Example sentences of "which set [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is not always easy to get up to date information on which to set the quotas , especially in a small area sample .
2 The correct angle at which to set the drill is achieved by lining up with a sliding bevel set on the bench beside the drill .
3 Acknowledging the concepts of Dansereau ( 1957 ) that man creates new genotypes and new ecosystems , he considers nature without man as natural biogeography in Part I of his book and then uses this as a datum against which to set the larger Part II in which cultural biogeography is concerned with the effects of man in changing the genetic make-up of plants and animals , in redistributing them over the earth 's surface , and in altering the structure of many ecosystems .
4 Any assets in respect of which significant allowable losses will arise on disposal to Newco should , before the sale to Newco , be transferred on an intra-group basis within the vendor 's capital gains tax group to a group company with chargeable gains against which to set the losses .
5 Walter Cocking 's Everyman Four TRF receiver , which set a standard of performance for the rest to try to emulate .
6 The most memorable aspect of their doomed love was Henreid 's gallant — and erotic — way of lighting her cigarettes , which set a new fashion in flirtation .
7 Ms Tyson has supported the Japanese-American semiconductor agreements , the last of which set a proposed share of part of the Japanese chip market of 20% ; she says that not all sectors should be treated to the ‘ market-share ’ approach , but that the administration reserves the right to use it where appropriate .
8 Another important type of statutory ouster clause are clauses which set a time-limit on judicial review .
9 In 1963 , Butler and Stokes began a series of surveys which set a new pattern , and a new standard , for the study of voting behaviour in Britain : their sample was large , nation-wide , and was interviewed several times between 1963 and 1970 ; and the authors were concerned to apply a rigour that had been absent from most of the earlier single constituency studies of electoral choice .
10 The motion on the Local Government Finance Bill — which set a record — was also introduced before debate had begun .
11 One of the best of early Romanesque churches in this region is S. Ambrogio in Milan , which set a pattern for Lombard churches .
12 Coun Carr told the policy and resources meeting , which set a tax of £353 : ‘ We have been short-changed £800,000 by the Government and that has inevitably had an effect on the level of the charge .
13 Here is what Leonard wrote , which set the shape of his life ( later published in Let Us Compare Mythologies , pp 26 ) :
14 Banks financing oil and gas pipeline projects are given similar guarantees by means of through-put agreements which set the minimum usage of the facility by the various contracting parties .
15 The whole trip was a marvellous experience for us all and there was a terrific spirit amongst the squad , which set the scene nicely for the season ahead .
16 If you wish to leave plain stitches between each repeat , then you must indicate this by drawing a black square , in line with the two squares which set the height , on the last row of plain stitches required .
17 They should look , too , at the family 's social situation , their contacts with the extended family , and their perspective of the events which set the referral in motion .
18 Undoubtedly , it was the great monasteries which set the style , with an importance far beyond their immediate locale ; the priory church of St Pancras in Lewes was far larger than Chichester Cathedral , and its monks major landlords .
19 Sergeant Ramsey 's 3-inch mortar was again brought into action , and a direct hit on the building 's roof with the third round was followed by a score of bombs through the resulting hole which set the place ablaze .
20 The tenth anniversary of the armistice , in 1928 , was marked by a cascade of anti-war literature , which set the seal on a broad pacifistic consensus that was to dominate the centre ground of British politics well into the 1930s .
21 Two moments which set the course of the presidential election and which changed the course of American history .
22 But Downing Street made it clear that it was the Cabinet which set the £244.5 billion spending target — and it can increase that figure if it wants to .
23 It might be objected that even though some criminal laws are in the interests of the dominant class and that others which are obviously not in these interests are ineffectively enforced , thus making them dead-letter laws , it still remains true that laws proscribing those types of victimizing behaviours of which we are all too aware and which set the nerve-ends of neo-classical/conservative criminologists , such as Wilson ( 1975 ) and Morgan ( 1978 ) tingling with fear and loathing , are in all our interests .
24 The British Museum Press will be publishing a new series on Eastern art beginning with Sheila Canby 's Persian Painting , Rachael Ward 's Islamic Metalwork and J.M. Rogers 's Mughal Miniatures which set the major stylistic and technical developments against the historical events which influenced them .
25 Brian Harris DFC made a speech which set the scene :
26 Pre-war were the Sykes ( 1923 ) and Crawford ( 1926 ) Committees , which set the pattern of ‘ public service broadcasting ’ run by the BBC , and the Ullswater Committee ( 1936 ) , which confirmed it .
27 For example , in the web of agencies which surround the US presidency and make key foreign and defence policy decisions , Domhoff ( 1970 , 1978b ) claims to detect clear evidence of capitalist control over both popular and elite opinion-making agencies , which set the agenda for policy-making .
28 But unlike most schools which set the 2nd MB at the end of the second year of the course , before the students start their clinical studies , Southampton has moved the exam to the end of the third ( first clinical ) year .
29 In addition to these directly maritime activities which set the town 's character as a port , the nineteenth century saw a considerable development in engineering .
30 This last was an important function , which set the EEC apart from other international organisations .
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