Example sentences of "so do [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 So d' ya think it 'll be quite good then ?
2 So d' you think you could tip her the wink an' tell her I 've got back early ?
3 So d' you reckon wo n't have any ?
4 So you I mean do you so do you do you go to jumble sales at all or ?
5 So done it , that 's got rid of that problem .
6 By so doing they colluded in the evils that they would have wished to remedy had they faced them fair and square .
7 In so doing they legitimated and endorsed the status quo , and fulfilled an ideological function of agent of disguised social control .
8 In so doing they will be building on their earlier writing experiences which should have given them a positive view of themselves as writers who are capable of making and receiving meanings using a variety of forms depending on audience and purpose .
9 The Jews had to accept the fact that Gentiles could become Christians and that in so doing they did not have to come to Christ via Jewish cultural conditioning .
10 The results supported his view that in recall people make an ‘ effort after meaning ’ and in so doing they make characteristic changes to their recall .
11 ( I had better say now that readers who identify the I of the Sonnets with Shakespeare 's own personality not only encourage that futility of speculation about the identity of a real-life ‘ Friend ’ and ‘ Dark Lady ’ which has pestered discussions of these poems for so long , and is now in the last stages of senility ; but in so doing they also destroy one of the essential principles of literary criticism in modern times , the independence of the I in lyric poetry , its existence as a persona or mask behind which the poet is free to impersonate any human situation without being identified with each or all of the mutations — often contradictory — taken on by his persona . )
12 In the light of our discussion in Chapter 2 , it could be argued that in so doing they failed to get to the root of the problem .
13 The argument runs that individuals should enjoy the liberty to pursue their own interests and preferences , provided that in so doing they avoid harm to the interests of others .
14 At the same time , in their attempts to rearticulate these basic issues , feminists necessarily take over and use philosophical concepts already available — and in so doing they may import , entailed or entangled in apparently neutral concepts , implications which reiterate and reinforce the assumptions that are being challenged .
15 They could not give the impression that they doubted the validity of their king 's claim to the crown of France , for by so doing they would have thrown doubt upon the symbolic and legal importance of Henry VI 's French coronation , rendering illegal the very authority ( the royal one ) upon which the validity of the grants made to Englishmen ( and others ) in Normandy depended .
16 In so doing they are free to apply ‘ a margin of appreciation ’ based upon local knowledge of the needs of the society to which they belong : see The Sunday Times v. United Kingdom ( 1979 ) 2 E.H.R.R. 245 and Lingens v. Austria ( 1986 ) 8 E.H.R.R. 407 .
17 In so doing they do not usurp the legislative function .
18 The solution is to recruit managers who are more talented than themselves , but in so doing they risk losing decision-making power and may ultimately put their own positions in danger .
19 The judges then must decide how to interpret the statute and by so doing they define its meaning .
20 By so doing they can often make modifications which buy off subsequent opposition .
21 In so doing they join that list of people who have been called upon over and over again to sit on public committees and advisory bodies .
22 In so doing they are making reading old-fashioned , illiberal and unappealing …
23 They might sometimes be able to migrate to new areas , but in so doing they would merely threaten the existence of the original inhabitants .
24 In so doing they begin the process of explaining a phenomenon , reducing it to intelligibility ; of course , that process entails a closing of options , a setting of limits to reality , since understanding is one of the ways in which we control and circumscribe our environment .
25 By so doing they have sought to protect domestic employment , the balance of payments and so forth .
26 In so doing they served notice that , although enthusiasm would ebb and flow through the following decades , a new and fundamental fact had entered the politics of the nation .
27 In so doing they extended the problem of determining the relationship between rhetoric and reality into the early barbarian period .
28 Einhard 's criticism that the late Merovingians travelled around in ox-carts ignored the fact that in so doing they were copying late Roman provincial governors , who used this means of transport to ensure that they were accessible to petitioners .
29 They should only regulate the mix of house types when there are specific planning reasons for such control , and in so doing they should take particular account of marketing considerations .
30 So we made these tests more complex in order to increase their relevance , but in so doing we produced tests which were so sophisticated as not to be widely available due to cost and personnel requirements , and which began to show some of the problems found when we measured performance ‘ on-site ’ .
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