Example sentences of "so he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So he persuades his man with a natural talent for the proper administration of worldly affairs that to neglect this because of a preoccupation with spiritual meditation could be unwise .
2 Leslie reckoned that he would be in no more danger in the S.A.S. than in the Parachute Regiment : or so he persuaded himself .
3 So he persuaded himself , for it made his own sin less grievous that he was not leading her into temptation too .
4 So he declined to strike out paragraphs 11 and 13 of the prayer or to make the alternative orders that were sought .
5 So he favours ‘ stocks which have a large exposure to recovery in the UK , namely Bass and S & N ’ .
6 Linear , realistic plot is inseparable from the forces of law and order to him , and so he seizes every opportunity to cut across the plot-sequence with digressions , ‘ Cowgirl Interludes ’ , commentaries and even a recipe .
7 After American troops joined the Allied occupation of Iran , he observed that American policies were independent of both Britain and Russia and so he appealed to President Roosevelt for help .
8 So he produced 18 the following year and , by 1991 , that figure had reached 15,000 .
9 So he reasons that a foam blown with this natural surfactant could be effortlessly breathed .
10 Bakewell bred not only for meat but for as much tallow as possible and in doing so he improved the Longhorn but at the same time destroyed its future prospects .
11 So he understands .
12 And you , you so he understands after he 's sent you this ?
13 So he formulated three conditions :
14 So he takes her outside and tries to rape her and the other one comes up with a gun and she says let her go .
15 New things had happened , the spread of the scientific temper , erm reasonably effective and cheap methods of contraception , the emancipation of women due to the development of industry , the decay of Christianity , all these various factors made the old conception of marriage out of date , and so he takes it in hand , he pillories it , and he suggests new possibilities , of which one seems to be nowadays obtaining favour , that 's trial marriage , i.e. that people should experiment with living together erm so long as they do n't intend at that stage to have children , before they finally decide to marry and settle down .
16 And so he ignored her ‘ no ’ and ended with , ‘ So you see , I know why you do n't want to work .
17 And so he drove Boy back to where he lived .
18 So he drove himself away again .
19 So he rowed out to sea in his little boat , and for three days he neither ate nor fished , but let the tides carry him where they would .
20 they had bought the house , erm in erm North Uphall , a big mansion like , you know , and er , he had the business in the , he built the business in the stables , there was like the stables so he renovated and got it , it out and renovated and made a business er engineering business , er , oh , hatch , like with the house and they only paid er seventy eight thousand when they bought it and then when they 've sold it they 've got about three hundred and eighty thousand for that and he er , hire , hired now the , you know these units
21 And so he calmed his guests and persuaded them to return to their rooms .
22 And so he deserves
23 So he forms a little investment company , B , and exchanges his shares in A for shares in B. No capital gains tax at that stage .
24 So he passed over and the trumpets sounded for him on the other side . ’
25 So he helps a hell of a lot .
26 So he phones the Newleys to try to arrange it . ’
27 So he ate his tea later and then he said to me I 'm not gon na hit him any more .
28 Well he went to someone 's house and all the eats them so he ate it .
29 So he does sometimes find it hard to throw himself out of bed ?
30 But B knows that he will catch everything going — and so he does .
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