Example sentences of "so [adv] see " in BNC.

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1 It had taken on the private circulating libraries and won , but in winning the battle it lost a war , perhaps even the war that Gladstone so acutely saw they were fighting .
2 I believe the lemon accentuated the tart , refreshing character of the beer , and I am sorry that it is so rarely seen in Germany today .
3 To be here , alone in the Highland night , and to witness the flight of these marvellous creatures , so shy , so rarely seen
4 A collection so rarely seen as a compact whole , provided many with an eye opener as to the quality and range of the work housed in the University corridors and offices .
5 This is lost soon after laying commences in April or early May — which is a shame , because most people visit the sea-bird colonies in summer , and so rarely see a shag in all its glory .
6 It was not until the last hymn that Ianthe happened to turn her head slightly and not so much see him as become conscious that he was sitting behind her and presumably had been throughout the service .
7 Since last year , homosexuals — so long seen as the weak link — can join the secret services .
8 In serving the interest of some rather than all , the 1988 Education Reform Act may come to be judged as an impediment to the creation of that equality of outcomes so long seen as an essential right of all citizens .
9 Though not so easily seen from the east , the tops of some caravans are visible from the road climbing from Amroth Castle to Marros .
10 Again , I am amazed that I accomplished the job so quickly seeing that most of the work was done at weekends .
11 In the circumstances , hotel use was clearly a good second best , as it meant that the staterooms could be used for functions and so still seen by the public .
12 Although I can recall so clearly seeing my father off to the war , and even more clearly the Zeppelin , the mid-twenties are not so clear .
13 Written by John Martin Robinson , it traces the progress of the Temple family , whose political ideas and ambitions are so clearly seen in the gardens and buildings they created at Stowe .
14 The works of painters such as Jackson Pollock and Mark Rothko show the same ability to leap the boundaries between the space of the painting and that which the audience occupies , so clearly seen in the Nymphéas paintings in the marmottan Museum .
15 Conversely , examining the situation of lone mothers , where the consequences of the economic inequalities between men and women are so clearly seen , also casts light upon the nature and causes of these inequalities .
16 As Arnold himself so clearly saw , ‘ a society formed exclusively of boys , that is of elements each separately weak and imperfect , becomes more than an aggregate of their several defects ; the amount of evil in the mass is greater than the sum of evil in the individuals ’ .
17 What chance could their love have when he so clearly saw it as something fragile , ephemeral ?
18 I could so clearly see her coming between you and me , between us and our poetry , and I felt furiously jealous and unhappy but tried not to show it .
19 Brunel of course was deeply involved in the completion stage of the massive ‘ Great Eastern ’ — the largest ship the world had so far seen , and could not devote quite as much time to the project as the others .
20 ‘ Activity' seems to be one car — all I see as I meander my way through the hills above the lonely hamlet of Núpur. beyond it is the biggest fish-drying frame I have so far seen , with overflow fish hung on a wire fence alongside .
21 What I had so far seen of Binbrook held no charms for me — it was bare , isolated , and I did n't really want to seek out yet another Met Office with another set of people to get to know , now that the war was over , and there was no reason that I could see for us to continue plotting charts and reading instruments .
22 When Ruth went down to the lower deck it was a hive of activity , with the strangest thing she had so far seen taking place .
23 It is the only card he has left in a game which has so far seen her win every hand .
24 Here our itinerary takes us along the new section of the road , rather surprisingly signposted to Fort William , and brings us to the first railway so far seen , at Strathcarron Station .
25 In between projects allowing such personal statements as this , of course , Jordan has also worked increasingly in Hollywood , where he 's so far seen High Spirits cut to shreds and We 're No Angels ignored .
26 So it is that , despite much talk of changing the electoral system and the laws on financing political parties , Japan has so far seen no Italianate reaction to corruption scandals .
27 Next day we went ashore near Kapp Lee on Edgeøya , and had a long walk up through Rosenbergdalen , a fine valley which was much more vegetated than any we had so far seen .
28 All the freestanding statues we have so far seen have been quiet .
29 Kind he might be , although it seemed improbable from what she had so far seen of him , but Sally-Anne wanted nothing from men , neither kindness … nor love … nor anything .
30 Though you journey so far to see their ancient endeavours .
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