Example sentences of "who [adv] only " in BNC.

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1 Clutterbuck ceased to work the mill during the latter half of the 1840s , for by 1847 it had been leased to a paper-maker , Frederick Wiggins , who apparently only operated it for a few years .
2 Protestant opposition to integrated schooling is sometimes heard in the North , particularly from the fundamentalist camp , who not only fear catholic infiltration of state schools but are opposed to anything other than Bible protestantism in religious education .
3 Probably Serious , who not only stars in the film , but directed , wrote , produced and edited it too , would not mind the description being applied to himself .
4 Probably Yahoo Serious , who not only stars in the film , but directed , wrote , produced and edited it too , would not mind the description being applied to himself .
5 Word reached Peter Wheeler , the Leicester coach , of a young lad at Wakefield , a full-back , a slick-running full-back at that , who not only could kerplonk the ball like a metronome between the posts but could do it with either foot .
6 It was manned by zombies who not only clocked in and out of work , but for lunch also .
7 We were all very surprised to see the modern bathrooms , and tasteful surroundings , as well as meeting the mikva attendant who not only spoke English , but was very friendly and helpful as well .
8 The climax to this ludicrous campaign from the Dark Ages came in 1953 with the tour of Europe by McCarthy 's two young assistants , Mr Cohn and Mr Schine , who not only sounded like a bad vaudeville act but performed like one .
9 The very name of the new ‘ dictionry ’ would be unacceptable to speakers of American English , who not only pronounce the a in that word but put the stress on it .
10 By the 1860s in Britain , people of all sorts were becoming increasingly concerned about the ‘ residuum ’ , the body of paupers being supported by the Poor Law who not only persisted but steadily increased .
11 My concern that this might be a common fault was raised when I quoted the part number to my local Genuine Parts dealer who not only instantly recognised it , but knew how many were in stock and which bin they were stored in — and all without consulting the stores computer .
12 Also and who not only helped on the day but also promoted the sale outside the NCT ensuring that we had plenty to sell .
13 If so , it might be an idea to talk to the people who not only insure aeroplanes , but fly them as well !
14 Across the road in Parliament in the late sixties , as Wilson , Castle and Crossman wore themselves out in the cause , as they saw it , of a more modern and socially just Britain , there sat in the Leader of the Opposition 's office a man who not only shared the Jenkins view of workload but was planning exactly what he would do about it if the electorate gave him his chance .
15 Now , for the first time , I was surrounded by people who not only had cancer , but unlike those in hospital , knew that they had it .
16 That might be the motto of the Scottish Health Education Group who not only advertise on television but sponsor a radio soap opera , to say nothing of the Scottish football team .
17 Brigadier and Mrs. Carter lived in a large house in Brown Street — he was fat , very pompous with a waxed moustache , having exceptionally long spikes ; Major Forbes from Fowlers Hill , who not only looked like but also dressed like King George V — whether by accident or design I do n't know , Mrs. Bowyer , the widow of an Australian Bishop who lived in Fowlers Road was very big and wore outsize hats which accentuated her size and finally the Headmaster , Mr. E.J. Russ .
18 The second form of associative learning , operant conditioning , was developed by the contemporary American psychologist , Skinner , who not only conducted laboratory experiments with animals , but , unlike most other theorists , also developed from his findings teaching procedures for use with people , especially programmed learning and teaching machines .
19 ‘ Winter in Majorca is a one-man show portraying the composer Frederick Chopin , written and performed by Michael Lunts , who not only plays Chopin the man but also , quite superbly , plays Chopin 's music ! ’
20 A subject who not only finds science exciting but also believes it can be applied to help people and produce wealth and employment could hardly be bettered in answer to the white coated caricature with which Ian Fells began .
21 Hazel is one of those unfortunate patients who not only have food intolerance , but also seem to be sensitive to various everyday chemicals as well .
22 Pundits decried the successful methods taken by the majority , who not only wanted to live within their means but did so , as old-fashioned and ‘ Victorian ’ , out of step with 1990s climate of opinion .
23 By all accounts , William senior was not easy to get on with the turnover of partners in the early years of the practice was rapid , until he met his match in one Major Faulks in 1905 who not only outlived him , but stayed with the firm as a consultant until 1965 when he finally retired — at the age of 90 .
24 We must not leave the eighteenth century without mention of the great typefounder and printer of Birmingham , John Baskerville ( 1706–75 ) , who not only designed the famous type that bears his name but greatly improved the general standard of English printing and gave us , in 1763 , one of the most splendid editions of the Bible .
25 There is hardly an area in the diocese where the scourge of unemployment is not biting hard , and our parishes have to do what they can for those who not only have no work , but see little prospect of employment in the future .
26 He was popularly supposed to be a man who not only told the truth , but who could not tell a lie , and the senator 's aides and publicists were not unhappy to promulgate that echo of a previous President 's virtues .
27 To Arnold the term philistine implied the idea of something stiff-necked and perverse in its resistance to light — ‘ and therein it specially suits our middle class , who not only do not pursue sweetness and light , but who even prefer to them that sort of machinery of business , chapels , tea-meetings and addresses from Mr Murphy , which makes up the dismal and illiberal life on which I have so often touched ’ .
28 The former is of interest only in that she happens to be married to the gorgeous Richard Gere , who not only has ten times her talent but ten times her looks ( do people really find that hideous mole of hers attractive ? ) .
29 In the by-elections , I rapidly became disillusioned by the men who not only ended up taking credit for the Group 's existence but who also displayed a total lack of understanding about issues affecting Asian women in Britain .
30 They are the nursing staff , who not only comfort but also empty the bed pans , wash bed sores , clean up the vomiting , often for an NHS wage which would n't keep Her Royal Highness in French blue mascara .
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