Example sentences of "if you [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If you wanted to know the answer , and if you also wanted to listen to Messrs Major , Kinnock and Ashdown , you had to keep zapping from channel to channel .
2 You should always remember that you can only look after the patient successfully if you also look after yourself .
3 If you also have snacks between the meals your metabolism is likely to work far more efficiently .
4 And if you also apply for protection for your spouse or your whole family , you will receive a stylish Pocket Calculator as an extra free gift .
5 Certainly it will do so if you also put some restraints on your intake of' fats .
6 ‘ I asked if you also were to be told but mama said nay — you are younger than myself , she said , and are unlikely to wed for some time .
7 If you have room , try a boldly variegated holly such as ‘ Golden King ’ , which is female , despite its name , so should produce berries if you also have a male bush close by .
8 If you also add a fine strand of peach into the sky mix , you would have a fabulous , stormy sunset to back the dramatic outline of the teasels .
9 A misfire result automatically cancels out the shot even if you also roll a HIT .
10 Two ties may be enough for a 3ft ( 0.9m ) stem , a 4 or 5ft ( 1.2 or 1.5m ) stem will require three , and maybe even a fourth if you also need to pull in a bent stem so that it can be held straight to grow out of its misshapen state gradually .
11 You can use preservative-treated softwood , and if you also treat all the cut ends and joints with preservative , it should last quite a long time .
12 As well as improving their sound insulation , you will also have improved their security , especially if you also fit a security lock , which pulls the door up tightly into the draught-stripping .
13 We know that it is easier for your body to tolerate the habit if you also eat well but many do not .
14 And if you also look the most the the the clearest change that 's happened on the outside of this building , if you look at that window , if you if you follow the edge of the window the original window came all the way down to this point , and then across and up , and this has been all blocked up .
15 It would be appalling to have a crazy wife , but if you also felt sorry for her , how could you be expected to cope ?
16 I just wondered if you also knew , as I 'm sure you do , that her bedroom 's at the rear of the house ? ’
17 ‘ I wondered if you also acted for him in his private affairs ? ’
18 You can do this even if you also want to go and speak , or ask someone else to speak for you .
19 So that 's er on the other hand , erm it would do if you also , if you 'll reverse them herself Florence which would , which would presumably be herself saw Florence structure , but that 's
20 If you also take that away and you also take away land which is already covered by settlement , I would suggest that you 're left with very little and so what 's the strategic gap ?
21 I would have thought the mo Without knowing anything about it I would have thought the most likely explanation for that is that that the property company who own the precinct have suggested to the Council that they would like to buy the Market Hall and the Council have been sitting on it and pondering it and some bright spark has come up with the idea , Yes you can buy the Market Hall if you also buy Pembroke Hall .
22 so I think in a way it would be quite nice to sit down with somebody from each of the colleges to hammer out the syllabus because Napier will see it from Napier 's point of view about what 's easiest for them to teach and what this and what the other whereas I suspect if you also sat down with and and people you might get a broader discussion base
23 If you slowly unseal one of those self-seal envelopes in the dark , you will be rewarded with a tiny firework display .
24 If you regularly perm your hair and find its condition is getting worse , it could be your hair is suffering the effect of those bleaching agents .
25 Abbreviations : If you regularly have to take notes about the same subject , you should find it quite easy to develop your own abbreviations which will make you able to take those notes even more quickly .
26 If you regularly knit different garments for the same people , you might like to have a separate directory for each person .
27 If you regularly visit shops in your neighbourhood where dogs are prohibited , it is a good idea to accustom your pet to waiting for you tied to a dog park .
28 On a lease purchase contract , this clause does not exist and if you regularly fail to pay properly , the Leasing Company will arrive , fly your plane away and auction it — and then collect from you the difference between what is outstanding on the lease and the amount realised at sale .
29 If you regularly take snacks instead of eating properly , you will deny yourself the nutrients that your body requires .
30 For example if you regularly use standards issued by such bodies as ANSI ( American National Standards Institute ) , API ( American Petroleum Institute ) , IEC ( International Electrochemical Commission ) , IEEE ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ) they will undertake to keep you informed of amendments or new editions as they are published .
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