Example sentences of "who [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 Mr Sheppard , who qualified as a chartered secretary at the beginning of his career , believes their skills will become highly relevant during the 1990s .
2 Also , the salesmen distinguished between those on their rounds who should not be fiddled ( such as disabled people , ex-salesmen ) and those who qualified as ‘ fair game ’ .
3 In January 1984 , Lord Hailsham reprimanded a Recorder who attacked as an affront to British justice a decision by Woolworths to prosecute a widow aged seventy-seven for shoplifting .
4 But the most pathetic of all was the fourth widow , Mrs Shepman , aged eighty and in poor health , who lived as a lodger .
5 A Barra fisherman 's son , one of eight born to a couple who lived as squatters in a foreshore hut , ‘ was brought up in my grandfather 's across the road : ‘ I had everything in their house .
6 As a membership incentive and to mark our 35th year as a Society everyone who enrols as a member in 1987 will receive a free gift .
7 As a membership incentive and to mark our 35th year as a Society everyone who enrols as a member in 1987 will receive a free gift .
8 For example , under the Land Compensation Act 1973 property owners are entitled to compensation for depreciation in the value of their land caused by such things as noise , vibration , smells , and fumes , resulting from public works , The underlying reasoning is that since the public is presumed to benefit greatly from the building of a motorway ( for example ) , private citizens who suffer as a result of its construction should not have to bear their loss for the sake of that wider public interest .
9 What is theoretically and politically interesting and puzzling is not that it has been defended by the powerful and the better-off sections of the community but that it has been so widely accepted by those who suffer as a result of its continuance .
10 The problem drinker in our society can be defined as any person who experiences social , psychological or physical problems as a consequence of his or her own repeated drinking , and services should not only be aimed at the individuals themselves but also at family members who suffer as a result of someone else 's drinking .
11 Let us pray for all who suffer as a result of war :
12 We pray for those who suffer as prisoners without trial ; for hostages , for deported people , for all victims of violence in this land and in the countries from which we come ; may they be comforted and delivered ;
13 To ignore this would ‘ demonstrate a lack of regard for the people who suffer as a result ’ , he said
14 Perhaps some of the cooks who fought as infantry at Maleme , Crete , could drop us a line .
15 Despite adequate possession , Leicester had rarely threatened to pierce a Tranmere defence who fought as if they were also involved in the top of the table excitement .
16 Philip Pearlstein can be seen in the new Hirschl & Adler space in SoHo from 7 November to 5 December , Eric Fischl at the newly-configured Mary Boone gallery from 7 November to 19 December and Volker Stelzmann , who matured as an artist in East Germany , shows ‘ Berlin Today ’ a series of twenty-five paintings in the spacious new quarters of the Forum Gallery .
17 It followed an expose by an anti-vivisection campaigner who posed as a technician at Shamrock Farms in Small Dole , near Brighton , Sussex .
18 For example , the trade association in the nut and bolt industry actually employed individuals who posed as buyers and tried to obtain discounts on prices from sellers suspected of cheating .
19 Police are hunting a man who posed as a policeman , a water board worker and an electricity man to try to steal from old people .
20 Maybe they provided Wulfstan , who used as his pseudonym the name Lupus , the Wolf , with ready sources of illustration .
21 A young lady stood near the very centre of the circle , still on the arm of a much older gentleman whose attentive pose betokened a parental or protective association with his eager , fashionable young companion , who behaved as if she were very conscious of being watched and admired .
22 She could still feel Felipe 's arm around her , her body felt the force of his passion , and now he was out there with a woman who behaved as if he was her personal possession .
23 Ivy found her very elegant and said of her ( I am told ) : ‘ She 's a young woman who looks as if she had never had to wash her gloves . ’
24 So that the next time a shop assistant ( particularly one who looks as if he might not know what day of the week it is ) asks how Sir or Madam will be paying they 'll say ‘ Cash ’ and make quite sure they rip up the receipt as they leave .
25 Either that or find a robin who looks as if he has a purpose in life .
26 They want someone who looks as if he 's been shot at , wounded , and spent the day crawling through minefields to deliver the dispatches .
27 He is a big likeable feller who looks as if he belongs in a jazzband playing the stringbass .
28 She invited help and then behaved towards those who helped as if they were incompetent or , like her mother , were taking over .
29 Subsequently , on the initiative of Mark Boyle , the international sculptor who exhibits as part of ‘ The Boyle Family ’ , the proposal was accepted in principle by the Arts Council of Great Britain .
30 Also at this stage , candidates with the fewest first preference votes are eliminated and their ballot papers shared out to those candidates who appear as second preferences on those papers .
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