Example sentences of "which other [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He hated pomp and humbug , and he resigned from the National Academy of Sciences because he found that they spent most of their time deciding which other scientists should be admitted to the Academy .
2 In particular , a mechanism was required to channel funds to the UK as compensation for the effects of CAP , from which other member states benefited disproportionately .
3 A British estimate a year later , based largely on intelligence from American sources , concluded that North Korea would triumph in an encounter from which other countries were excluded .
4 This situation , in which other countries were relying on the United States to provide them with the dollars needed to boost their reserves , seemed to leave the USA in a highly privileged position , for the only way that other countries could accumulate reserves was if the USA provided them , by spending abroad more than it received .
5 States are entitled to rely upon compliance with prescribed procedures when determining which other States are parties to particular treaties .
6 Mr Lamont has also attempted to set the 20p tax rate as the ‘ norm ’ against which other benefits and allowances are set .
7 Even within the bounds of their overwhelming devotion to Gothic they showed by the end of the century an openness to new styles which other denominations were not as quick to learn .
8 Ethylene is the feedstock from which other molecules are built by the chemical industry .
9 Boiotia 's reputation for philistinism was a joke with which other Greeks never got bored , but neither in the visual arts nor in literature ( Hesiod , Pindar ) does the reality match the label ‘ Boiotian swine ’ , a gibe recorded by Pindar himself .
10 How is it possible for a creature to form means — end plans for reaching a desired object , plans within which other objects are represented as instruments to the overall end ?
11 He found that he was able to identify the causes of patients ' problems , especially the small , less obvious ones which other prosthetists might miss or regard as trivial .
12 Their life was founded on love and mutual respect : father for mother , and parents for children , to which other members of the family were regularly invited .
13 To be really effective each member of the team needs to appreciate the nature of the uncertainty with which other members of the team are dealing .
14 This difference can be relevant in the calculation of Target 's profits attributable to the notional accounting period which comes to an end for group relief purposes when the buy-out occurs , which in turn will be relevant in calculating the amount of Target 's profits against which other members of the vendor group can surrender group relief .
15 What is being said is that the recipient of confidential information can not use the information as a shortcut to side-step the work which other members of the public would have to do .
16 In the last-named work he opened up lines of interpretation which , even if somewhat modified since , set firm foundations on which other scholars might build : the exuberant vigour and almost Niagara-like outpouring of scholarship gave it a memorable quality .
17 The second measure of importance is the ‘ degree to which other positions are dependent on the one in question ’ .
18 As in America , boxing overwhelmingly dominated the attentions of blacks simply because it was the sport in which other blacks had been allowed to compete and they had done so with extremely conspicuous success .
19 He wanted to design and build a range of guitars which would succeed in shrugging off the ‘ another Strat , another Tele ’ tag which other companies seem content to carry .
20 Whatever one thinks of his comparisons , there is no difficulty in conceding in principle that physicists breaking with Newtonian concepts would be struggling to unlearn distinctions and assimilations which other cultures will never have made in the first place , so that the fundamentally different conceptualizations even of a pre-literate culture might illuminate him .
21 It is probable that the agnathan globin sequences simply represent the primitive craniate sequences from which other gnathostome sequences were derived , perhaps by gene duplication .
22 Success for a strategy depends upon which other strategies happen to be submitted .
23 While new organizations may possess a strong commitment to a new policy , and may have powers that enable it to bring together the resources for its implementation that were not possessed by any single previous organization , it still has to relate to a world in which other agencies have a great deal of power to influence its success .
24 A key theme of policy in recent years has been to maximise the extent to which other agencies than government itself can be held responsible for inadequacies in public sector services .
25 Bruce Armitage , Grampian Enterprise 's director of training , stressed that the £100,000 grant had been designed to set up a framework in which other agencies could work .
26 Indeed in recent years the CNAA have suggested that the term ‘ non-standard ’ should no longer be used , since this implies a standard from which other students are deviating ; instead we should be considering a range of qualifications , all of which may be suitable as preparations for entry to higher education .
27 Figure 7.9 shows a printout from one page of the database which other students found informative and very easy to use .
28 McGuinness ( 1987 ) contains a useful brief analysis of internal organizational questions , from which other sources can be referenced if required
29 It is certainly very different from that which other species perceive of it , for the sense organs of different species are constructed differently and perceive things in different ways , as we have seen .
30 Some communications are obvious by their very nature or by the response which they elicit — the alarm calls of some creatures which other species automatically recognize , for instance .
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