Example sentences of "which [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 President Truman did so in a campaign which no-one expected him to win , and he won .
2 I saw several brand new technical institutes , complete with Japanese-equipped language laboratories , which no-one knew how to use , and libraries stacked with scientific books .
3 Mr Rumback either read to them from books , which no-one heard because the words got caught in his big moustache , or slept .
4 Which no-one escapes from ;
5 I have shaken hands with a great many friends , but there are some things I want to know which no-one seems able to explain .
6 I mean there 's no earthly use doing a beautiful piece of evaluation erm which no-one wants to know about at the end , or publishing something that has no affect .
7 Do not keep saying to yourself ‘ But how can it be like that ? ’ because you will get … into a blind alley from which no-one has yet escaped . ’
8 But something I would like to say , which no-one has touched on at all ; we 've all been talking about the laws that affect women and equal opportunities , and no-one has mentioned anything about the horrendous hours that are worked in parliament making it not impossible , but extremely difficult for women to become politicians working in parliament to be the people who make the laws , to be the people who can actually affect women 's roles in society erm everyone seems to accept the fact that our own parliament , totally dominated by men , and the sort of hours that only men can work , making it extremely difficult for women .
9 Even if social analysis is something which everyone does , those who engage in it professionally are still tempted by delusions of grandeur .
10 Taken as a whole , the 1950s can be seen as a decade in which everyone had to work very hard just to keep the District on an even keel : it reflects great credit on all concerned that , in statistical terms , the decline of the early fifties was halted so that ultimately an expansionist phase could begin .
11 The outcome of a blatant novelty song would have been lots of cash ( something to which everyone had a liking ) and a higher profile .
12 Of even greater consequence , the participation of adolescents in society was of special interest in the latter part of the War when ‘ reconstruction ’ promised both efficiency and a liberal , social democracy in which everyone had a part to play .
13 One night during the making of the first film in November 1972 , she dusted down a piece of furniture in that crowded kitchen of hers ( which everyone had supposed to be a writing desk ) lifted the lid and revealed … a miniature organ .
14 I thought that Basil appreciated more than most the essential magic of the child 's experience of the world and the expression of this in art — not that he ever said this , but his own manner as a teacher always implied that this was a special , essentially elevated kind of activity — but one in which everyone had the capacity to join .
15 A study in 1971 found that of 132 political states only 12 were true nation-states in which everyone had the same native tongue .
16 From the Wilton Weavers she was given a camera as a leaving present and from the Winding Department and the Spool Setters she received a generous gift of cash to which everyone had contributed .
17 Bilbo uses some five of these : one is rhyme , which everyone recognises , but the others are less familiar — internal half-rhyme , alliteration ( i.e. beginning words with the same sound or letter ) , alliterative assonance ( the Macbeth device ) , and a frequent if irregular variation of syntax .
18 In short , a stable and caring society in which everyone can live in reasonable comfort and security and to which everyone contributes according to their means .
19 To promote the learner as subject , Freire proposes a dialogue approach in which everyone participates as co-learners to understand and create a jointly constructed reality .
20 Because they are doing the most unnatural thing in the world , which everyone tells them is perfectly natural , in order that little children should all sit down quiet and good in one place and learn to take the world for granted , and not attempt to change it .
21 There were dry gingers and tonics prepared for the whiskies and gins which everyone hoped would drown the star 's sorrows .
22 And as they go about the painstaking task of piecing the problem together there is one solution which everyone fears .
23 On the one hand , some clients may prefer a structured day with routine care , which everyone receives given at set times , very probably by a succession of nurses .
24 Indeed , throughout the story of the Shah 's last year , recollections differ enormously , There is no one version on which everyone agrees , no single destination , no unity of perception or goal .
25 He will know that we propose for the sake of speed and practicality to use an existing valuation register , which everyone agrees exists and can be used .
26 The General Theory appears to have assumed the dubious status of a ‘ classic ’ : a work to which everyone refers but which no one reads .
27 Helen gave a talk about her work , but there was one subject about life in a space capsule which everyone seemed curious about , and which Helen duly explained :
28 It is a light , fluffy effort in which everyone says exactly what 's on their minds at all times .
29 For , so he elaborately argues , one can not , if one really thinks it through , accept the total set of prescriptions implied by any universal ethical rules except those which attach weight , in proportion to their strength , to the desirability of satisfying the desires which everyone affected by an action would have if they possessed proper prudence .
30 One of the first was the Camattini family , who left La Spezia , the great port and naval base on the Ligurian Sea which everyone expected to be bombarded by the British Fleet .
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