Example sentences of "say [pers pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Celia say she jus ’ stepped out to step back . ’
2 ‘ It 's a curious thing , do you know ’ Cranley said dispassionately , ‘ how your mind is supersaturated with the religion in which you say you disbelief .
3 I say you fans at Lord 's can shame the TCCB into a re-think .
4 ‘ People in England say we slave-drive the Africans ’ , a white Kenyan once told the journalist Richard West , ‘ but , my God , it 's the other way round .
5 We say we registry for all market research services supplied by the company including long list .
6 ‘ Most of the fifty or so Europeans prefer to live in Tala-Tala rather than Anani , ’ he said adding , with a touch of sarcasm , ‘ They say they dinna want to get contaminated by big-city life . ’
7 Could use you sometimes you say they kind of ,
8 I mean some people say it diffidence some people say it 's considerate so you have to then try and go a bit further beyond the actual differences to find out what the reasons behind them are .
9 Parenting in a TV Age helps parents learn to manage television intelligently , say it producers , the Center for Media and Values in Los Angeles , USA .
10 Say it Mandy in a sarcastic way as though you do n't believe a word of it .
11 Alright , just say it Leigh !
12 Say it Shane !
13 But , say US researchers , mothers can encourage children by speaking to their child a lot , especially before the age of two , and pronouncing words clearly and in context .
14 The Financial Times ' headline ‘ US and UK groups battle it out for contracts ’ on February 11 is the title of a report which notes that ‘ British engineers say US project managers traditionally prefer to operate with other US companies . ’
15 She got a blue three piece suite , a blue carpet , there 's blue int curtains , and I says them curtains do n't match your three piece suite , they look stupid !
16 He says them trustees are going to sell it and keep you here because it 'll be cheaper . ’
17 ‘ Oh , Mum , you should n't have said them things , surely , ’ Jenny gasped when she could find her voice .
18 ‘ Yes , I 've said me piece , ’ declared Dolly .
19 ‘ I thank God that Arrested Development and the Disposable Heroes are so powerful and mysterious , ’ says Me Phi .
20 Marcia says she Yinka was nervous , but is proud of what she achived .
21 Can I make a suggestion rather than re-numbering all those , its going to be quite a long job , is that from what I can see at the moment there is no reason why that ca n't be added on as a last sentence to nine anyway , cause nine says you records the outcome of the enquiry , .
22 He says you lot ca n't play and it 's getting to him , it 's too much work for him to take on , what with his writing and everything .
23 He says they cqa n't hold the country to ransom .
24 He says he 's tried guinea pig and dummy rabbit but there 's been no response and in answer to question says he hopesto she 'll break the diet tonight .
25 And he says he quites like quite , he he said he quites likes them all really , you know .
26 SCO says it decision was based primarily on Intel Corp 's reported success in catching up with the performance promised by the ACE environment , and that it will re-focus its Open Desktop Unix efforts on the forthcoming P5 80586 part .
27 They are there because to have something distinctive to say can frequently call for a distinctive way of saying it-a way that will make an author 's words come fresh and vivid off the page .
28 She asked it you were saying it Lynne and Melanie as though it was a statement of a fact .
29 I just said it , I 'm saying it end of dual carriageway
30 ‘ I met a gentleman once who said me legs were worth 'alf-a-crown a look . ’
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