Example sentences of "if [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 Home care for the stroke patient may be chosen because the patient 's doctor feels that the necessary rehabilitation can be done at home , or might be best done at home ; the patient may be more comfortable , and therefore more co-operative to treatment if he remains among familiar surroundings ; he might be liable to excessive stress if parted from his close family , friends or a beloved pet ; or it may be a temporary situation , in which the patient is waiting for a bed in a specialist rehabilitation unit to become available .
2 If formed from viscous magma they are normally limited in lateral extent but where composed of basic rocks they may extend for thousands of square kilometres .
3 The qualitative variables were : sex , aetiology of cirrhosis ( alcholic or non-alcholic ) , activity of alcoholism ( active consumption at time zero , abstinence for at least one month or undetermined status ) , duration of liver disease from the initial diagnosis ( five years ) , degree of ascites ( absent , moderate , severe ) , degree of encephalopathy ( absent , moderate , coma ) a defined by Adam and Foley , extrahepatic infection ( pulmonary , urinary , or ascitic : present or not ) , previous non-surgical haemostatic procedures before admission if referred from other hospitals ( vasocactive drugs , tamponade ) yes or no , source of variceal bleeding : oesophageal , gastric type 1 , 2 , 3 or by exclusion of any other potential site of bleeding , activity of the bleeding : active ( spurting or oozing ) or recent ( platelet aggregate , adherent clot ) , staging of oesophageal varices ( 1 and 2 , 3 , 4 ) and presence of blood in the stomach ( yes or no ) .
4 At that moment , emerging from the saloon below as if propelled from a circus cannon , there appeared a distinctly grotesque figure .
5 Peckle , Throgmorton and others joined us , though I was surprised to see Millet , the effeminate clerk , dressed as if returning from a visit to the city .
6 Materials that happen to be available in the school , including even seriously inadequate ones , can be brought into play and yield educationally valuable material if approached from a point of view of real understanding on the teacher 's part .
7 This is defined as the rent which it might reasonably be expected to command if let from year to year , with the tenant bearing the rates and the cost of insurance and repairs .
8 Energy radiating from one focus is reflected by a hyperbola as if to radiate from the other focus .
9 At the coastal town of Easky , two life-sized statues of cloth-capped old men appeared as if turned from flesh to blue-grey stone on the spot , one wheeling a bike , the other resting on a seat .
10 It is possible to use softer colours in an arrangement but only if separated from the variegated foliage by a stronger colour , otherwise the effect can be weak .
11 Formulations of definitive tests are always dangerous , but it seems to me that , without claiming to expound an exhaustive guide , the following provides a satisfactory working test for whether , in any given case , a covenant touches and concerns the land : ( 1 ) the covenant benefits only the reversioner for the time being , and if separated from the reversion ceases to be of benefit to the covenantee ; ( 2 ) the covenant affects the nature , quality , mode of user or value of the land of the reversioner ; ( 3 ) the covenant is not expressed to be personal ( that is to say neither being given only to a specific reversioner nor in respect of the obligations only of a specific tenant ) ; ( 4 ) the fact that a covenant is to pay a sum of money will not prevent it from touching and concerning the land so long as the three foregoing conditions are satisfied and the covenant is connected with something to be done on , or to in relation to the land .
12 Her only escape was in the paddock , in the motor home or the pits , where she scowled ferociously if disturbed from her work , and even there the journalists sometimes prowled , always on the look-out for a good story .
13 That the information sought had been in the knowledge of the company , particularly if sought from an officer of the company , added weight to the applicant 's case on the balancing exercise .
14 Hundreds of television employees said they would strike if prevented from reporting the demonstration .
15 Hundreds of television employees said they would strike if prevented from reporting the demonstration .
16 The construction of such a list is very fast if built from an already alphabetically ordered list , because new items are simply added onto the end of the list .
17 With remarkable prescience , Oresme recognized that , if shot from a rotating earth , the arrow would have a motion compounded of two simultaneous motions .
18 Equally , the projected image may itself incorporate movement , especially if shot from a fast-moving source ( a helicopter , aeroplane or whatever ) , in which case even the nearer parts of the background will be fairly distant .
19 Thomas then proceeds to consider whether a slave ( presumed male ) could be ordained , giving the answer that obviously not while he remains a slave , for slavery can not signify authority , but that slavery is a condition of external fortune , and if freed from his slavery , then he can be ordained .
20 ‘ ) But the perspective is very distinctly that of Lewis , who was to spend nearly all his literary energies imagining what the world would look like if seen from heaven .
21 Certain types of pulsating stars , known as Cepheids and R R Lyrae , have the same absolute brightness — which means they would be equally bright if seen from the same distance .
22 Landscapes are treated unusually , in frescoes and also in sealstones , as if seen from the air or through a fish-eye lens .
23 The whole system is believed to be surrounded by streamers and shells of gas , and if seen from close range would be truly fascinating , though from its distance of 300 light-years it appears single in our telescopes .
24 it sits off-centre with an odd perspective , as if seen from above .
25 Be very careful if ordering from a catalogue and not actually seeing the plants in full growth ; read the descriptions most carefully .
26 If bought from stock , prices may be considerably lower , and may vary . , .
27 Taczek leant back , slung his arms behind his head and stretched his chunky arms as if waking from a deep sleep .
28 Soft lights glowed on the mountains as if reflected from stained glass .
29 It must be stressed that an exercise , such as the one mentioned is fundamental to the effective use of nursing manpower for it provides the foundation for subsequent decisions which may be less effective if handicapped from the outset .
30 as if to escape from the great pool of light , the destroyer gathered speed , but it moved with her , red , green , and orange tracer streaming into her sides .
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