Example sentences of "go [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Now with this one the one we 've just done you do n't really know how far to go I mean I might have been going to ask erm how long has he been travelling if he 's been riding for a thousand hours .
2 I mean I think if you 're not sure whether you want whether you 'll be able to go I mean you can still you can still be a delegate then if you do go then you 're able to vote so .
3 I wo oh , I mean I with Chris if I tell her where to go I mean
4 Well I mean when we to go I mean the tourism and they were just
5 I 'm going I get to go I get another go !
6 With only one hour and 30 minutes to go I squirted out a cheap-looking burning skull design , slapped on a logo and sent the damn thing off with only minutes to spare .
7 She 's had a lot of ups and downs , Christmas , New Year 's Eve night Rudy and I went to a party , Pam 's daughter 's party , it 's her eighteenth and at quarter to twelve when they started getting ready to ring the chimes in , at midnight Wendy said I ca n't stay Joy I 'm gon na have to go I said oh alright then , I said I see you alright , are you alright ?
8 Mm , I said to Tony if we ca n't afford to go I said do n't worry about it , we might just go back down to where we went last year for a week because , it 's like I was saying to Joanne this morning , that this year they wo n't , they 're not gon na worry whether they do n't go on holiday but next year when Charlotte 's at school and got all her school mates saying oh where did you go and
9 Well , it must have been my day as with half an hour to go I had just got to the end of my swim when the float buried and the elastic shot out .
10 He went up there this year , I was up , this is true on God 's , I 'm in this chair he said , come on I 'll I 'm going now I 'm gon na get my , I had to go I had to go and get Rififi , a filly called Rififi I did .
11 Anyway , when I went to go I had to go to the desk give you a token , this token lifts the barrier up .
12 I need to go I 've got ta see her
13 ‘ I felt for a lot of years I did have a lot to lose , when there was only one way to go and that was down , and when things did n't go the way I wanted them to go I blamed others .
14 So I says , I I do n't like there I want to go I want to come back .
15 Oh , I 'm careful with the brush , I 'm careful , obviously with a brush and comb , I 'd hate to , hate to jab it well we 've got to go I suppose .
16 But er I used to go I did n't eat with the men you were n't allowed to eat with the men you see , it was only the full men that sat round this table well
17 I said to Cheryl please do n't go and invite to come to yours for dinner now and because insult us cos we 're not without him cos I 'm prepared to go I look forward to that .
18 When he got up to go I tried to tell him that I understood , that I would n't say anything if he would take me home , but he backed away out .
19 I suppose er he feels that he 's got to go I expect
20 that one was intended to go I expect yes that one was intended to go
21 That will take a long time to go I think
22 If he had to go I think that was the way he would have wanted it
23 And she was saying that 's a right bitch 's such a bitch 's such a bitch and then to she goes I like you but Shavina 's a fucking bitch .
24 Cos she goes erm she goes I told her right and she goes well you 're going to are n't you ?
25 She goes I knew Laurie for three weeks and then after that he moved in with me , in n it , like ?
26 He goes I pick it up in a bag and chuck it out the window !
27 I was going to Grant Development have come here er because they are interested in our views , er I think as far as the access goes I take your point that visibility is required , but I would imagine that that the highways department will have stipulated what is required , as they have indeed for the development next door , er where the hedge , the present hedge is going to be er set back , erm I I ca n't tell you whether , what stipulation has been made , perhaps these two gentlemen
28 And he goes I thought they were taking the micky out of me .
29 He goes I spent a lot of money on you this year Nat .
30 Yeah , and he , he 's blind , he ca n't see and he walks round it , and he goes I bet he drinks Carling Black Label
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