Example sentences of "so much as " in BNC.

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1 In Search of a Past affects not to be written at all — so much as researched , recorded and compiled .
2 Despite its title , and for all Fraser 's grave and civil investigative demeanour , the book does not exhibit this past as something to be searched for , uncovered , so much as something which is unfindable , interminable .
3 Having worked on interview panels with the now defunct ILEA I can say that the object has not been to block the drama school selection so much as to see that the grant is well justified .
4 If you so much as parked on a yellow line they stuffed a mortgage application under your windscreen wipers .
5 The new Lady Woodleigh looked as if she might take her riding-crop to him if he so much as uttered another word .
6 ‘ You heard so much as I did , Miss Buckley .
7 There was another rustle of branches as the buffalo ran off without so much as another snort .
8 It is n't a lack of the amorous , perhaps , so much as it is a completely different sense of the amorous to that which post-Christian man contains , to that which … the likes of Duncan , say , or myself may feel .
9 Listening to the first day 's proceedings , I found myself not transported into the future so much as revisiting the past .
10 Not surprisingly , in their rush they were disinclined to hump mounds of electrical equipment into the west with them , and would now find themselves without so much as a guitar string to their name , were it not for the warm-hearted generosity of the British thrash metal community .
11 We are not concerned with any bridges being built in South Africa so much as ensuring that our own are not destroyed .
12 Even the bars and foyers are reminiscent of nothing so much as an airport lounge , an impression reinforced by the tannoy announcements of five , three and one minute calls for Casablanca .
13 What is simultaneously acknowledged and denied is that ‘ wholesomeness ’ is not invaded from without so much as corrupted from within .
14 Rather I cite it here as a historical antecedent whose very strangeness alerts us to several facts relevant to what follows : first , and most obviously , that sexual difference is not a biological given so much as a complex ideological history ; second , that current theories of sexual difference are of relatively recent origin , and quite probably still haunted by older views , including this one ; third , it suggests that ‘ before ’ sexual difference the woman was once ( and may still be ) feared in a way in which the homosexual now is — feared , that is , not so much , or only , because of a radical otherness , as because of an interior resemblance presupposing a certain proximity ; the woman then , as the homosexual in modern psychoanalytic discourse , is marked in terms of lesser or retarded development .
15 At the same time , and as we have already seen , ‘ homophobia ’ is an inadequate term to describe all this since what is at issue is not personal phobia so much as the recurrence in mutated form of structures integral to cultural identity and social formation .
16 But seen from within , they appear to be like nothing so much as a mirror-image of the Elizabethan world picture : a little world , tightly organised into its own ranks and with its own rules , as rigid in its own way as the most elaborate protocol at court or ritual in church .
17 Thus his erotic imagining of the usurping male is not the eruption of repressed homosexual desire so much as the fantasized , fearful convergence of identification and desire , precipitated by an actual convergence of their respective objects .
18 Not then — to recall my point of departure in the previous chapter — knowing thyself , so much as knowing thy discursive formations — knowing them in the process of living but also inverting them ; reinscribing oneself within , succumbing to , and demystifying them .
19 A principal medium of transgressive reinscription is fantasy — but again , not the fantasy of transcendence so much as the inherently perverse , transgressive reordering of fantasy 's conventional opposite , the mundane .
20 Fantastic literature ‘ does not introduce novelty , so much as uncover all that needs to remain hidden if the world is to be comfortably ‘ known' ’ …
21 Making all due allowance for the return of historical tragedy as farce , watching this soporific monolith of the virtuous rise out of the debris of a liberating movement is akin to nothing so much as witnessing Bureaucracy emerge from the ashes of Revolution .
22 For reasons best known to the fuel companies , the Gulf crisis never turned into an oil crisis , although petrol prices generally leap up and down quicker than a Tory backbencher during a Neil Kinnock speech if a dealer on the Amsterdam spot market so much as sneezes over his computer screen .
23 Scarcely pausing for thought , she sat herself down at the keyboard and , without so much as a sheet of music to look at , launched into Rachmaninov 's Second Piano Concerto , blushing deeply to the round of spontaneous applause .
24 For while your granny may have been content to envelope herself in a cloud of ‘ Tweed ’ each and every morning of her life — never daring to deviate from her ‘ trademark ’ perfume for so much as tea with the vicar — most of us , today , possess a positive wardrobe of perfumes to play with .
25 Giorgio Armani wears navy , beige and more navy — punctuated with the occasional white T-shirt — and he has built an empire on the principle that nothing becomes a woman so much as every shade of sludge on the mud flats .
26 As one is encouraged to endorse broad humanitarian concerns , one is also expected to respond not so much to specific songs or artists so much as to generic types of music .
27 It was n't so much as how to achieve a new social order , but how can I ensure that my son or daughter gets a better job than I did .
28 It was n't so much as how to achieve a new social order , but how can I ensure that my son or daughter gets a better job than I did .
29 Like other fellow scribblers whose squiggles seriously abuse the very title ‘ shorthand notebook ’ , I have nevertheless been generously given hours , sometimes even days , by sportsmen happy enough to rabbit on without so much as a penny piece being mentioned .
30 Like other fellow scribblers whose squiggles seriously abuse the very title ‘ shorthand notebook ’ , I have nevertheless been generously given hours , sometimes even days , by sportsmen happy enough to rabbit on without so much as a penny piece being mentioned .
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