Example sentences of "get out [prep] " in BNC.

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31 Mick , who seemed to have disappeared , got out of the driving seat of the leader 's car and a young attractive French woman emerged from the passenger side to stretch her legs .
32 Some find it hard to make a decision because they 've got out of the habit or they no longer see the need .
33 It could be they have got out of the way of doing things that they used to enjoy .
34 As I entered the committee room from the standard uncarpeted passage , I was given a friendly and businesslike handshake by the chairman , Lord Franks , who had courteously got out of his chair to greet his witness — an unfailing politeness that I gather he extended to every other witness .
35 Two people got out of her compartment , but three more got in , so things were worse instead of better .
36 The girl who was driving smiled at Roger and pulled up , and she and her brother got out of the car .
37 ‘ You have never got out of the childish habit of trying to do several things at once , ’ Sally had said to her once ; Sally , so cool , so contained , so efficient she sometimes made Harriet feel as if she were still a child , though of course she would never admit it .
38 We had no sooner got out of the supermarket 's doors than the wee imp said he was tired and I must carry him to the car .
39 This not merely scattered them but wreaked havoc on the transports which had got out of harbour ; 12 were sunk of which seven went down with all on board .
40 A small figure was seated beside the trainer and it was only when the two men got out of the car and walked briskly towards them that Kelly saw that it was Cy McCray .
41 You 've only just got out of bed ,
42 Innes Westmacott recorded in his diary : ‘ Was called at 0400hrs. and got out of bed with great effort …
43 He and Kenneth started conversing using no fewer than five-syllable words before he 'd even got out of the car , and have been rabbiting happily like two philatelists over a rare collection .
44 By this time the youngest member of the family , an eight-year-old boy , had got out of bed and was clinging to the bannisters at the bottom of the stairs .
45 ‘ If there is a particularly nasty piece of business to be got out of the way , a quick dose of this will bring it to a head quickly .
46 ‘ There was no way I could have got out of the car when I saw the lorry coming towards me , ’ Adam , 26 , said yesterday .
47 ‘ There was no way I should have got out of that with just a scratch and a few bruises .
48 A second police spokesman said the drama was simply a domestic incident which had got out of control .
49 Some perfect and well scarred nut slots protect a tricky move into the final groove , which is bridged pleasantly to the top , always assuming your rope drag has not got out of control .
50 The first two weekends of the 1977 season were for Mario anyway marred by accidents : in Argentina the nose-mounted fire extinguisher exploded , and in Brazil he found himself sitting in a pool of petrol and got out of the car while it was still moving just as his cockpit went up in flames .
51 What kept her from coming down to bathe and witness the enjoyment her child got out of being on the seashore ?
52 Your life has been incredibly successful , and you 've got out of it exactly what you wanted for your highest good .
53 Dad was not prepared to stand any more and got out of the chair into which he had just flopped .
54 Wait until the driver or the passenger has got out of the car and , as they approach you , quickly reverse back down the road so that you are out of their reach and have room to manoeuvre .
55 Yesterday morning Harriet had got out of bed and made herself ready to go hunting behind those upstairs windows .
56 AN ENTIRE village football team was arrested when victory celebrations got out of hand .
57 The charges arose from an incident in Cypress Road , Witham , on January 19 last year when three men got out of a car and set about Mr Hawes .
58 He had let out a number of slow deep breaths as if he had got out of a tight corner , but no sooner had he entered the room again than Lizzie said , ‘ Does Maggie know of this ? ’
59 She would run and hide as her parents ' altercations so often got out of hand with plates crashing and books thrown .
60 But Ma Katz had got out of her rocking chair , and the preacherman had stared at her through the mummy 's glass eyes .
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