Example sentences of "or [verb] very " in BNC.

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1 You do n't relax or laugh very much , perhaps because of the effect Lowood school has had on you .
2 Married women found themselves either excluded entirely from , or treated very poorly by , a whole range of measures designed to work through the labour market .
3 Such were the army , in which both George I and George II took a strong personal interest , and foreign policy , about which as a rule few ministers knew or cared very much .
4 Few people in the West knew or cared very much if they did .
5 If you are putting the Process Directory deep within the hierarchical structure , ( or using very long directory names ) so that the directory name , excluding device name , will be more than 20 characters , you will need to use concealed logical names ( or pseudo-devices ) .
6 She would run , or yell very loudly — or perhaps both !
7 They 'll be silent or cheer very loud
8 Moreover , if we examine social scientific practice at all closely we can often see how substantially the same data can be used to support or discredit very different , sometimes contrary , theories : the generic use of data and methods should not make this too surprising an observation .
9 You can either stand on them , or look very stupid on the stage .
10 Q THIS year some of the buds on my clematis , Comtesse de Bouchard , have either dried up or produced very small flowers .
11 And then she either becomes terribly unfashionable , or wears very expensive hats that another woman 's husband has to pay for . ’
12 She did n't seem or look very intelligent , but she must be .
13 People with HC may be clumsy , or fall over a lot , or get very fidgety .
14 Norway also produces Gjetost , a sweet , dark brown , fudge-like cheese that should be pared or sliced very thinly .
15 Many of the larger investment managers now concentrate on institutional funds or set very high minima of £1m or so for the private client portfolios they will take on .
16 As you know the authorities or control very very closely , as to the additional members of staff that come on .
17 So because many elderly people ca n't see or hear very well , they may be missing information which the rest of us see and take in without even thinking about it .
18 You could not see or hear very far through it , but it would be quite a supportive , cocooning medium — foams can be very viscous .
19 Tudor urban families often either died out or disappeared very quickly .
20 Seles admits she ca n't lob or serve very well to save her life .
21 And the more these artists are able to work on their own , or become very powerful , then the more precious and ungrown-up they tend to become .
22 If the tank is new , or kept very clean , feed the mussels every other day with frozen Filter Feed , sold for marine invertebrates .
23 The consumer press , for example , will not be interested in any kind of pack shot and brand and company names should be removed or kept very small indeed .
24 This will form a braid or plait very common in Aran knitting With a selection of these traditional braids and cables it would be very easy to produce a typical Aran sweater on your machine .
25 If the child has a special skill or the parent has a special interest and they enjoy together exchanging this skill or interest , like teaching a child to swim very young , teaching it to play or listen to music , or play very simple rhythmic sounds , then as long as it is done within a relationship that is , above all , a loving relationship , great .
26 If the child has a special skill or the parent has a special interest and they enjoy together exchanging this skill or interest , like teaching a child to swim very young , teaching it to play or listen to music , or play very simple rhythmic sounds , then as long as it is done within a relationship that is , above all , a loving relationship , great .
27 More than one-third of the economists either refused to answer the question regarding what is fair , or gave very complex , uncodable responses .
28 They remove wood or paint very quickly and aggressively .
29 Sometimes they may not be able to eat or talk very well .
30 Neurotics may appear to be concerned for others , but this is based on unconscious hostility towards someone , so that their concern that someone may die , or fall very ill unless some particular action of their own is done or not done , really masks an unconscious wish for their death : ‘ … the original wish that the loved person may die is replaced by a fear that he may die ’ .
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