Example sentences of "or [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Derek Bumstead , supervisor : Failed ‘ adequately or at all to monitor Mr Hemingway 's working practices ’ , or to plan satisfactorily work on weekend when fatal errors made .
2 Gunpowder can fail to ignite or explode prematurely .
3 However , they should not be over-used or applied anywhere near the face .
4 Acyclovir given intravenously , orally or applied directly at the site of infection can accelerate healing and restrict the spread and recurrence of many herpes infections ( British Medical Journal , 1982 , vol 285 , p 1223 . ) .
5 The most important finding is that bFGF given parenterally or applied directly to the mucosa enhanced the healing of acetic acid induced gastric ulcerations and augmented the healing activity of sucralfate .
6 It is true that these original objectives and policies of particular types of union concerning the labour and product markets of the relevant occupation and industry have subsequently been modified as the unions amalgamated or became more diversified in terms of their recruitment .
7 Equally it might be argued that since withdrawal from NATO was the last card he could play in his campaign against American influence , short of defecting from the West altogether , there were good reasons not to play it until it seemed likely to be effective or became absolutely necessary .
8 The fee for this was either added to the licence fee or invoiced separately , prior to despatch of the film to the customer .
9 I was not angry or upset so much as concerned by the lads going so far in the wrong direction .
10 No prizes for guessing what happens to the net — and you are left with the task of extricating the hedgehog without damaging the net or wasting too much time .
11 The purchase of externally-sourced catalogue records ( e.g. from OCLC or VTLS ) would not be cost-effective , since so many of our records are unique , or shared only with other specialist botanical libraries not contributing records to these services — we would have to do it all again ourselves , and we lack the manpower resources to do this .
12 Backgrounds should be drawn or painted inextricably knit with the model , and pictures should be made from studies , not from imaginary sketches .
13 The medium in its various colours could be used for cloisonné work or painted thinly on metal surfaces .
14 One of these is the pressure exerted by ice-crystal growth , the idea being that this is directional and that if the direction of growth is resisted by the wall of a void or crack then pressure will be exerted which may be sufficient to wedge the crack apart .
15 ( 2 ) An advertisement in the London Gazette as to a firm whose principal place of business is in England or Wales … shall be notice as to persons who had no dealings with the firm before the date of the dissolution or change so advertised .
16 The reason , frequently given , and I shudder because I can remember advancing it myself on a history syllabus committee , is that since primary schooling is terminal for many children , they must cover the ground or remain forever ignorant .
17 The species horse does n't chew or gallop or jump or bring forth its young alive .
18 one or two pieces I had to deal with , or bring home with me .
19 If a development economist can understand why people plant so much maize , or why they plant on 30 June , his work of persuading them to plant cotton , or to plant earlier or later should be more successful , if not simpler .
20 To be fair , it is not dealt with by Nash either , but it is too important an aspect of children 's jokes to be ignored or dismissed lightly .
21 The power to define and enforce consents is ultimately a power to put people out of business , to deter the introduction of new industry or to drive away going concerns .
22 He asked me whether I would prefer to see Bologna and spend the night there , or to drive directly to Verona .
23 Land that is cultivated or grazed intensively near the croft is often referred to as inbye to distinguish it from common grazings and more distant fields .
24 This tool can be developed to help nurses scrutinise their work or evaluate quantitatively the effects of change within a ward on nurse activity .
25 Well , he likes , instead of sticking to Paul and the Ephesians all the time , to , you know , slip in a wee snippet of Shakespeare or Tennyson or mibbe even Wordsworth now and again , as a Text .
26 Acts to enable river navigations to be improved , necessary because the building of locks , new cuts or dredging often affected the interests of local landowners , farmers and especially millers , went back as far as the sixteenth century but were consolidated in a veritable spate of river improvement after the Restoration .
27 Assuming that there is a perfect capital market , so that the individual can borrow or lend freely at an interest rate r ( about which he has confident expectations ) , a person 's expected lifetime discounted income is measured by , where W u and M u are expected wage income and capital receipts at time u , and P u denotes the survival probability .
28 Researchers are not constrained to what they can observe or experience directly , but are able to cover as many facets of as many people as resources allow .
29 Helpers approaching have sometimes been bitten or attacked wildly in the delirium that follows and which may last as long as twelve tormented hours .
30 Lifting heavy objects , gaining weight , sneezing or coughing violently , and even constipation can exacerbate an existing weakness and result in a painful mass of intestine bursting through the groin muscles .
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