Example sentences of "or [vb base] them " in BNC.

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1 This sparked immediate criticism that the MMC regulations requiring Bass to free pubs from the tie or sell them had been by-passed .
2 Once a bank purchases such bills it can hold the bills to maturity or sell them in a secondary market to any other bank(s) .
3 We succeed in operating them profitably , but the big national breweries regard such pubs as non-viable and tend to close them or sell them off , with inevitable consequences in the form of unemployment .
4 What d do you make them or sell them or what ?
5 Ask if they have ever been frightened at school and what frightened or upset them .
6 Of course , you can take your clothes off and wash them , or change them as appropriate !
7 It was known , also , that the old lady had been friendly with his mother ; and anyway , being a bachelor and retired , he could usually be counted on to take sufferers to hospital in emergency , or bring them home ; as well as visiting murderers in prison , and other tasks ( often called do-gooding by people who have never been remotely in need of that particular little world ) .
8 By 1755 serious friction had developed between England and France over their respective Far Eastern and North American colonies , and it was rapidly learned in London that the French had , though reluctantly , decided that only a major invasion of England itself could force the English to keep ships at home or bring them back from overseas .
9 Do not only go and see them , but take them out or bring them home .
10 For the next few years the horde ravaged at will through the mountains , desecrating shrines , despoiling tombs , and waylaying travellers , but Grom was unable to take any of the Dwarf holds or bring them to battle .
11 Thus drugs can be said to act on people and relax them ( 26 ) or bring them around ( 27 ) ; information can put some people in a favourable position with respect to others ( 28 ) ; and pointers can be seen as guiding people ( i.e. as somehow active or operative ) in the proper discharge of their duties .
12 We do not want to dictate our experience on Western European women or evaluate them .
13 The Act actually says that we 're concerned with children who have learning difficulties , which calls for special education provision , and to be more specific they refer to children who have greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of that age , or disabilities which prevent or hinder them making use of the educational facilities generally provided .
14 For example , they transport schoolchildren to events in unmarked buses , or pick them up from locations outside West Belfast .
15 And so you get these , these somewhat stupefied er or one over the eight wasps rolling around , er and er you know , not , not being terribly active , but that , that is the time at which of course people do tend to tread on them or pick them up and get stung .
16 And carry them , either carry them , or push them on a two-wheeled trolley , all through the round the lace market to 's , and various other And if I were lucky , and the 's van was going round the lace market , and I 'd got three or four parcels , I used to go with little Tommy and his horse and van , round the lace market , and he was delivering dress goods then .
17 But the home government always resisted this simple but dangerous solution , passing up chances to expand territorially if that meant the helots could stab them in the back — or eat them raw .
18 ‘ Alternatively , a woman may have low self-esteem , feeling she can only impress others or make them like her by buying status symbols or the latest fashions .
19 Causton plans to alter the ends of the polymers to make them stick better to specific surfaces or make them attractive to only a particular protein .
20 You can freeze these buns or make them the day before and keep in an airtight container .
21 For example , strong tea , coffee , alcohol , fruit juice or highly spiced dishes can bring on Cystitis attacks or make them worse .
22 And they 'd come up and wait them but I 'd make them a cup of coffee or a cup of cocoa or something like that , there were n't coffee then cos we could n't afford coffee we used to have cocoa or make them a mug of tea .
23 Would it slow them down or make them more vicious ?
24 Mr Edwards also detects caution in employers who are recruiting : ‘ They hire people for a specific period , maybe one or two years , so that at the end of that time they can decide whether or not to renew their contract or make them redundant .
25 Having obtained your two pieces of wood , place them one on top of the other , ensuring that they are exactly square , and tape or clamp them securely together .
26 There is nothing essentially new in thus narrowing the scope of will ; most of mankind throughout most of its history seems to have taken it for granted that they were moved by forces from beyond them and mysterious to them , which might lift them above or drag them below the capacities of which they might presume to be in command ( in Christian theology , the unpredictable visitations of divine grace assisting a will otherwise impotent to resist the Devil ) , and in the present century , ever since Freud demonstrated that the same conception of man could be translated from a religious into a psychological language , we have found ourselves thinking our way back to it .
27 Situations in which they can prove useful are in small and/or lightly-stocked tanks , and rearing tanks where feeding is rather heavy and regular , as long as the turnover rate is not too high so as to stress the young fish or drag them into the filter .
28 However , as shown in the following extracts , many cultures regard land as incapable of ownership by human beings , or award them a form of tenure quite at variance with the Western tradition .
29 According to Beamish , the IFL knew of three remedies to the Jewish question : to kill them , sterilize them or segregate them .
30 This is how they are currently treated when we use them as research tools or slaughter them for consumption at our tables .
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