Example sentences of "so [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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31 So rather than covering entire platforms , we may use a design at a focal point within a station , but not where it clashes with the operational side of things . ’
32 It allowed me to work for up to a minute or so rather than seconds , as with a sable , before reloading .
33 This circuit is meant to be adapted to your specific needs , so rather than call it ‘ The Lakeland Way ’ or anything as horrendous as that , I would rather call it something antiquated like : ‘ Notes Towards a Considered Circular Pedestrian Peregrination Amongst some of the Major Fells and Dales of the County of Cumbria ’ , but it is hardly a working title .
34 So rather than sit at the counter and do it they they have rooms which you can go to and erm get interviewed
35 So rather than you going well on this nice question , and you could you could have done it and picked up
36 By its nature , metaphysics almost never provides us with certainties ; so rather than bother with it , most people ’ believe ’ what to them seems most plausible .
37 So rather than cause er an incident there and then , I informed my partner to follow them back to wherever they went , which time I got on the radio back to control , that we required the police and the fire brigade .
38 So rather than B5 — which would change to be C5 when copied one cell to the right — we use $B5 so that the reference to the project in column B remains fixed .
39 So rather than use the other terms which have been suggested to describe this variety , such as " black Cockney " , " black London English " , " British Black English " , which suggest a specifically black " ethnolect " , Hewitt prefers to talk of the " local multi-racial vernacular " .
40 Rather than the last meeting , it was just a couple of days after the last meeting , so rather than wait until now , I circulated all the papers I 'd got .
41 So rather than have er two cars plus a company car I just sold my car .
42 So rather than produce a simple double sided sheet or
43 Yes erm , we 've actually linked with a firm of independent mortgage brokers erm so rather than being tied to a particular building society as most estate agents are erm what they will do is they 'll shop around and tell you which lenders are offering the best terms and particularly good schemes at any one time erm , it 's literally free information they simply phone you up and say get some idea of what your salary is and what your requirements are and then they 'll send through some information for you .
44 As you know Mr Mayor , we are inside the chamber , do n't believe in spending any more than is absolutely necessary in any part of any budget so rather than spend any extra money we are proposing an extra twenty thousand be taken out of the public conveniences budget .
45 So rather than pay nine pounds ninety pence it 's claimed that many lorry drivers take a detour through gloucester , then heading back down the A48 through Newhnam .
46 ‘ I played the best round of golf I 've ever played to get into the play-off , so rather than feeling disappointed I 'm feeling very confident . ’
47 It 's just , I I you know , we were there and we 'd sort of gone past so rather than reverse
48 So rather than
49 I mean , what we 're trying to do in the visual arts is to spend what limited money we have to produce a better situation for the visual artist and for the public who gets pleasure and enlightenment from visual arts than exists at the moment , so rather than just prop up the status quo , which is what is would be very easy to do if one just kept the pot boiling so to speak by giving a few grants to artists here and sitting at the centre of a spider 's web in Tunbridge Wells waiting for applications to come in to us and then responding .
50 If a horse shies , he is fundamentally ignoring the rider 's inside leg , so rather than worrying about the horse shying , it is more important to concentrate on exercises which make the horse move away from the leg such as leg-yield , shoulder-in , enlarging and decreasing the circle .
51 In response to this request he gave them the Lord 's Prayer , in which we pray first of all for God Himself , that all may know him and revere Him , that his mile may be extended over all , and that his will , so right and good and loving , may be done on earth , as it is by angels , prophets and saints in heaven .
52 For a bet , he had once broken into the flat where a certain Vice-Questore was entertaining a lady friend and removed the couple 's clothes so stealthily that the Vice-Questore thought something supernatural must have occurred and came over all religious for a while .
53 Within Bield one survey showed that half of those tenants who moved on to further care from sheltered housing did so wholly or primarily for mental health reasons .
54 Do species have to be maintained so uniformly and tidily , so predictably , as if they were part of a genetic card index ?
55 Do species have to be maintained so uniformly and tidily , so predictably , as if they were part of a genetic card index ?
56 So somewhere that was violently and destroyed out of revenge .
57 As has been previously noted he gave much attention to the unique colour of the Cumbrian mountains and this he combined with the sunlight and shadows falling on the hills so skilfully that it is possible for an observer with local knowledge , to tell the warmth of the sun or the time of day.Just as the mountains give colour to the lakes , so in turn do they reflect the colours of the sky .
58 He embalmed a child in 1717 so skilfully that he deceived Peter the Great , who thought the infant was alive yet in a state of normal repose .
59 All agreed to this , and then another knight , Sir Peter de la Mare , who was the Earl of March 's steward , summed up the debate so skilfully that he was chosen by the commons to speak on their behalf before the lords .
60 The burrows of these robber wasps are usually concealed so skilfully that few other animals are able to find them and rob them .
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