Example sentences of "what [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 That 's what been trying to do .
2 How long has what been going on ?
3 In other words , his argument might be seen as an attempt to confront the common sense with the disconcerting fact that references to what are assumed to be numerically identical spatio-temporal particulars inhabiting an objective world " out there " can not be given a satisfactory justification , and consequently that one can not claim with certainty that such particulars represent the basic material of which the world is made up .
4 The reality is a lack of suitable clerical and service jobs , leading many to take what are viewed as less satisfactory alternatives in agriculture or factories .
5 It allows a relationship between professionals to develop which is unlikely to be disrupted by what are seen as more ephemeral shifts within local electoral politics .
6 However , there is a lack of fit between social order and cosmological system , and what are seen by less fortunate Balinese as gross inequalities of wealth and power serve as grounds for occasional breaches of the ‘ peaceful ’ ethic .
7 There has been a tendency generally , but particularly in the years since 1979 , to disregard what are seen as private troubles ( family poverty , poor marital relationships , isolation ) and to consider primarily public issues , e.g. dependency of lone parents on welfare benefits , reception of children into care because of homelessness or family breakdown and juvenile crime .
8 And this is related , for example , to Daly 's scorn for ‘ tokenism ’ — for those women who participate in what are seen as patriarchal institutions .
9 Constituents may be vocal in demanding what are seen as cruder and more punitive measures than their MP feels comfortable with .
10 In each case this antisexual devotion may be a defence against what are seen as insupportable responsibilities of marital sexuality and in each case the resentments and jealousies caused may reduce the satisfactions of sexual union or do away with them altogether .
11 Cases are documented where what are seen in Mathewson and Winter as potential substitutes ( territory distribution and RPM ) were used together .
12 Most policy is incremental in character , involving marginal adjustments to what has gone before , and is motivated to correct what are seen as undesirable consequences of previous policies .
13 What are seen by the public as the most depraved of men still have profound needs to express their sorrow even when , with the most damaged people , it seems to lie too deep for tears .
14 This kind of view is reasonably common in managerial literature , which attempts to come up with training and motivational techniques for dealing with conflicts which arise in what are seen as potentially ‘ conflict-free , organisations .
15 Much more problematic , in practical terms , is the resistance by public bodies to funding what are seen as subversive cliques .
16 We need to be more sensitive to the messages underlying what are seen as politically neutral questions .
17 The size and complexity of advanced industrial societies , the diversity of interests within them , the need to administer vast enterprises engaged either in production or in the provision of transport , education , health services and so on , and international rivalries and conflicts , all point to a widening sphere of state activity in legislation , administration , the legal regulation of disputes among individuals and groups , and the promotion of what are seen as national interests .
18 Too many allow themselves to be steered into what are seen as traditionally female jobs , or suffer discrimination if and when they have children .
19 This weirdo is perceived as poking around dusty old bookshops instead of the gleaming God-have-you-any- conception -what-this-refit-has-just-cost-us sort of outlet and , worse , buys secondhand books , books that have already been sold and therefore attract no income or royalties whatever ; and who might even be willing to pay up to 10 times the original cover price if the damn thing is a first edition , whereas everyone knows that first editions are merely what are given away free , for heaven 's sake , to hacks who seldom review them and — even more galling — to the bloody authors who wrote them in the first place .
20 So what are advising Graeme Hick and others with similar problems to do ?
21 In the case of the EC , however , there is still resistance to a closer union , notably by Britain , in defence of what are conceived by governments at any particular time to be ‘ national interests ’ , and even if some form of supranational political organization were eventually achieved this might result , as some critics fear , in the emergence of another power bloc in the international arena , a ‘ Fortress Europe ’ , closed in particular to the Third World .
22 Conventionally the rules should be confined to what are conceived as the exchange 's affairs .
23 Who or what are involved and how are they affected ?
24 Apparent areas of convergence , such as an ostensible focusing on the ‘ welfare of the child ’ , should not be allowed to disguise what are regarded as real differences stemming from different psychological and political assumptions underlying the two positions .
25 There are implications in all of this for what are regarded as indices of success for enforcement officials and agencies .
26 The main aim , usually , is to show that sentences containing what are regarded as bogus designators can be adequately replaced by other sentences which do not contain such designators , and hence that the " real " topic in the given instance is in fact different to what it appears to be .
27 Despite the changing character of our landscape , developments often appear to threaten what are regarded as its traditional features .
28 Who said yes , and what are enjoying about it ?
29 In 1987 , soul is no more than a packed vehicle beating a hasty retreat from what are perceived as the excesses of white modernism .
30 Although such characteristics probably do play some secondary role , we find this interpretation unconvincing and suspect that it stems from a need to make a connection with what are perceived as the relatively more ‘ attractive ’ features of psychosis , rather than with those emphasised in descriptions of schizophrenia , a concept that has taken on almost entirely negative connotations .
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