Example sentences of "get into the " in BNC.

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1 The Pope 's got more chance of gettin' pregnant than I 'ave of gettin' into the charts .
2 I feel now that I can express myself better than I ever could in the last fifteen years ; I 've even gotten into the Mississippi Delta style , fingerpicking blues .
3 If , on the other hand , you have got into the semi-finals , you may consider a placing worth the risk of further pain .
4 Passengers came onto the platform with their trunks ad bags , their children ad dogs , and got into the carriages .
5 Lord Aldington insisted they had not been lied to , but they would not have got into the trucks if they had known they were going to Yugoslavia .
6 A gentle , amiable alcoholic , Tich supplemented his dole money in the pea picking season , but the soil got into the cuts on his hands and poisoned his blood .
7 Several rounds from a sub-machinegun indicated that a lone member of the PDF may have got into the neighbourhood .
8 That 's when he actually got into the ‘ Diamond Dogs ’ period and when the show extended a bit more into the theatrical — more props with street scenes , a huge lift chair that went over the audience , and things like that .
9 That doctrine of notice has got into the Common Law in one or two places , e.g. in the law about the sale of goods in market overt , and in the law of negotiable instruments ; but , broadly speaking , whenever you have got rights which depend upon notice , you may be pretty sure that you are in the sphere of Equity .
10 All through their brief history , the ants had got into the habit of deceiving themselves that there must be an Enemy .
11 And it is a good thing that someone sensible should be doing so for the subject has got into the hands of theorists of the most tiresome sort .
12 Under a third of the 23,000 litres stored was thought to have got into the supply system .
13 He was often heard muttering to himself , and got into the habit of wiping surfaces with his cloak .
14 Finally , the government seems to have got into the habit of treating the Assemblée Nationale with some contempt .
15 ‘ I 'd got into the situation where I had a darkroom at home , the use of a studio in the West End and I was starting to suffer from severe guilt for not making full use of all these resources at my disposal .
16 The main force should have got into the town under the cover of a raid by the RAF , but by the time they were at the foot of the escarpment , this was almost over .
17 He had got into the habit of examining himself minutely every morning and would squeeze and ‘ milk ’ his urethra to see if there was any sign of discharge .
18 ‘ Look , he 's got into the orchard and is scrumping apples ! ’
19 And with all those people stacked up in X-ray , cheek by jowl , rubbing their short , white dressing gowns together , the plates were bound to have got into the wrong envelopes .
20 Hitler and his panzers were sweeping all before them , they had got into the low countries and were heading for Britain .
21 Then John Gielgud opened in a Barrie play , but he had only got into the third act when the siren went .
22 The local doctor had got into the habit of calling after his morning surgery , not that there was much need .
23 ‘ The doctrine preached by Weismann was that to start with a body and enquire how its characters got into the germ was to view the sequence from the wrong end : the proper starting point is the germ .
24 But having got into the routine of taking three teaspoonfuls in a cup of water three times a day , because she felt it ‘ gave her energy to keep her going ’ , she became really addicted and unable to cope without a regular fix .
25 I had got into the habit of tensing up my left leg which I probably did , initially , when I had my accident .
26 The problem , in those who hyperventilate , is that they have got into the habit of breathing faster all the time .
27 This footbridge was however at the other end of the platform , and most passengers got into the habit of going to the station exit across the tracks despite the standard railway warnings not to do so .
28 So , after some discussion , Gay went home with the board and Sausage , while Breeze got into the big cream-coloured car .
29 ( This will be easier if you have got into the habit of keeping a simple appointments diary . )
30 Next morning the gale frustrated attempts to use fireships against those which had got into the Vilaine but , in attempting to evade its pursuers , the Soleil Royal was forced on to an offshore shoal and burned by her own crew .
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