Example sentences of "which [verb] time " in BNC.

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1 So those relics of past civilizations which defy time and weather become , in effect , visiting cards as well as trademarks , and provide the key to the spatial and temporal connections of various ‘ culture areas ’ , each identified by a particular assemblage of objects and cultural styles .
2 For this reason office duties are disliked and paperwork despised as ‘ dirtywork ’ ( Hughes , 1971:343 ff. ) which diverts time and energy from ‘ real ’ pollution control work , making one accountable for matters which have little to do with law enforcement .
3 Before reaching the status of adult prisoner , many have trod a path of minor delinquency which involved time spent in residential care .
4 Deceleration commences with a long delay number ( 25 ) , which allows time for the rotor to swing past the equilibrium position into a position where the motor is producing the negative torque required for deceleration .
5 With the aid of the transcript of radio communications , which includes time injections that can enable every word spoken to be timed within one fifth of a second , the investigator begins to build up the history of the flight .
6 The eight founder members are Viglen Ltd ; Granville , which includes Time and Colossus ; Dan Technology ; Kamco Computer Systems ; Evesham Micros Ltd ; Mesh ; Centerprise International Ltd ; and CIC Computers Ltd .
7 An affirmative response meant the repudiation of one 's religious heritage , which happened time and again as monks who had sworn obedience to the pope became his mortal enemies , as nuns who had taken vows of celibacy entered matrimony , and as priests denounced the Catholic Mass as an abomination .
8 Adopting a hierarchical standpoint and preferring to speak in terms of ‘ life ’ rather than ‘ motion ’ , Plotinus regarded time as an intermediate between eternity ( or the higher soul that contemplates eternity ) and the motion of the universe which reveals time as the ‘ life ’ ( or creative power ) of ‘ soul ’ .
9 In that moment , the Word which touched time and history in Jesus Christ touches them again , and so the original Word itself is heard , leaping across the distances of time which are no barrier or hindrance to the running of the communication from eternity .
10 A major problem confronting the interpretation and use of such models for forecasting and analysis is the extent to which observed time lags directly represent backward looking behaviour , or indirectly reflect attempts to anticipate the future .
11 All of which takes time .
12 Oddly enough , many parliaments expect to modify government plans , which takes time .
13 Mintzberg , who studied five chief executives in the USA and reviewed previous research , gives the best account of the importance of informal information and argues that : the manager 's advantage lies , not in the documented information that is widely available , and which takes time to process , but in the current non-documented information transmitted largely by word of mouth … managers seem to indicate strong preference for current information , much of which is necessarily unsubstantiated ( gossip ) , and for information on events rather than trends …
14 It was : ‘ If you want my will to be done , it requires you to actually do something ( which takes time and effort ) not just to sit back and expect it to happen ’ .
15 In his book Coping with Blushing Dr Robert Edelmann suggests replacing negative thoughts by positive ones , which takes time and considerable application .
16 Further , such material can not be used in places frequented by crowds , while its transient activity means that material which takes time to prepare must be used immediately .
17 This may involve ordering additional stocks of material , amending production schedules and possibly introducing overtime working or shift working , all of which takes time to plan and implement .
18 need to bother vacuuming , which takes time , is a pain in the neck and you can never get a vacuum that 's any good anyway .
19 The creation of a model of the project which reflects time , cost and resources is a powerful tool for controlling costs , but there is little point in preparing a highly complex critical path network if only the author of the network understands how it works .
20 As noted above , stipulations in commercial contracts which fix time limits for action by the parties are normally interpreted as conditions , so that a failure to perform on time entitles the other party to terminate the contract .
21 The PC Direct Marketers ' Association ( PCDMA ) will be officially launched by the time you read this , and consists of Dan , Mesh , Viglen , Kamco , Evesham Micros , Hi-Grade , Centerprise International and the Granville Group , which owns Time Computers and Colussus .
22 The microcomputer is a means to an end and it provides an opportunity for developing search strategies because it is a unique storage medium which releases time for more cognitive skills within the information cycle of selecting , processing and communicating information and it is these educational skills which are valued by teachers and librarians .
23 The second was the rhythm of the war itself , which gave time for the detailed discussion of post-war policy .
24 The key was being able to offer a two-coat process , instead of the conventional primer-undercoat-topcoat approach , which saved time and speeded up production .
25 This produces a tension within the Ord. 53 procedural scheme : on the one hand , AJRs may involve factual disputes which take time to resolve properly and fairly ; on the other hand , AJR procedure is designed to be speedy .
26 Conversely , if all institutions are up for grabs all the time , individuals in power will be tempted to milk their positions for private purposes , and those outside power will hesitate to form projects which take time to bear fruit .
27 By bunging the end of the downpipe with the filter mat all the debris is filtered out of the water before it goes into the bucket or water butt , which saves time and energy trying to strain it out later .
28 Some ovens allow grill and microwave to work simultaneously , which saves time .
29 Probably the most characteristic feature of Shito is the avoidance of unnecessary movements which waste time and energy .
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