Example sentences of "say the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Defence sources in Britain say the man may have done incalculable damage to the NATO alliance before his exposure last week , ’ Loretta read .
2 Police say the man escaped across fields after what they said was a despicable attack .
3 The police say the man they 're looking for is around five feet 10 inches tall and in his late twenties .
4 The attack was recorded by animal activists and both they and the RSPCA say the man must be prosecuted .
5 Scotland Yard say the man hijacked a refuse vehicle at gunpoint after running away from the scene of a robbery .
6 Police say the man may be dangerous and are warning women to keep their car doors locked when travelling alone .
7 Her parents say the man who did it should have been gaoled for life .
8 Police say the man is in a stable frame of mind , and they are confident of talking him down .
9 Police say the man was charged with drug trafficking and other , other Mafia activities around Sici , Sicily 's west coast .
10 They say the chance to turn their lives around is being threatened by cuts to the centre 's funding .
11 Mersey Barrage Company bosses say the scheme has proved too bold for the funding it needed .
12 But their neighbours on the private Lakeside say the scheme will cause more traffic and could be a danger .
13 Protestors say the scheme is too big and that it will swamp neighbouring villages .
14 However , local residents of Barton and Sandhills say the scheme is unnecessary and too costly .
15 Critics say the plan represents a flawed , ‘ image-above-all-else ’ , attempt by the Ministry to beef up the Prado 's revenue-generating potential , and thereby reduce State support .
16 The moves have been criticised by members of the national Association of Community Health Councils who say the plan could backfire .
17 Residents in Hambley near Droitwich say the plan by Barrett homes will destroy the area 's character .
18 I still can not go to a service , nor say the Creed .
19 I mean as you say the music , yes , but the , all the props in it , no
20 The figures say the recession is bad , if not quite that bad .
21 Experts say the recession is to blame for the rise in office crime as workers try to top up their income .
22 Shops say the recession and divorce blues have caused booming sales with some selling for £100 each .
23 Mind now as you say the recession .
24 But now dealers say the bubble has burst .
25 its as bad as our house , I say the secret in our house drove cars is three cars parked out the front , so you 've got a bit of grass , three cars parked there , you 're not allowed to park on the dri , drive , , sometimes parking round the front , but
26 and er and we say here that er in respect of directive seventy three , two , three , nine , contrary to what my learned friend has said , we say the passages in the V D S case
27 But we 've got sort of as I say the daffodils out there and
28 The Department of Transport say the damage occured yesterday while a routine inspection was actually being carried out .
29 Say the river 's whorls .
30 Regular users of the Wye at Hereford say the river may look tempting on a warm evening , but looks are deceptive .
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