Example sentences of "which mean [art] " in BNC.

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1 Despite current low interest rates — which mean a low return on savings — the society has seen an increase in deposits , mirroring the trend reported in the BSA review .
2 Rising from a low-level patio behind the elegant five storey house , the garden is dominated by two high trees — a lime and an ash — which mean a lot of shade for Tricia to cope with .
3 The standard SII Land Rover has 4.7:1 diffs which mean the pinion shaft of the differential turns 4.7 times ( as does the prop shaft .
4 Due to the sawing process , all slates are absolutely flat and of a very even and regular thickness , advantageous factors which mean the fixer does not have to sort the product on-site .
5 Such lexical chains need not necessarily consist of words which mean the same , however .
6 It follows from this that in a recognition test subjects will find it extremely difficult to distinguish one of the early sentences in a passage from similar sentences which mean the same .
7 However , if a sentence has only just been heard , subjects should be able to tell the difference between that sentence and all other sentences — even sentences which mean the same .
8 How little we realised that the front line was a focus , that it was important to the Lebanese , the only way to define the undefinable , the only method by which those who had suffered — which meant every Lebanese — could uniquely understand the nature of the calamity that had come upon them .
9 Others who had coped well enough to begin with on those scanty mill wages , who had even picked themselves up and patched things together , the first time that demon of bad trade had halved their weekly pay ; the first time there had been sickness and doctors ' bills to eat up anything they had been able to put by during the good times — never much ; the first time a husband had suffered injury at the mill or the foundry , which meant no weekly pay-packet at all .
10 Other events which contributed to the decline of the madeira wine industry were the American Civil War ( which meant a temporary loss of the American market ) and the opening of the Suez Canal ( which meant a reduction in the number of ships calling at Madeira ) .
11 Other events which contributed to the decline of the madeira wine industry were the American Civil War ( which meant a temporary loss of the American market ) and the opening of the Suez Canal ( which meant a reduction in the number of ships calling at Madeira ) .
12 The term has its origins in the Old French word ‘ ecurie ’ which meant a barn or a stable .
13 This in turn was derived from the word ‘ ecu ’ which meant a shield , or in this case , a shelter .
14 Legislation had been passed , at the height of the bubble , to stop the creation of new joint-stock companies , which ruled out one of the ways in which the British had organized their expansion overseas , Walpole , the Prime Minister who picked up the pieces after the collapse , was first of all concerned to make sure that the King and his government did not run into any more trouble , which meant a programme of no new taxes , no wars , no new assertion of authority , and much less expansion than either before or after .
15 The former mill town of Earby was chosen for proximity to Barnoldswick and its Rolls Royce aero-engine plant , which meant a pool of vital skills
16 On this occasion we had no option but to begin our traverse on Saturday which meant a compulsory day of rest somewhere en route .
17 There were two friendships which meant a great deal to her .
18 Some of the luggage was mislaid and after claims were placed at the lost luggage desk , it eventually turned up which meant a dash across the city out our ‘ 5-star accommodation ’ , the Vienna Marriott Hotel .
19 Before they had the motorcycles they had to walk which meant a lot of travelling time and then less time at the , each village when they arrived .
20 The discovery started her crying in earnest , which meant a stop in a lay-by for a while before she was in a fit condition to resume her journey home .
21 He was promoted to the rank of Captain and a desk at the Admiralty offices in Whitehall , which meant an end to the family 's wanderings and a large apartment in a turreted neo-gothic building overlooking the Thames in London 's legal district .
22 The French manufacturers had to wait until 1892 for the Méline tariff , which meant an average duty of about 34 per cent on British goods .
23 New machinery was brought in which meant an unpredictable pace of work .
24 Whilst the Technology was being built there was a fire at the school which meant an extra classroom had to be built .
25 Tony Philliskirk pulled one back for Peterborough , which meant an anxious last 5 minutes for the London Road faithful .
26 It was a $35,000 car — no wonder the owners had n't made the repayments — with computerised dash , booming hi-fi , and cruise control which meant the car would keep a fixed speed without a foot on the accelerator .
27 The runs were hosed down every day — which meant the dogs got very wet feet and the little ones got wet tummies .
28 Although Koch prides himself on his team 's technological programme , he admitted he had overlooked the change to daylight-saving time , which meant the races began an hour earlier , while the wind was still building .
29 The lift was not usually operated after six in the evening which meant the holding of ‘ express traffic ’ overnight .
30 To attack this problem , a Recommended Basic Food Basket was introduced , which meant the subsidising of essential foodstuffs .
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