Example sentences of "will then [verb] " in BNC.

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1 you see I , what I 'll then do is get cushion covers for the cushion and get like the net ones
2 They can also be used for tests for structural change , right , what we 're going to do is to say during peacetime right , we 'll estimate our model , we 'll then estimate our model during wartime and we 're going to assume that the coefficients or the income and price elasticity mark , do n't change during between peace and wartime , all that happens is as they intercept this model shifts , right , now you may thinks that 's not particularly er attractive , you might expect the price of income elasticities to change between two periods and we could actually use dummy variables to see whether that is the case , right , however , we 'll get very similar results , right , if you just use a slope dummy so it 'd intercept dummy , right , and all that 's going to do is to say , well the model runs like this in peacetime , right , and then wartime it suddenly shifts up or down depending on the effect of er of the war on textile consumption .
3 which is burnt off when the whole thing gets fired in the kiln , so what will have to happen is the , your pots you 've done so far , once they 're thoroughly dried and go into the kiln , they 're fired at a high temperature and then they 'll come out this bit fired you 'll then separate them with oxide pastes , dip them into glaze , which I 'll explain in a minute , and re-fire them at a higher temperature , the glazed would
4 that 'll then wind and it winds the whole up .
5 er you know so far as we can get that erm and I 'll then give you a description of how the theory er predicts your er preferences for behaving in particular ways , would work out .
6 If he comes to court , what happened at the police station does n't matter because he 'll then give direct evidence , not what he said in the police station but what actually happened on that night in the , in the estate .
7 If I could get my applicant , you see if , let's say we pay somebody , I du n no fifty , sixty quid a week , fifty quid a week to come and for , two mornings , three mornings , or whatever that 'll then give me enough time to contact the applicants and then ma , maybe maybe two stroke three sales extra per month .
8 We 'll then send you full details and an application form .
9 We 'll then move on to motion three nine four , representation at Labour and T U C conferences , and motion three nine nine , Labour local authorities .
10 Will tho we 'll then move on to those in favour of the substantive motion please show
11 Okay and I 'll then move on to er Mrs 's resolution .
12 And we 'll then type it up for ya , and you 'll take it away and it will be yours .
13 They 'll then pass the information on so that eventually everyone in the road knows .
14 Good , okay well let's take some details from you and what I 'll do is I 'll register your details onto our mailing list so that erm , anything that 's coming onto the market you 'll get a phone call on straight away to let you know but also I 'll then check and see what we 've got that might suit your requirements at the moment .
15 And when er when er when he finds out he 'll then decide when he wants to see me again
16 We 'll then , I 'll then invite a speaker from each region on the C E C statement and following on from that we 'll then take the vote on the statement and comp twenty nine and motion three nine six .
17 We 'll then take motion two five five T G W U. Motion two two eight Changing Employment Patterns moved and seconded I will then invite speakers from each of the regions on the Special Report .
18 We 'll then take motion One one A , one one one A , er motion one one O , motion one five three , motion one five six , motion one six three .
19 After a while , doing that once or twice , you 'll get a real feel for it , and you 'll then know how to write it and , and to get it right .
20 You 'll then have some ideas of what I was up against .
21 Now you 'll then have to look and see if they tell you to give it to the nearest metre or the nearest maybe the nearest maybe the nearest point one of a metre or three significant figures or three decimal places .
22 We 'll then have heard from the hospital and can decide what to do about the situation .
23 He 'll then have to wait another 4 weeks before he 's allowed to apply for his passport to be returned .
24 Now , the C E C have got various different positions on , on all these motions , so I 'll then call John to put the C E C position on those motions at the end of the debate .
25 You 'll then find out where they went to — a few clues : it will be -2.2° C , only one thousandth of the country is cultivated , only a third of the population have radios and there are 15 hotels in the country .
26 You 'll then receive everything you need for a great club night including a set of questions and answers , prizes of Aquarian food and winners ' certificates .
27 You 'll then receive everything you need for a great club night including a set of questions and answers , prizes of Aquarian food and winner 's certificates .
28 You 'll then receive everything you need for a great club night including a set of questions and answers , prizes of Aquarian food and winner 's certificates .
29 We 'll then , I 'll then invite a speaker from each region on the C E C statement and following on from that we 'll then take the vote on the statement and comp twenty nine and motion three nine six .
30 Colleagues , perhaps I could explain to you , er , how we 're gon na deal with the rest of the programme , certainly in the , the next hour or so er , I 'm proposing that we take the special report , Health , Safety and the Environment Service Review be asking Nigel to move the report to be seconded by Fred from the central executive council we 'll then invite speakers from all the regions and then we 'll put the report to the vote .
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