Example sentences of "so [that] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So that put the damper on gigs for a bit .
2 They reckoned then that anything in the river would have been sent half way across to Norway so that put paid to that search .
3 So that put an end to that … no more dances down at Cotherstone for me .
4 So that put the equals underneath so H so the chlorine and the N H four chlorine has got one spare one
5 Zooming is carried out by repeating pixel values , so that zooming by a factor of four implies that each pixel value in the memory bank or banks is repeated four times , and each line of the image is also repeated four times .
6 I think that 's what Mr 's moved as an amendment , and I 'm happy to accept that , so that forms part of
7 So that represents that amount there .
8 So that sounds as if you favour the idea of selling off shares .
9 It is this too which causes me personally to be deeply resentful of the practice so prevalent in the mass of fiscal and planning legislation of relegating provisions of real substance to Schedules which are sometimes cross-referenced between one another , so that construing the statute becomes a sort of verbal jigsaw puzzle that can only be solved by laying out numerous copies of the Act open at different pages or by the judicious use of more fingers than the number with which nature has been pleased to endow us .
10 As time passed , and the cost of making new recordings has increased , so that prophesy of about 1953 has been proved right .
11 So that fits in quite well I could n't remember what I was doing on Monday but we said , sort of tentatively Monday would be probably quite a good day I think .
12 so that pushes the legs fo closer together , do you see ?
13 It 's not quite the pressure , I mean I always find those two pages which is facts and that 's it but that 's the new dimension to it so that helps a lot .
14 A new contract between Equity and the IPA came into force during 1979 which meant that ‘ repeat ’ fees — the fees paid to an artist for each showing of a commercial — were increased fourfold , so that repeat fees for one actor for a fairly heavily used commercial could reach £20000 a year .
15 Radiotherapy often relieves pain that is untreatable with laser , and may give better long term control so that repeat laser procedures are required less often .
16 Over three-quarters of the taxable imports into England came through the port of London , so that collecting the London duties provided a chance to become very rich ; this was how Sir Thomas 's father had gained his fortune and his title of ‘ Customer ’ Smith .
17 So that told us that we had better get a full-scale defence working immediately . ’
18 Bienvida had red hair when she was born but later on it turned dark , so that told her very little .
19 We had a large factory at Bournville employing about ten thousand people and there were a great many incentive payment schemes , so that became my job .
20 Yes , so that became the the fire prevention suite , erm and erm still is the fire prevention suite , erm and is well used now again , almost bursting , I should think er with increasing staff and , and work which seems to come each year .
21 So that seemed conclusive . ’
22 So that seemed to me to be all right . ’
23 Thus , writing C for the capacitance of C 1 in parallel with C 2 and eliminating between the two equations or where , and In terms of partial fractions it is convenient to express the Laplace transform of I 2 as so that taking the inverse Laplace transformation where Note that and are both positive and real since and The latter result follows because From equation ( 11.51 ) the time dependence of the output voltage is given by But when assuming capacitor C 2 is uncharged initially .
24 However , as we shall see , it is necessary to recognise several ‘ lesser ’ semantic roles besides the central one of being a semantic constituent , so that to deny semantic constituency to an element is not necessarily to deny it any semantic role whatsoever : the ‘ negative emotive force ’ can , in fact , be accommodated .
25 I see , so that measures the speed of them across the screen this way you can time it .
26 And I said oh it 's so and so that gets all the profit .
27 the chances are he 's gon na be even more of a nutter retaliating harder so that gets me .
28 Anyway , so that gets back to the thing over policy .
29 So that becomes submediant .
30 So that becomes H so the value of that
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