Example sentences of "who [verb] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Haydon realized the truth , he said , of the proverb , ‘ Who goes a-borrowing goes a-sorrowing ’ .
2 The sort of ghost everyone knows about is the sort who goes haunting because he 's trying to get a lifer to do something for him , like revenge his horrible murder , or discover the hidden treasure , or find a will that 's been lost .
3 Though , come to think of it , anyone who goes rushing around with a child or , worse , a straw bale on their shoulders must be a few bricks short of a stable .
4 If the British proposals are adopted , waste will continue to be imported from undeveloped countries who lack processing facilities , on the grounds that this would be preferable to it being dumped in situ , with all the ensuing environmental hazards .
5 Michael , 45 , who quit boozing because it threatened to wreck his life , has given up another ‘ vice ’ — being too generous .
6 chromosomes , B someone who pees standing up
7 The one with X , Y chromosome , someone who pees standing up , someone who has testicles ?
8 Someone who pees standing up ?
9 On the contrary , the two young persons communicate in a jokily affectionate private language , often about people in a not undistinguished but certainly restricted circle of acquaintances and Shakespear connections , who lived according to social codes now utterly unremembered .
10 The debate on how the rule should be formulated for the purposes of the American Law Institute 's Corporate Governance Project has revealed the battle lines of those who favour leaving the disciplining of management to the market and those who see an important role for the courts .
11 Viewing figures are so far quite encouraging for those who favour televising ; it will be of great interest to see whether , in the long run , they rise or fall .
12 Promoters presumably would fall within Albert 's nongenotoxic or epigenetic category , a daunting prospect to those who favour erring on the side of safety .
13 Environmentalists also fear that the National Institute of Forestry and Natural Resources ( INFEAN ) is controlled by those who favour opening up all of Ecuador 's national parks to organised mining .
14 Another argument used by those who favour restricting public expenditure is that it must be cut in order to limit the growth of money supply and to curb inflation .
15 After knowing only life at the highest level of the game , McGrain is full of admiration for the players Arbroath have assembled from Tayside , Edinburgh and Glasgow who combine playing , training and travelling long distances with everyday jobs .
16 Now people come from all over Ireland who combine climbing the peak , saying prayers en route and attending Mass on top , with ceilidhs and dances .
17 Swings were highest amongst voters who watched both BBC and ITV news , and amongst those who avoided watching highbrow television news programmes , but the differences between these groups of television viewers were slight .
18 Did her trick to catch the saint who avoided becoming a martyr .
19 These visitors , about 42 per cent from overseas , also divide into three categories : those who book far in advance , whose who gain starting times in the daily ballot and the ‘ casuals ’ who haphazardly turn up on the off-chance of being asked to make up a foursome .
20 Anyone who thinks owning a diesel spells the end of driving fun , should park their backside in the AX 's comfortable , supportive driver 's seat and go for a quick ride .
21 Should we not , in conjunction with the very misleading Labour party political broadcast , call to account those who advocate buying home-produced goods but then buy foreign ones ?
22 Although these methods are fairly simple , very thorough and no doubt excellent for those who make interviewing a large part of their life 's work they are not particularly useful for those who may not need to exercise interviewing skills often but who want to use the interview to good effect when they do .
23 Mr Hedley , 43 , in a statement read to the jury trying Paul Magee , 42 , and Michael O'Brien , 32 , who deny murdering Mr Goodman and trying to murder three other policemen last June , described what happened next .
24 The claim was made by the prosecution in its summing up at the trial of Lou Macari and Brian Hillier , who deny conspiring to defraud the Inland Revenue .
25 Staff at DSS offices receive regular information form the Home Office , but many wives tell of officials who deny having any knowledge of the scheme whatsoever .
26 Stephen McMullan ( 23 ) , of New Barnsley Crescent , is one of the so-called Ballymurphy Seven , who deny attempting to murder security forces at the junction of Springfield Road and Divismore Crescent , on August 2 , 1991 .
27 Charles Scott , 25 , of Findlay Gardens , Edinburgh , who admitted acting with Edmiston in one of the break-ins , was jailed for 15 months .
28 THREE Chinese restaurant owners who admitted passing bogus credit card bills worth nearly half a million pounds through their books , walked free from court yesterday after a jury failed to reach a verdict .
29 A POSTMAN who admitted stealing parcels and a credit card from the mail was conditionally discharged by Darlington magistrates yesterday .
30 A SOCCER club boss who admitted displaying illegal advertising signs at his ground must pay a £150 penalty .
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