Example sentences of "which in the " in BNC.

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1 These qualities have always been present in the metaphors and similes of poetry but they have been less frequent in painting , which in the past was largely concerned with reproducing external reality , with decoration , or , as in the more advanced movements of recent years , with the composition of color and line into formal design .
2 Wölflinn wrote Renaissance and Baroque in 1888 , which in the preface he described as follows :
3 The connoisseur also hopes to have in a drawing an authentic work by an artist 's own hand , which in the case of an oil painting may not be so assured .
4 Paul Robeson — himself a belatedly famed son of the Law School — might embody law and song , and F.R. Scott might embody law and poetry , but even he recognised the more profound call of the muse : ‘ poetry first , ’ he had said ‘ and the poetic element all the way through , ’ which in the hurly-burly of the clothing industry , was even less possible .
5 Scobie is surely right when , with regard to Let Us Compare Mythologies he says that the title ‘ seems to indicate that Cohen himself regarded the religious sense as the primary one ’ — which in The Spice-Box Of Earth becomes completely explicit and even urgent .
6 It was equally important to ensure that all would-be courtiers studied music , which in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries included ali the arts and muses .
7 Nevertheless , it is not clear from current Marxist criticism and theory , which in the rainbow coalition is often buttressed by Lacanian ideas of the decentred self , whether it is prepared to accept any form at all of a personal , subjective or affective response , or whether all that must wait until after the revolution .
8 When Scholes proposes ‘ studying texts ’ he invokes the terminology of semiotics , but he is , in effect , working in a tradition of rhetorical analysis that has always been an element in institutional English study , and which in the 1930s resulted in the work of Leavis and Thompson and other Scrutineers on contemporary culture and its artefacts .
9 The principle indicated in those cases was a long way from the circumstances of the present case and was far from warranting the conclusion that by making a photocopy of a document which in the hands of the maker of the photocopy was not privileged , and then sending the photocopy to a solicitor for the purposes of obtaining advice , privilege was thereby cast on the copy sent to the soicitor .
10 An initial Ir £20m is to be invested in the plant at Leixit in County Kildare , which in the first phase will produce computer systems .
11 With the usual premium on daylight , which in the sub-continent disappears like a power cut , there will not be much of a gap between the breakfast gong and pavilion bell , and heavy over-rate fines have been written into the regulations .
12 Its name comes from the cormorants ' nests which in the past were ranged in rows along shelves in the wet black rock , like jars in a chemist 's shop .
13 However , the Treasury which in the past several weeks has been preparing economic forecasts for inclusion in the November autumn statement seems almost certain to revise down its estimates for economic growth next year .
14 The experiment has gathered wide support , even from left-wing groups which in the past sought to overthrow the monarchy , but which now express support for constitutional reform .
15 The duty of every management is to conduct the business , including the price policy of the business , in the way which in the opinion of the management is likely to maximise the return on the capital invested in the business .
16 have been taken over with a vengeance and put into the anthropological perspective which in the poem Eliot has applied to so much past literature .
17 Those ‘ indestructible barriers ’ which in the Clark lectures he saw as characterizing post-Cartesian society are all too apparent in The Waste Land where in Bradley 's words , quoted by Eliot , ‘ regarded as an existence which appears in a soul , the whole world for each is peculiar and private to that soul ’ .
18 That 's your prime task , which in the end you have to come back to .
19 For Marx and Engels society was to be analysed in terms of the social organization of production , which in The German Ideology they called the division of labour .
20 Self-evidently these texts are strikingly different from original materials issued by the SI in the sense that they have the status of copyrighted property and have been funded by organisations which in the past may have supported progressive art but which do not sound like the champions of revolutionary causes .
21 The reason was that at Trico the district committee ( which in the engineering union structure is a very important body ) was dominated by the left while at Electrolux it was controlled by the right .
22 London buses , for example , are exempt from traffic lawsaffecting other vehicles , which in the competitive deregulated world of modern bus operation , include expensive pollution control .
23 THE Most forgotten manor farm in England , untouched for three or four hundred years , sits safely impossible to find down miles of private sunken lanes which in the spring brim with campion , bluebells , early purple orchids , primroses , violets , speedwell and stichwort .
24 The civic grandeur of Liverpool , which in the middle of the nineteenth century was ever expanding on the most monumental scale , must have influenced Mr Bushnell 's taste , for he had strong views on what he wanted .
25 There are so many similarities : poverty and governments more concerned ( until very recently ) with the statistics of production than with the producers ; a lack of accountability among governments and officials ; an absence of standards maintained through efficient inspectorates ; a lack of that motivated middle class which in the West has made its strength felt in politics ; a lack of effective protest by the victims , for the most part people who have come to accept pollution and filth as part of their everyday condition .
26 A figure of that sort , roughly twice the value of East Germany 's 1986 exports and imports combined , is bound to cause incredulity , but even if the figure were halved , it would still be a remarkable indication of what has happened to a country which in the first half of the 1980s claimed to have established itself among the top ten industrial nations .
27 With West Indies 125 for 6 off fifty overs at the close of the first day , things looked good for England , but next morning Marshall and Dujon threw the bat and took the total to 178 , which in the conditions was not that bad .
28 Irenaeus saw a key word in this — anakepbalaiosis — which in the English translation means ‘ to unite all things ’ .
29 This problem is especially common with Classical marble statuary which in the past was often highly restored before being sold .
30 In the case of childbirth , which in the nineteenth century so often proved fatal , there was a certain disposition — at least among males — to believe that to relieve the pains of labour would be to interfere with what had been divinely preordained ; indeed the Bible could be quoted to this effect .
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