Example sentences of "go on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I wan I want to see Windows going , I want to see your mouse going on Windows .
2 Okay you want to see the mouse going on Windows .
3 In what should have been a single sketch here protracted over two debilitating hours the only observable success was in managing to incite a young child in the audience to enquire with regular insistence : ‘ What 's going on Mum ? ’
4 But the organisation kept it going on principle .
5 She was lifted bodily aboard by two sailors and carried down to a panelled cabin where she and Maria Candida were to live during the voyage ; and when she had been helped out of her clothes and into simpler garments that were more suited to life on board ship , she insisted upon going on deck to watch from the aftercastle as the mariners sang at the capstan and the anchors were weighed .
6 Clifford was , in the imagery of the authors of The Unseen Universe , one of those on the voyage who remains in the engine-room seeing how it works , rather than going on deck to see where the ship is going .
7 North of the Alps he was the first prince to announce that he was going on crusade .
8 Earlier , two Labour MPs , Brian Sedgemore and Tony Banks , were escorted from the hotel by police in an attempt to prevent them presenting a petition on behalf of 23 Pergamon Press workers sacked for going on strike .
9 Most of them were refugees from East Africa living in substandard conditions and paying exorbitant rents ; for them a second income was desperately needed , and going on strike seemed a dangerous business .
10 The sight of judges and magistrates going on strike and scuffling with police outside the Palace of Justice and the recent murder of a policewoman in a riot ( June 1991 ) , as well as the regular disruption of life by numerous strikes , especially in public services , indicate that there is something seriously wrong .
11 On the other hand , an employer who dismisses a redundant employee for going on strike during his notice period will still have to make him a redundancy payment unless he serves a ‘ notice of extension ’ in accordance with the Consolidation Act requiring him to make up the time lost through the strike .
12 Then if enough information is amassed they can be sacked without the union going on strike .
13 My motivations were not as clear-cut as those of any contemporary workforce , but there is no doubt in my mind that I was going on strike in the only way I knew how to , and that in this sense Szasz is right to describe anorexia nervosa as a political problem .
14 If the profit margins of manufacturers are too drastically reduced they may move their capital from the industrial to the financial sector ; if the political power of the unions is legislated against they may make their power felt at the economic level by going on strike , or at the political level by withdrawing from established parliamentary parties and so on .
15 When 343 workers were sacked last February for going on strike over lay-offs and cuts in benefits ( 80% were women , some with 35 years of service ) , 270 others rushed to take their jobs .
16 Making war in the twelfth century was rather like going on strike in the twentieth : it was a method of exerting economic and financial pressure on your opponent — it was not intended that it should end in his death .
17 It is reported that in a large printing office in the city [ which can only be R. & R. Clark ] where there are about 100 females employed , more than 70 handed in notices to strike yesterday , while correspondingly large proportions of the females employed in other firms are said to have signified their intention of going on strike , failing a settlement .
18 There is no use going on strike for more .
19 German housewives are so fed up with their lives their 4,000-strong union is going on strike .
20 Nuclear Scientists working at the Joint European Torus project in Oxfordshire will be going on strike for the second time .
21 More than 100 porters who help carry the luggage of VIP passengers at Heathrow airport were sacked after going on strike demanding the right to be represented by a union .
22 You know , moaning about these blokes like the postman going on strike over a seven per cent rise .
23 They were talking about going on strike over it , about it anyway .
24 What they can do is refuse to answer questions , not allow MPs to speak in the House , stop people going on visits overseas .
25 Lord Christopher and I were supposed to be going on weekend leave to Paris . ’
26 That 's the skipper and commander going on board her now .
27 I suspect that in the excitement of going on board I hardly realized she was leaving me for good .
28 WINNERS of a unique schools arts competition will be going on board a gigantic new accommodation block for the North Sea oilfields being built in Middlesbrough .
29 So any anybody else that 's going on board is bored out their brains basically !
30 If this is your plan , then do not be frightened of ducking one or two sterns to get going on port .
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