Example sentences of "go into [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The best bet looks to be you going into a Salvation Army hostel , them sorting out your benefits , and you using the hostel as a base from which to find something else .
2 Any light fitting which is secured to a ceiling should ideally have at least one of its screws going into a joist , but where this is not possible , it is best to secure a piece of wood between the joists to take the securing screws , rather than relying on hollow wall fixings into plain plasterboard or , especially , into lath-and-plaster .
3 And , like , one policeman going into a shop , you 've a bit of a chace that on your own people will talk to you .
4 You would n't dream of going into a restaurant and just ordering ‘ a meal please ’ .
5 We paid over $50m for it , and that , for a small British company in those days going into a market where British companies had n't been notably successful , was seen as a very big commitment .
6 Going into a location ( a café ) associated with food and with pleasant , comforting eating experiences in the past .
7 Boys seem to make an effort only if they are going into a situation where they know they might meet someone they fancy , whereas lots of girls I know will put on make-up just to go to the local shop !
8 What can one write for a man who is dying , who is going into a world where there are no books , no words ?
9 Mr Ferguson added : ‘ I 'm not in the slightest bit worried about going into a derby match just before Wembley .
10 He added : ‘ We are going into a Cup semi-final .
11 I found being introduced to people individually , as they arrived , much easier than going into a room full of new babies and it was good to share experiences .
12 It can be done , though it involves going into a little detail from time to time about points of central importance , and it needs simplifications which trouble an author 's respect for exact truth and may appal an unsympathetic expert .
13 What other explanation could there possibly be for going into a shop , flicking through rails of attractive fuchsia , cobalt and aquamarine outer-garments , and saying to the assistant , ‘ Have you got any grey ones ? ’
14 It 's like going into a ninety-mile-an-hour spin on a cliff road in a Ferrari — and still not dying . ’
15 Going into a better studio with a producer makes things easier , if anything , ’ he says .
16 The League drew up a scale of reductions whereby players on £5 a week ( the maximum ) took a 15 per cent cut and these on £3–4 a 5 per cent cut , the money saved going into a fund to help clubs in financial straits .
17 Indeed , even going into a war was a welcome escape from my poorish Higher Certificate results .
18 Fears about going into a Home
19 It 's little tiny things that matter , especially at first when you 're going into a Home , they are very important .
20 I thought I was going into a different world when I entered Germany .
21 There was a long pause from my point of view , while the lights began flickering in the office and the train exceedingly slowly reversed , before stopping again and going into a sudden jerk .
22 Dad normally would n't have been out in such madness , but there he was , this grey-haired man just over five feet tall , going into a phone-box when we had a working telephone in our hall .
23 So he 'd say , ‘ I 'd like you to imagine going into a recording studio , you 've never met the band in your life , you 're going to do a session for them and you 're going to be paid very well and they 're all on Acid and they 're playing rockabilly .
24 As they opened fire the British formation broke up , Sgt. Bamberger going into a spin as the 109s disappeared back up into the sun .
25 ‘ House Of Fun ’ became the first number one hit about the problems of going into a chemist for a packet of condoms and they had plenty of other insights left in them : ‘ Blue Skinned Beast ’ , unfortunately missing from this compilation , is one of the most scathing political tunes which British pop has ever produced , the kind of thing which has completely disappeared from the contented scene of today .
26 But he ca n't resist going on a teensy-weensy shopping spree with Marlon , which involves going into a jewellers , pretending to be gay and , to divert inquiries , sneezing copiously over an assistant who is terrified they are transmitting Aids .
27 ‘ Part of a building ’ will include entering a building lawfully but then going into a part of the building as a trespasser , such as entering the private quarters in a public house which was entered lawfully in the first instance or going behind an unattended counter in a shop .
28 But his finger never pulled the trigger for he , too , felt an explosion in his chest and , as if going into a slow dive , he dropped to the earth , the gun still gripped in his hand , and as he died he heard a voice yelling , ‘ Christ !
29 For example , Skinner argues that , to the extent that the thirsty person receives a drink after going into a pub and requesting ‘ a pint of beer ’ , that behaviour , requesting a pint of beer , is reinforced .
30 A default colour palette will be displayed on the screen from which you select colours for your woolbox , rather like going into a shop , choosing cones of different colour yarns and putting them into a bag to take home !
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