Example sentences of "can even [be] " in BNC.

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1 It can even be buried in the ground to prevent wetting the soil surface and encouraging weeds .
2 P. sibhorpii , a soft blushed mauve shade , is also tough as are the various coloured forms of cowslip which can even be naturalised in grass .
3 The gun can even be used to stick decorative pieces onto inflated balloons .
4 The flowering plants ( angiosperms ) appear almost ready-made in the Cretaceous , and many of these fossils can even be placed into living genera .
5 An indifference of this kind is clearer in the 1950s , and can even be seen to have been deliberately fostered .
6 Such formalities as this are easily taught and can even be fun to teach and learn .
7 It can even be encountered by younger people — as a glance at job advertisements will show .
8 Follow-up action can even be taken on a client 's behalf after a telephone consultation .
9 Endothelial injury increases this process and in some experiments can even be initiated by raised serum lipids , including LDL ( Ross & Marker , 1976 ) .
10 They can even be used allopathically ( as in orthodox medicine ) and this is just what is happening in the situation above when one or two remedies are advocated for the treatment of everyone with one disease label .
11 The remedy can even be made into a paste and applied directly to the sting .
12 We can even be drawn into the need to fulfil our ideals , put forward our political ambitions , as well as the desire to see our religious beliefs accepted by others .
13 We can even be afraid of fear itself or the chaos it brings to our inner world .
14 The relationship of client and therapist can even be a psychic cannibalism where the therapist preys on the pain and emotions of the victim .
15 Nevertheless to consider the National Curriculum as a list of subjects runs the danger of expressing it in a way which over-emphasises information and a narrow range of skills at the expense of the development of a full range of socially useful skills , attitudes and ideas , which is usually the concern of interested parents and can even be seen in a child 's view of the purpose of education .
16 Indeed it is doubtful if one group can even be called local , since it is sponsored , promoted and financed by central government .
17 When ‘ playing possum ’ it lies limply on the ground and can even be bitten hard by an attacker without showing any response .
18 Now the change to the land-based form can even be induced in the laboratory by an energetic vibration playing the role of a key in the biological tapestry .
19 I believe that every problem can be resolved , and that if it can be approached sensibly and thoughtfully , it can even be turned to advantage .
20 They can even be trained upon galleys. ,
21 The blades rotate inside a plastic cup , so the blender can even be used in nonstick kitchenware .
22 The range , which is priced between 99p and £11.99 , will appeal to all ages and can even be used as an incentive to introduce your young children into the garden .
23 With both sections of the strap cut and matched they can be left ‘ au naturel ’ , decorated with a logo , studs , bullets , bolts , or they can even be printed with pictures .
24 Anachronisms such as Floyds and EMGs can even be catered for , so long as the purchaser is willing to foot the bill .
25 The simulators can even be programmed to fly the Atlantic at night .
26 On a clear day the Black Mountains of Wales can even be made out to the north-east .
27 This plant is not very demanding as to its growing medium , and therefore can even be grown in gravel .
28 Only that amount which exceeds what would be spent on lunch if the employee was working at the office can even be considered .
29 And this too is why the word can even be extended to all those who rely entirely upon the mercy of God — the poor in spirit ’ ( Matt.
30 Mystics are aware that their experience can never be explained in rational terms and insist that it is unhelpful and can even be dangerous to attempt to define the ultimate reality in terms of reason and logic .
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