Example sentences of "would [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 under the Title of Bottom the Weaver , and acted by small Parties at Bartholomew Fair , and other Places : and since publish 'd under the Name of the Fairy Queen .
2 [ Philip Leapor ] informs me she was always fond of reading every thing that came in her way , as soon as she was capable of it ; and that when she and learnt to write tolerably , which , as he remembers , was at about ten or eleven Years old , She would often be scribbling , and sometimes in Rhyme ; which her Mother was at first pleas 'd with : But finding this Humour increase upon her as she grew up , when she thought her capable of more profitable Employment , she endeavour 'd to break her of it ; and that he likewise , having no Taste for Poetry , and not imagining it could ever be any Advantage to her , join 'd in the same Design : But finding it impossible to alter her natural Inclination , he had of late desisted , and left her more at Liberty
3 For ev'ry one they hasten 'd to the Grave ,
4 Watts had earlier published The psalms of David Imitated in the Language of the New Testament , and Apply 'd to the Christian State and Worship before , others had followed .
5 … and from them rose A cry that shiver 'd to the tingling stars .
6 The Earl of Nottingham , a Tory who was to make his peace with the Revolution , nevertheless opposed the invitation , condemning it as " high treason , in violation of the Laws … and that allegiance which I ow 'd to the Soveraigne and which I had confirm 'd by my solemn oath " .
7 While the Guests ravag 'd on the smoking Store ,
8 Esmerlda ooh 'd and ah 'd over the size of the kite and the fierce doggy painted on it .
9 I Call 'd at the House , where you said I shou 'd dine ,
10 1809 The Meeting having understood that great confusion and Litigation arises from the measure in Barley Deliver 'd at the Different periods … now order henceforth the measure in Barley shall be sixteen pecks of the Islay measure at all seasons …
11 By the mid-1730s the Upholders Company saw fit to make available to their members blank funeral invitation tickets for overprinting , affiliation to the company being shown by an inscription on the plate-mark beneath the illustration , reading ‘ Perform 'd by the Company of Upholders at Exeter Change & at their Hall in Leaden Hall Street . ’
12 For if , as we have seen , the vacuity at the heart of Owen 's prospectus was the tacit assumption that owners , having seen the light , would agreeably acquiesce in the expropriation of their property in order that it would be beneficially used by the workers , that at the heart of Marx 's was that the proletariat would as the movement of the dialectic ordained , seize the means of production .
13 Its my own personal opinion that the only true love and er I have to honestly say I 've never heard love here defined as I would as the totally unconditional love that happens between a woman and a child , probably from the moment of birth that bonds them through life , that 's the only love that I could ever admit to .
14 The themes of savage and city in his work would continue to be important to the moulding of his thought , but would for the moment grow less prominent .
15 It was a foregone conclusion that Haslam would for the second time in his career find himself ‘ pitch-forked ’ into a retrenchment programme .
16 Be careful with spacing , and mark out on to the wall as you would for the arch former , starting with the top centre brick , to achieve a realistic effect .
17 What for the insider might be the purification of a defensible religion by its exposure to scientific criticism , would for the outsider be one more step along the path to destruction as an inherently implausible account of human destiny was shown up for what it is .
18 Sometimes the initial claims made were much exaggerated : as the claim made in New Testament studies that the computer would for the first time reveal the true lineaments of the Bible that we had ignorantly worshipped .
19 Esher ( 1981 ) has suggested that Britain has experienced three ‘ Rebuilds ’ : the Enlightenment , the Industrial Revolution and the Welfare State : ‘ fashioned by wartime social democrats in England , which would for the first time in history build cities that were not dramatizations of privilege and poverty ’ ( p. 278 ) .
20 I would for the moment , yeah , I would for the moment .
21 I would for the moment , yeah , I would for the moment .
22 So you 've got to create something quite simple and effective in which they can be successful , which is n't so demanding as you would for the other group .
23 The ruling party also announced that the December 1990 elections to the People 's Assembly would for the first time be open to participation by other parties .
24 An FAO report published in November 1989 said that , despite a net increase in world cereal production , world stocks would for the third year running be " at or below the minimum necessary to safeguard global food security " , with wheat reserves in the leading exporting countries at their lowest since the world food crisis of the early 1970s .
25 ‘ Well , ’ said Milton , ‘ I have to admit that if you 're very old , short-term solutions must carry more weight than they would for the middle-aged .
26 Andorrans would for the first time wield full sovereignty , be able to form and join unions and political parties and have an independent judiciary .
27 Clearly you would n't write in the same way for the Sun as you would for the Times or the Financial Times or the Guardian , or the Cambridge local paper .
28 However , night workers will never perform their job as efficiently as they would during the day , for the master clock controls far more than just our cycle of sleeping and waking .
29 You said that erm your mother would after the confinement and after the birth she would erm have to do the normal housework ?
30 8.1.1 any time or indulgence granted by the Landlord to the Tenant or any neglect or forbearance of the Landlord in enforcing the payment of the rents or the observance or performance of the covenants or other terms of this Lease or any refusal by the Landlord to accept rents tendered by or on behalf of the Tenant at a time when the Landlord was entitled ( or would after the service of a notice under the Law of Property Act 1925 section 146 have been entitled ) to re-enter the Premises
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