Example sentences of "which [is] at " in BNC.

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1 This is a good Scots which is at once distinctly literary and faithful to the speech of the city .
2 Kermode sees this change — which is at the heart of what I am writing about — as having radical implications for letters , comparable to such things as the advent , first of printing and then of cheap paper ; the bourgeoisie 's greater leisure for private reading ; and the abandonment by circulating libraries of the three-volume novel , which had been the favoured vehicle for fiction during much of the nineteenth century : Kermode exaggerates a little , I think ; nothing in the establishment of university English is as important as the innovations in culture and technology which established the book in its modern form .
3 ‘ I want to tell you fellas , if you are at risk ( from nuclear contamination ) it 's your semen and sperm which is at risk . ’
4 His argument deploys the old jargon of authenticity , now combined with the jargon of otherness ; despite his Hegelian framework , Scruton deploys this jargon as an exalted metaphor which does little more than bestow a spurious profundity on a normative sexual politics which is at heart timid , conservative , and deeply ignorant .
5 Neither : let us say rather that what is most significant about such passages is the way so much is fantasized from the position of the woman ( including anal ecstasy and , elsewhere , Lawrence 's almost as notorious worship of the phallus ) , and in a voice which is at once blindingly heterosexist and desperately homoerotic .
6 It is a reply which is at once deferential and contemptuous , self-effacing and arrogant .
7 The exception is David Marquand 's splendid biography of Ramsay MacDonald , which is at its best when dealing with 1931 .
8 The first two tasks , though hideously difficult , were at least relatively straightforward ; the third posed the problem which is at the heart of Peter Dennis 's book : whose law was to be restored and what civilian authority should take over ?
9 Developments in Tanzania in the mid 1970s were , however , to end in the direct contradiction of this injunction , a contradiction which is at the heart of Tanzania 's tendency towards an authoritarian state .
10 There was a man born among these Jews who claimed to be , or to be the son of , or to be one with the something which is at once the awful haunter of Nature and the giver of the moral law .
11 The invitation is for the service only ( which is at 12 noon ) , since the numbers at the reception are limited by both space and budget .
12 The main events are at 12.25 ( women ) and 1.30 ( men ) in a day 's programme comprising 12 races , the first of which is at 11.05 .
13 Unwisely , as it turns out , the credits display the real thing , which is at least a dozen times better than this carelessly silly concoction .
14 But these are all secondary to the flow of talk , which is at times brilliant and , rather less often , impossibly pretentious .
15 It is their claim to unlimited authority which is at stake here .
16 The most recent and important example comes from the proposed Forest Bill of India which is at the time of writing about to come before Parliament .
17 And it 's not just your home which is at risk ; farm machinery , livestock , feedstuffs , chemicals and equipment are all highly valuable and must be protected from the criminal .
18 This looking towards God is therefore the life of contemplation , which is at the heart of the truly Christian life .
19 It is not only wildlife which is at stake .
20 Thus , a whole range of decisions would not be left merely to the instinct of the doctor , good though he or she may be , but would be set down in a form which is at the same time authoritative , yet flexible and able to change if circumstances demand .
21 It will be obvious to all , however , that this tidiness is an illusion , because its essence , which is at once its merit and its weakness , is its very indefiniteness and amenability to ad hoc decisions based on the ‘ justice ’ of the particular facts .
22 This is most easily done after the third cleavage which is at right angles to the first two , and so divides the embryo into four animal and four vegetal cells .
23 There are in almost all animals two main axes , the antero-posterior which defines the ‘ head ’ and ‘ tail ’ ends and the dorso-ventral axis which is at right angles to it .
24 It is perhaps that long-term perspective which is at the root of present-day concern over the nuclear arsenal held by the superpowers .
25 But to refer to Wladek as ‘ a typical representative of the culturally passive mass which constitutes in every civilised society the enormous majority of the population ’ is to do less than justice to a tale which is at times very lively indeed and which was surely not written by any ‘ passive ’ sort of person .
26 Britain has a whole new culture of public education to work out : new expectations , customs , relationships and attitudes more profound than the new vocabulary which is at present being learnt .
27 In the principal street , which is at the back of the locomotives ' building , there are six houses of three shops on the ground floor .
28 After all , Mnemosyne is , by Zeus , mother of the muses and goddess of Memory , which is at the heart of pretty well all states of mind .
29 Nuclear Metals says , however , that the behaviour of the alloys is ‘ controversial … we are not 100 per cent convinced that it is the titanium alloy itself which is at fault — it may be the environment , ’ Don King of Nuclear Metals told New Scientist .
30 Unfortunately , it is not simply the future of Henderson Island which is at stake .
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