Example sentences of "so [conj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The language of section 20(1) ( iv ) ( b ) is wide enough to cover larceny by a bailee or part owner and embezzlement ; but it is a matter of dispute whether it does so or whether it is limited to those types of misappropriation , originally not criminal , for which the Act of 1901 was intended to provide .
2 That this has not come about indicates either that everyone benefits from the system — which pluralist writers show is patently not so or that the democratic and neutral state is in fact nothing of the sort and that the scope for reform is severely limited .
3 It also has a residual power to make an appointment if the child has sufficient understanding to give instructions himself and wishes to do so or if it considers that it would be in the child 's best interests to be legally represented ( s41(3) ( 4 ) ( a ) and ( b ) ) .
4 9.13 Tenant 's property If after the Tenant has vacated the Premises on the expiry of the Term any property of the Tenant remains in or on the Premises and the Tenant fails to remove it within [ 7 ] days after being requested in writing by the Landlord to do so or if after using [ its ] best endeavours the Landlord is unable to make such a request to the Tenant within [ 14 ] days from the first attempt so made by the Landlord :
5 Harpin does , incidentally , offer working definitions for sentence division in a text that has multiple coordination ( i.e. strings of clauses joined by and or and so or and then ) which is , of course , a highly typical feature of the writing of children in junior schools .
6 so will there be a game and if so where and shall i pack my football shoes in my luggage — im leaving home ( over here in even colder ( -5 C ) norway ) ) in just a couple of hours so it would have been nice to know .
7 A term is not implied , however , merely because it appears reasonable to do so nor if it is contrary to an express term .
8 What has happened over the course of this century has been an improvement in people 's states of fitness at particular ages so that whereas at the beginning of the century people in their sixties were regarded as being old , it is clear that people who survive into their sixties are now mainly , as is described below , generally quite fit .
9 Quite new kinds of research were opened up , so that whereas the static kind of classifying was a rather sterile tradition , Darwinism presented an attractive research programme .
10 One such fundamental difference is that between fine art at one end of the spectrum and design at the other ; this has been defined in terms of objectives , so that whereas in design one is working towards a defined goal with aims that are clear from the outset , in fine art there may be no defined goal other than satisfying the artist 's inner demands .
11 Music has a time-span which is very different from that of speech — it spreads words into another time dimension , so that whereas a writer has to ‘ pad out ’ his thoughts to give his words extra body , such padding becomes burdensome in music — unwanted material we could well do without .
12 Taylor and Urquhart observe that , for the great majority of research materials , use of an item declines rapidly about three years after publication , so that after this period any book has an equally low chance of being used .
13 The shape of a storage pot , for example , does not remain static — as copies are made , tiny errors inadvertently change its shape — so that after many such consecutive copies , the pot 's shape may appear significantly different from the first one .
14 Erm I 've got a Mercury account at home and I 've got it set up so that after the Mercury number you type in a user code , and one of my user codes is for the business .
15 She radiated tension and embarrassment , so that after the meal Clare went immediately to watch TV in the sitting room , Sue took the children to bed and Bryony went out to a meeting .
16 If you join us you will be trained to City & Guilds standards , the same as in the hotel and catering industry , so that after initial training you will be as highly qualified as a quality commis chef in civilian life .
17 Eliot now tended to be interested in anthropology mainly when it contributed to a Christian perspective , so that while he would maintain that ‘ the actual religion of no European people has ever been purely Christian , or purely anything else ’ since ‘ There are always bits and traces of more primitive faiths , more or less absorbed ’ , he became more and more interested in relating such faiths to Christian problems .
18 Rinse additive systems work by having a sensor linked to the rinse cycle actuator so that while rinse water is being pumped a metered dose of rinse additive is delivered .
19 So that while the true cost of the manual detergent may be cheaper from one supplier the cost of the degreaser may be more expensive .
20 These governments are formed from different parties , each with different views on national and local issues , so that while each government operates a form of censorship over the media it controls , such censorship does not necessarily block the free flow of information .
21 Thus , if we operate on traditional assumptions about the nature of law we are left with a political strategy in relation to international law which assumes either that law is effective ( by definition ) or that it is potentially effective ( so that while it may not deserve the name ‘ law ’ it is at least potentially deserving of that description ) .
22 They will take approximately a week to reach this stage , so that while any traces remaining in a carpet could give rise to problems , a solid floor can be easily disinfected to kill them before this stage is reached .
23 The interviews were carried out some time after the abuse had been established , so that while all had been on the child abuse register only half were still on the register when interviewed .
24 The most worrying aspect of all , for Corby , however , was that many parents felt they were kept in the dark about what was happening , so that while there were exceptions , and in some cases social workers had gone to great lengths to explain the system and the likely outcomes , in two cases the parents were not aware until later in the process that they and their children were the subjects of child abuse investigations .
25 Waking saccadic or tracking eye movements are faster when the eye has farther to travel , so that while an eye movement over 5 degrees is completed after about 60 milliseconds , so is a movement over 10 degrees .
26 Repetition is likewise the musician practising her scales until she can be consistent every time , so that while she performs she can think about the music itself rather than the individual notes .
27 I had become so eidetically adept that I could make these phantom partners mutate in mid-thrust , so that while I might penetrate a swivel-hipped virgin , clean and childishly scented , I would come in the flabby , dentureless , food-flecked mouth of an octogenarian .
28 And strange to say , it had coal fires in the winter , huge coal fires to keep it warm , or attempt to do , and most of the classrooms were only divided by portable partitions so that while we went from class to class as the two or three years went by , it really was in one long building and quite adequate for the time .
29 His lips were red and full and soft , like an overripe fruit with the juices bursting through the skin — a fruit turned , and just beyond its best , so that while the outer layers remained fresh and moist , just beneath would be the beginning of soft over-sweetness .
30 By then , not merely was much more known about light , heat , electricity and magnetism , but the knowledge was unified with a powerful theoretical structure , so that while chemistry had seemed the fundamental science to many at the beginning of the century , by the end of it there was little doubt that this position belonged to physics .
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