Example sentences of "which such [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A cursory examination of the Municipal Act reveals the great diversity of matters in respect of which municipalities may legislate and the diversity of activities in which such corporations may engage .
2 In practice the procedure is one which is best coped with by those with appropriate forensic skills in the questioning and cross-examination of witnesses , and the marshalling of evidence and argument , coupled with a sound knowledge of the legal framework within which such cases are determined .
3 First , giving claimants appeal rights with a hearing before a higher tribunal ignores the factual background from which such cases spring .
4 The research aims to assess the extent and ways in which such companies have restructured their activities in response to the volatile international economy of the last fifteen years .
5 ( a ) a company , its parent , subsidiaries and fellow subsidiaries , and their associated companies , and companies of which such companies are associated companies , all with each other ( for these purposes a company is associated with another if that other owns or controls 20 per cent or more of its equity share capital ) ;
6 For to that great extent to which such rationality is a matter of seeking for logical consistency , and for some more general coherence in the total spread of one 's opinions , it can have full play in ethical thought , conceived along attitudinist lines .
7 Primary education certainly needs to review its professional procedures , but far more pressing is the need to review the ideas which such procedures seek to implement .
8 Changes in awareness might , therefore be more successfully measured by the degree to which such models are revised than by the extent to which behavioural objectives are achieved .
9 It may well therefore be necessary to have recourse to other defences , such as for example short time limits within which such claims have to be advanced .
10 The research will investigate the extent to which such claims are true , and what actually changes when management takes over .
11 One way in which such factors are isolated is by comparing parents known to batter their children with a control group of parents who have no history of child abuse ( Lynch and Roberts 1977 , for example ) .
12 The manner in which such factors operate and interact in language acquisition is completely un-known .
13 The example of Senegal shows the crucial role which such forces can play , and their potential growth elsewhere is discussed further in Chapter 12 .
14 Drawing information from a variety of sources , and in particular from a national database of commons being structured at the Department of Geography , Aberystwyth , representative samples of ‘ public access ’ commons will be selected for analysis , with a view to evaluating the ways in which such areas are administered , the problems that they face , and the effectiveness of particular schemes of management and regulation .
15 In this case , we feel that the regulation would be difficult to enforce , because of the relatively intimate circumstances in which such transactions are made : successful enforcement would depend a lot on alerting users of this type of credit to the disadvantages of following-on and the ways in which regulation could help .
16 The extent to which such improvements are made in practical agriculture will depend on a complex of other factors .
17 Solicitors in the north and west will no longer brief London barristers except in matters in which such barristers profess particular expertise .
18 The [ defendants ] do return forthwith to [ their ] London branch or branches from which such documents emanated any documents or copies thereof of the type described in paragraph 1(a) of this order which the [ defendants have ] already removed from the jurisdiction in connection with the said subpoena , and [ defendants are ] hereby restrained until trial or further order without the prior written consent of the plaintiffs from delivering up or disclosing such documents to the said grand jury or any other third party .
19 A medical report and statement of special damages must be filed with the particulars of the claim , with copies for each defendant ; there is power to dispense , or to specify a period within which such documents are to be provided ( Ord 6 , r 1(6) ) .
20 The kind of inferences that are called implicatures are always of this special intended kind , and the theory of implicature sketches one way in which such inferences , of a non-conventional sort , can be conveyed while meeting the criterion of communicated messages sketched in Grice 's theory of meaning-nn .
21 However comprehensive the pre-planning of such a situation , it could be anticipated that preliminary reconnaissance , the dispositioning of appliances , the gaining of access by the very limited facilities which such premises can offer and the initiation of a co-ordinated attack of conventional equipment would take even longer and that a fire may have developed to unmanageable proportions by the time such an attack could be mounted .
22 ( 7 ) The secretary of any club to the premises of which this section applies shall notify the licensing board for the area within which such premises are situated of any reconstruction or extension of , or alteration in , the premises which affects the facilities available in the premises for the provision of the customary main meal at midday , and if the secretary of any club contravenes this subsection he shall be guilty of an offence .
23 ( 7 ) The secretary of any club to the premises of which this section applies shall notify the licensing board for the area within which such premises are situated of any reconstruction or extension of , or alteration In , the premises which affects the facilities available in the premises for the provision of substantial refreshment , and if the secretary of any club contravenes this subsection he shall be guilty of an offence .
24 Rather , what is needed is a critique of the polarisation of masculine and feminine qualities , and in particular a critique of the way in which such qualities may be interpreted or clustered. ( pp. 47–8 )
25 But in general it can be said that authority and direction within cultural production either derived directly from the integral social organization within which such duties were assigned , or , as in the case of classical Greek drama , were assigned within a civic organization and became , in effect , a process of tender and hire .
26 They believe that , while a person may actually have performed one action , they could nevertheless have chosen to perform another , and devote part of their energy to specifying the sorts of conditions in which such choices are made .
27 The free individual … can not … be concerned purely with his individual choices and the associations formed from such choices to the neglect of the matrix in which such choices can be open or closed , rich or meagre .
28 ( 3 ) A proportionate part of any advance payment will be refunded to you if this tenancy is determined before the expiry of the period which such payment is intended to cover .
29 The complexity of this issue lies in the fact that the TNCs are themselves directly and explicitly responsible for the ways in which such processes work out in most societies , but they are also often indirectly and implicitly responsible in ways that are hidden from view .
30 The Restrictive Practices Court does recognize certain gateways through which such agreements may be ratified as being in the public interest .
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