Example sentences of "so at the " in BNC.

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1 My full interview seemed to go reasonably smoothly so at the end of it I asked how long would it take for my money to come through .
2 Another thing , sociology would seem to be saying that those who have wealth and do well do so at the expense of the poor unfortunate .
3 The American Secretary of State , John Foster Dulles , practically said so at the Amsterdam meeting .
4 He told her so at the very end .
5 If you are scoring the tests yourself , rather than getting the computer to do it for you , then always do so at the same time of day — otherwise there would be variability due to time-of-day effects upon your scoring ability .
6 There was , of course , first and absolutely foremost , the need to keep on jumping , and to do so at the very highest level ; a need which Fräulein Silber emphasised repeatedly .
7 But assuming Collor 's Brazil makes it into the ranks of the developed world , it will do so at the lowest level of eligibility , on a par with the East European countries .
8 However , the world 's preponderance of very poor people want to get richer as quickly as they can and are probably not too concerned if they do so at the expense of the environment .
9 Joshua 6 ends with a curse pronounced over the charred corpses of the city 's inhabitants , promising anyone who might rebuild the city that he will do so at the cost of the lives of his own children .
10 He did so at the last moment when the Unionists agreed not to oppose Henderson .
11 If it sounds funny now , it was not so at the time .
12 So to the middle-aged man who came up to me in the car park and confessed that in the fifth form he had been silently in love with me — why did n't he say so at the time ?
13 That brand of it is an offshoot of the United States v Europe confrontation which has been fuelled by the Ryder Cup and spilled over now into major championships , potentially the more so at the Masters where the winners for the past four years have been British .
14 We have no way of knowing how much wider support this view would command among other birth parents so at the moment it remains a hypothesis for further testing , that is. :
15 Perhaps because they were the first in the field , or more probably for deeply rooted socio-political reasons , the classicists have never been seriously challenged — theories have come and theories have gone but the belief in the control function of management has remained — even more so at the level of practice than of theory , although at that level , some insights can be gained .
16 If teachers and the head are in the playground for five minutes or so before the bell and if parents know that they will be welcome in classrooms for ten minutes or so at the end of both morning and afternoon sessions then good routines will be established and easily maintained .
17 He was on good terms with Marcus , content to know both that they would talk again , and that it was impossible to do so at the moment .
18 If a meme is to dominate the attention of a human brain , it must do so at the expense of ‘ rival ’ memes .
19 I said so at the time , did n't I , Kathleen ? ’
20 It has done so at the expense of sharp cuts in living standards and in expenditure on its long-established system of social services and free education .
21 In addition , pairs usually breed at Bracklesham Bay , Aldingbourne gravel pits , the Crumbles , and Normans Bay , and up to nine pairs do so at the Midrips .
22 So at the end of their dancing career many tried desperately to hang on to the fringes of the theatre world as did matron Daisy Woodworth .
23 I suppose it was good for us , but we did n't think so at the time .
24 But , says his co-worker Dr David Morgan , if Allison thought that this was due to the production of free-oxygen radicals , ‘ He certainly did not say so at the time . ’
25 The University of Munich has nearly 45 000 and Berlin 's free University has more than 47 000 , with another 25 000 or so at the Technical University there .
26 Murdoch Macleod was born in Edinburgh and educated at Donaldson 's Hospital after which he was apprenticed to an Edinburgh tailoring firm , but this existence did not meet with his taste for adventure , so at the age of 19 he embarked on a steamer from Southampton to South Africa in 1892 .
27 Precociously talented pianist Hancock ( b. 1940 ) played Mozart 's D major Concerto with the Chicago SO at the age of eleven and was a key member of the Miles Davis Quintet at 23 .
28 I said so at the time , if you remember .
29 But for the last twenty years , and increasingly so at the moment , quick profits are what the rainforests are all about .
30 If you wish to apply for such a pass , please do so at the time or order , giving the following details and indicate whether or not your order is dependent on the allocation of a Vehicle Pass : Date required , Vehicle registration number , Vehicle type , Drivers ’ name or organisation , Number of persons with disabilities and total number of passengers .
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