Example sentences of "which at time " in BNC.

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1 Alternative readings or critical analysis of this entrenched reverence for a rule of law ( which at times may well be out of step with a wider interpretation of ambiguous social behaviour ) smacks of subversion simply because it denies the primacy of the institutional framework .
2 This was reflected in the prices paid for the average in-calf and maiden heifer , which at times made no more than a good commercial first-calver at Carlisle .
3 Lewes instituted a pretty strict regime which at times tended to be resented , although it brought results .
4 But in the business of everyday life , in our self-absorption which at times takes over , the request for attention may feel intrusive just when we do not want to be intruded upon .
5 For two years my father-in-law shuffled the money around various building societies , chasing the best interest rates , which at times were around the 20 per cent mark .
6 It was only when you looked at their faces that you saw the difference in both age and expression : Harry 's face was round , his eyes merry , while Joe 's features inclined to length and his grey eyes , which at times seemed colourless , had in their depths a touch of melancholy that had deepened with the years .
7 The august newspaper The Independent also intervened in the episode , which at times has had overtones of the film ‘ An American were-wolf in London ’ .
8 Meh'Lindi commenced some isometric combat exercises as if to repel the oppression of being in the warp , which at times could generate a spiritual migraine , an ache of the soul .
9 Mrs Bradshaw was a kindly lady , but half a lifetime as the wife of a top civil servant at the Ministry of Defence had given her an authoritative air which at times verged on the imperious .
10 The Unidroit convention ( for which the initiative was taken by Mussolini , thus making it older than Unesco , which at times performs a similar task ) , concerns itself with the legal aspects of stolen and illegally exported works of art .
11 Love and honour , the pivotal themes of the Hornblower books , and essential to their success , are held in a balance which at times seems to hamper the essential directness of Forester 's narrative technique .
12 The mountainous region of Basilicata is one of Italy 's most secret corners ; a primitive land which at times has a stark , unworldly beauty .
13 The notorious ambiguity of Locke 's conception of property , which at times means " Lives , Liberties and Estates " , and at other only " Estates " or property in the ordinary sense , also makes it unclear whether government exists for the benefit of all , or only for property-owners in the usual sense .
14 ‘ It is true that I fear the part of your nature which at times you do not care to control , ’ Alexei said steadily .
15 It is , in particulars the unnerving intellectuality of the life around him that Hölderlin attacks , the overvaluation of philosophizing and the promise of action that never comes , the substitution of books and words for deeds , the excessive introspection and lack of worldly competence ( the criticism has a special poignancy in that these are character traits he is intimately familiar with , which at times become part of his self-criticism ) When he speaks of Greece , it is not always clear whether he has in mind the fifth century or the timeless present in which Hyperion lives , but it is always Greece that provides the contrast .
16 In fact , he was married , although not many people knew this , and his wife had a serious and incurable disease called lupus , which at times took quite a toll on his own emotions and energy .
17 ‘ What 's harder is the multi-faceted aspect which at times is even conflicting .
18 Conversely , natural monopolies in the public sector which at times have been instructed to use marginal cost pricing will almost inevitably make losses .
19 Does my right hon. Friend agree that many of the views that I have expressed in the House , which at times have been received with ridicule and dismay , have become law subsequently ?
20 This was a narrative which at times verged on hero-worship rather than a critical assessment , but his enthusiasm was obvious , and he had clearly researched well .
21 The size and political diversity of the coalition , however , meant that it was subject to factional infighting which at times threatened its very existence .
22 A border dispute with Thailand which at times threatened to intensify into full-scale fighting was settled in December following intervention by the Thai monarch , King Bhumibol Adulyadej .
23 Lester was quick to point out that his style of film-making , which at times appeared like a documentary in its realism , did not allow for improvization .
24 For many years the Fountain Tavern in the Strand was the favourite venue for these " general meetings " , which at times would witness the gathering of some 150 to 200 members .
25 Using the spatial description the particle Xi , which at time t occupies the position xj , is given by .
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