Example sentences of "which [adj] people " in BNC.

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1 BSL is fundamental to the cognitive and linguistic representation which deaf people use .
2 Try using plastic cones as holders for indoor bulbs which normal people grow in water in proper bulb glasses !
3 Almost two years of acrimonious disputes between the Indian Government and the European aircraft manufacturer Airbus Industrie came to an end on Jan. 11 , when a court of inquiry in New Delhi ruled that the crash of an Indian Airlines A-320 Airbus in February 1990 , in which 92 people had died , had been due to pilot error , and not to technical failure , as the Indian authorities had maintained [ see p. 37268 ] .
4 When they are quite innocent of certain events they are unfortunately blamed by the public in those areas , and they are seen as damaging the countryside and they are seen also they do not encourage the matter when you envisage the fact that they have these erm , for instance , animals — the dogs around their sites which are not noted for their behaviour , and there are many aspects of their behaviour which upset people around .
5 Led by Geoff Miller as Botham was attending Viv Richards ' wedding — to which fifty people were invited and two thousand turned up — they beat the Leeward Islands and then moved on to Antigua for the inaugural Test at St John 's , West Indies ' first new Test ground since the opening series of 1929–30 .
6 The pro-Iranian Islamic Jihad group has admitted it carried out the bomb attack on the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires in which eleven people died .
7 The demonstrations came temporarily to an end after a personal appeal by Gorbachev on 26 February , but a report that two Azerbaijanis had been killed the previous week led to an anti-Armenian riot on 28–29 February in the oil town of Sumgait in which 32 people were killed and 197 were injured , including more than 100 police officers .
8 The strike action came as the culmination of two weeks of widespread price riots and strikes by 80,000 public sector workers , during which 7,000 people were arrested and an estimated four killed , with 12 others wounded , as the Army and the police confronted protestors looting shops and markets around the country .
9 ( The first round of the " large " privatization , in which 8,500,000 people were involved through the use of special vouchers , had begun only three weeks before the election " see p. 38921 . )
10 dir : The huge project in the United States which randomised people to different health insurance schemes to look at the consequences , including the impact on their health .
11 This chapter continues with the topic of monarchy , an issue about which British people can talk readily and lengthily .
12 Ironically this change in public opinion came at a time when Arab terrorists were letting off bombs in Paris , which French people thought quite terrible .
13 The advertising is in black-and-white and is authentically ‘ French ’ — concentrating on moments or happenings in which French people , young and old , are enjoying their Janneau as a part of their everyday life — relaxed with that indefinable French quality of style which instils ordinary events with a particular panache , whether it be over a meal or simple as a complement to civilised living at any time of day .
14 THE SCENE OF DESTRUCTION : Smashed and mangled metal around the battered tailplane is all that remains of the doomed airbus in which 167 people were killed
15 Both surveys also suggest that the state of the local labour market has an important influence on the extent to which unemployed people take temporary work .
16 We are all at the mercy of these machines , which few people understand and nobody can control .
17 A hundred miles beyond Bahriyah lies the further oasis of Farafra , to which few people ventured .
18 I 've never trusted Yale locks unless you remember to hit the dead switch , which few people do .
19 Like many previous philosophers and psychologists , Jung devised a typology to distinguish personality types , the characteristic ways in which different people use their minds and react to their environment .
20 But unlike Chomsky 's ideal linguistic competence , stylistic competence is an ability which different people possess in different measure , so that although there may be a great deal in common between different English speakers " responsiveness to style , allowance must be made for differences of degree and kind .
21 In contrast , although few people believe that the poor should starve , the extent to which incomes or resources should be redistributed from the ‘ haves ’ to the ‘ have-nots ’ to increase the degree of vertical equity is an issue on which different people take very different positions .
22 A consequence of these processes , as Walker puts it , has been ‘ periodic expressions of alarm at the ‘ burden ’ of dependency' which old people create for the rest of us .
23 If there is one lesson to emerge from consideration of the changing balance of dependence and independence in old age , it is the flexibility and adaptability for which old people are given so little credit .
24 The kind of situations in which old people find themselves is another salient factor in considering dependence and independence .
25 Literature is replete with tales of the power which old people have exercised over property and the way this has been used in intergenerational interactions .
26 There is a terrifying slippery slope in the process , by which old people come to be regarded as less than fully human and are therefore not treated as persons deserving equal respect .
27 There is a danger , however , that such generalisations are used to disguise significant variations in the reaction to the position in which old people have been placed .
28 Encouragement of the private sector could take the form of providing ‘ cash ’ ( perhaps in the form of tokens or vouchers ) by which old people , without adequate financial support , could purchase the services which they require .
29 Virtually all the services which old people need are allocated through formal channels , whether it is home helps , day care , aids and adaptations , or the time of a remedial therapist .
30 If some form of assessment of need for such care is introduced , as seems likely , we shall then have a situation in which old people with private means can choose such care but most will have to prove need .
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