Example sentences of "if at the " in BNC.

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1 But what if at the moment of birth the whole of one 's life to come were to flash before one 's eyes and then to be immediately wiped away , forgotten , while we laboriously go through all the pleasures and sorrows , all the hopes and frustrations that make up a life , meeting people and parting from them , listening to them and speaking to them , to go through tasting all we taste in the course of our long lives , seeing all we see , every leaf at every moment and every cloud at every moment , and hearing all we hear , the hooting of every car and the singing of every bird and every performance of the Brandenburg concertos , go through all that , in time , very slowly , though we had already been through it all , every moment of it , leaf , cloud , concerto , in one brief but intense instant , everything perfectly formed but over in less than a second ?
2 If at the beginning of NEP local party attitudes appeared to contain an element of laissez-faire , this was only because very little in fact could be achieved for lack of human and other resources .
3 Even if at the next general election Labour does better than ever before in attracting working-class support , say 80 per cent of the working class , it still would not have a majority of the vote .
4 If at the year 's end I saw her face somewhere .
5 A marriage is so voidable if it has not been consummated because of the incapacity of either party , or because of one party 's wilful refusal to consummate it ; if the marriage was entered into without the consent of either party ( e.g. by reason of duress , mistake , or unsound mind ) ; if at the time of the marriage one party was suffering from mental disorder of such a kind as to render him or her unfitted for marriage , or from venereal disease ; or if the wife was at the time of the marriage pregnant by some other person than her husband .
6 As the series went on , it became clear that the players would happily follow Gooch through fire , flood , armies of tarantulas or anything else he might choose , if at the end of it there was the chance of winning a Test match .
7 Knowing an author 's homosexuality makes that decoding far easier ( if at the same time rather less triumphant there 's an undeniable pleasure in finding out that a favourite writer , actor or director you have admired for years turns out to be gay , as you always privately hoped and ‘ knew ’ ) but it returns us once again to the problem of biography , the danger of regressing to a simplistic reading of texts which simply locates their meanings in the author 's life story .
8 But if at the eight-cell stage the embryo was separated along the plane of the third cleavage into two groups of four cells , then each of these two fragments developed quite differently .
9 I would say that , if his life is such that he has to use a drug , the welfare is poor , even if at the moment of using the drug there is no unpleasant subjective feeling .
10 Even if one of the two exceptions applies , dismissal will still be unfair if at the time of the dismissal there was a suitable alternative vacancy which was not offered in accordance with the detailed requirements of the employment protection legislation .
11 Thus in a self-contract he may make a contract such as ‘ if at the end of the week I have gone without a drink , or lost x lbs in weight , I can buy myself … ’ .
12 If at the time of the first Red Flag Act anyone had prophesied that within 100 years horseless carriages would be careering around by the million , they would have been thought dangerously deluded ; no one would have believed that society would survive such an onslaught .
13 Such are the rigours of their adulthood ( working in bons , never eating till 11pm ) that many Hoorays remember their schooldays as the happiest time of their lives ; their schoolfriends are those they feel most at ease with , even if at the time they could n't stand them .
14 I did their first demos with them , and took the opportunity of telling them a few facts of life , saying that while it was nice to play guitar , if at the end of the line they were all broke then they were going to be very unhappy musicians who had missed their chance to be big , and so they had better take care of certain realities and do it right away .
15 All the problems that we have been wrestling with over recent years in attempting to formulate a set of principles for communicative language teaching suddenly vanish as if at the waving of a wand .
16 But , if at the same time as the warrant is issued the issuer undertakes to redeem it , the agreement to redeem the warrant should be considered together with that for the issue of the warrant itself .
17 We do suggest one small change , to allow an employee 's payment method to be changed at the discretion of his employer , if at the time that he entered that employment , he had agreed to accept that change at some future time ( not necessarily specified ) .
18 ‘ Take my kids to sea for two weeks , just two weeks , and if at the end of those two weeks you really believe that the cruise-cure wo n't work , or if you 're convinced that you 're the wrong guy for the job , then send the twins home .
19 Of the three , that showing John Tradescant is the finest , for neither corpse in the other two paintings is shown in shrouds , both women having been painted as if at the moment of death rather than after the laying-out .
20 Boyd was calling up the stairs for Hank to come down , and she watched silently , as if at the movies , while he emerged from his ground-floor bedroom , walked past her without looking at her , and held out his hand to the reporter , who winced as he felt its grip .
21 If at the moment he speaks he thinks he is meeting his child in a land of real stones and tree-stumps , he is sadly mistaken ; if he realises he is not , then already a touch of grief is creeping back into consolation .
22 If at the same time the adult says , ‘ Look ’ or , ‘ What 's this ? ’ it seems plausible that the words will be interpreted by the child in terms of the communicative acts they accompany — that is , as ‘ attention-getters ’ and devices for locating conversational topics .
23 If at the time of death the couple were already receiving the State retirement pension , the widow will continue to receive her share .
24 In sport , for example , the professional player is often held to be socially inferior , if at the same time technically superior , to the amateur .
25 It has also stood Marx on his head , by transforming itself from a classless society into a caste society ( if at the same time gratifying Lenin 's hope that the intermediate stage of class society might be bypassed ) .
26 In a provocative comparison of the failures of the French and Russian revolutions , he argued that the problem stemmed from the fact that no class , whether proletarian or bourgeoisie , can become the ruling class without taking upon itself something of the historical role of a ruling class — especially if at the same time it also considers that , history carries within itself its own cure' :
27 How can man make history if at the same time it is history which makes him ?
28 This regulation is aimed at securing some of the policy goals sought by governments , even if at the expense of others .
29 The only time we may ask you to make out a new schedule is , if at the end of a twelve months period , the amount owing on your Home Management Account is higher than one monthly transfer .
30 " If at the end of seven years , he can make up the fraction of a quarto forme and impose it , or is able to lay down a sheet of 16 's correctly , the apprentice so qualified may considered himself well advanced . "
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