Example sentences of "can [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Is n't it good to know you can sprint effortlessly for a bus , you can run up a flight of stairs without your heart thumping ?
2 The leading showjumpers can earn over £100,000 a year , but it 's that red jacket with the Union Jack on it that Linda has her eyes on .
3 Lone parents can earn up to £15 a week before their income support is reduced .
4 If you do take a paid job , bear in mind that although you can earn up to a certain amount per week without affecting your state pension your wages will also be subject to income tax .
5 If you draw your pension , you can earn up to a certain amount a week without affecting it .
6 Top goalkeepers can earn up to £50,000-a-year from manufacturers for wearing their gear , including built-in bonuses for Cup runs and television appearances .
7 Tough action by police and customs in Britain and on the continent has smashed some of the biggest illicit labs , which can earn up to £250,000 a day .
8 This train of thought could go some way to explaining why he is one of the top commercial directors in Britain , the man responsible for such successful ad campaigns as Guinness , Nurofen , British Airways and Gallo Wine , who , reputedly , can earn as much as 100,000 per commercial .
9 Private-school staff resist performance-related pay , so the lazy and incompetent can earn as much as inspirational enthusiasts .
10 Here the examiner will probably have divided up the possible marks in his mind among the component parts , and an answer to one part , be it ever so brilliant , can earn only the appropriate total for that part .
11 Unlike village and nomadic weaving , which is normally the sole preserve of women and carries with it no personal prestige outside the village or tribe , workshops employ both men and women , and exceptionally talented weavers can earn more widespread acclaim and far greater financial rewards .
12 A good A&R Manager can earn sixty or seventy grand , whilst successful A&R Directors can earn upwards of a hundred grand and considerably more if they 've been doing it for a while . ’
13 Single-parent women can earn relatively little money out of which they will have to pay the expenses of child-minding .
14 If you are returning to work after child or relative care , try to ensure that you can earn enough in the remainder of that tax year to take you above the lower earnings limit .
15 If you are fortunate enough to have a lower level into which you can siphon away the water , that is the easiest .
16 And we can disappear outside and everyone 'll be talking .
17 Bodies often float to the surface , but you of all people must know that those who drown in the Thames can disappear altogether and are probably taken by undercurrents down through London and out to sea . ’
18 Even without demolition of walls , it may take only 20–30 years for a masonry building to disappear beneath the ground , but less substantial buildings can disappear even faster .
19 And they always know it can disappear overnight .
20 ‘ It has taken a long 10 years ' work to get Australia to where we are now yet it can disappear so quickly .
21 I know of no animal of its size which can disappear so completely as an otter !
22 It is perhaps ironic that , having changed my mind , I am now trying to convince other physicists that there was in fact no singularity at the beginning of the universe — as we shall see later , it can disappear once quantum effects are taken into account .
23 If we can laugh out loud about getting old , break the silence that surrounds it instead of suffering quietly , then we are beginning to escape from a fear society wants us to have — so we will buy uplift bras , expensive face creams and continue to fear and envy younger women .
24 PROFESSIONAL : Coleman can laugh off his gaffes
25 Females can reproduce asexually , that is without fertilisation by a male .
26 They can reproduce vegetatively by budding off asexually to form daughter polyps in the same manner as a plant grows .
27 Added Cliff : ‘ We can reproduce virtually anything providing it is not obscene . ’
28 Workers do not reproduce , so to propagate their genes they must protect their nest , thus ensuring that the queen — their relative — can reproduce copiously .
29 ‘ As a precaution I suggest you look at what assets you can liquidise quickly .
30 If you have a modem you can log on to a bulletin board and download it .
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