories about them suggest they are necessarily seen in this simplistic way to reaffirm to ‘ real polises ’ that it is they who are the true inhabitants of the pragmatic world of conflict and action .
3 Even as the first-year girl drew her inferences , her headmaster , Manuel Lenarduzzi , was preparing for last night 's meeting with her parents and those of other first-year children who are the guinea pigs of the new system and whose future is one of attainment targets .
4 MOTORISTS who are the innocent victims of accidents can now have more legal muscle to pursue uninsured losses with a low-cost legal fees scheme from DAS .
5 This is what Fox and Lundman ( 1974 : 53 ) mean when they say that there are two ‘ gates ’ within police organizations which affect access — winning the support both of senior managers and of the ordinary members of the force who are the subjects of the research .
6 You know who are the worst , the younger men with no experience .
7 The institutionalisation of the social services is an interesting study in its own right , especially for Tories , who are the connoisseurs of institutions , and I should like to offer some case histories .
8 In Muslim families , for example , it is the women in the family who are the chief mourners if someone dies .
9 Who are the hooligans ?
10 The Inspecting Officer , accompanied by the Commandant and the Parade Commander , head for 1 Platoon Who are the first to be inspected .
11 Of course there will be howls of protest from the synodical activists and the liberal establishment , but the man or woman in the pews who are the real Church of England will thank you for it .
12 As has often been the case , it is the artists who are the forerunners of fashion , and fifty years later the world and his wife craved for Windermere .
13 But the businessmen who are the driving force behind the TECs may feel diffident about administering a chunk of the welfare state .
14 The chief beneficiaries of affirmative action are university students and black businessmen , who are the blacks most likely to succeed anyway .
15 Clement 's purpose was to make cultured persons under instruction for baptism , called ‘ catechumens ’ ( by contrast with ‘ the faithful ’ who are the baptized ) , feel that they would be at home in the church .
16 Who Are The Grievers ?
17 But it is the farmers who are the hardest to interest ( although all planting is grant-aided ) .
18 Britain 's small businessmen , who are the store 's intended customers , are not ready for the American concept , Nielson believes .
19 The East Anglians , who are the form team among the top eight , had been outplayed in the first half , when Wolves had half a dozen shots on goal and several others narrowly off target .
20 Blame becomes indiscriminate when it can not be focused and seen in context , and it is black people who are the ones to suffer most in this situation .
21 The message is apparently contained in a 220-page apostolic exhortation to the clergy , most of which is uncontentious : priests must be ascetic and chaste as well as celibate , taking a keen and benevolent interest in the poor and in sinners , who are the poor in spirit .
22 He is hopeful , therefore , that notice will have been taken this side of the Atlantic , not only by Augusta National at the Masters , but also by the United States Golf Association , who are the governing body of the American Open , and the United States PGA , with a mind to the PGA Championship .
23 Yet on their home turf in France it is Renault who are the market leaders with 27 per cent against Peugeot 's 24 per cent and Citroen 's 11 .
24 Lawyers are still attempting to settle out of court with Rees and Ivan Cawood , Rugby 's secretary , who are the named persons in the writs .
25 The Japanese , who are the EC 's main supplier of semi-conductors anyway , and a major player in computers , win despite the tariffs .
26 To this Roman official , it is the Christians who are the atheists .
27 Who are the migrants ? with regard to age , they are mostly young adults , who have fewer ties and are therefore more mobile and who are also more likely to be attracted by the ‘ pull ’ factors .
28 Lloyd points out that it is often those who are called a labour aristocracy , who are the most militant .
29 Who are the possible donors ?
30 Thus , the individual is undertaking a gamble about what action is required to defend or advance an interest : what is the right way to describe the problem , what is to be done , and who are the most appropriate allies ; whether to say that the Ministry of Education has not provided enough school places ( and all ‘ parents ’ should unite to press the government for more ) or there are not enough places because the Ammanites have stolen them ( so all non-Ammanites must unite to resist the theft ) .
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