Example sentences of "all [art] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 and all the at work .
2 That 's where you can see all the at work and I I , I have n't even got a stamp so it 's .
3 Once all the for the rth generation have been determined , we can write them down for the ( r+1 ) th generation using ( 8.3 ) .
4 And then we were clearing all the for the week afterwards , opening places to go in and out do you see .
5 It 'll take all the for them to come from where they 're coming from .
6 So I therefore I take it that all the to be agreed . .
7 There is , however , a somewhat earlier use of the terms and in another document in the Topkapi Sarayi archives which may be dated with some certainty to 929–30/1523 and which lists , and in most cases gives short biographies of , the ulema then holding or in line for the various offices of the learned profession in " the of eastern and western Anadolu as well as all the of Syria and Egypt " .
8 Not all the of them , just a couple .
9 That 's horrible all the over the ooh that 's revolting ! now !
10 Tomatoes need to go in a bag or else they 'll roll about all the over the place see if you can spot , the small-ish ones , but not like that , see cos that 's got a mark on it , we do n't want that one .
11 starting a little brown smoulder mark it were like that all the through the electric blanket of course all the through the the sheets all through the sheets and blankets and it had just coming through the top counterpane we used have a
12 starting a little brown smoulder mark it were like that all the through the electric blanket of course all the through the the sheets all through the sheets and blankets and it had just coming through the top counterpane we used have a
13 He said , come off the chair and all the along the bottoms of the tables and you can write your name in the dust !
14 The big one with all the on top .
15 Yeah , it 's all the on the roads in n it ?
16 They 're all the with er Eric .
17 That 's all the like the window you got in one area .
18 All the in favour of the C E C statement would you please indicate ?
19 That 's the , that 's the crux of the story , she 's she 's campaigning against bad language and she sent , has given a letter to all the in the school with fuck you in it .
20 I mean it has n't done it any good all the in Amy 's bedroom where where it had to put the copydex it 's all got brownish and , has n't it ? you can see where the .
21 All the round the exits and entrance as well .
22 If unc and if f : unc is such that af = a for all a in A then f is called the inclusion function of A in B. If f : unc is such that af = a for all a ε A then f is called the identity function on A.
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