Example sentences of "as it have " in BNC.

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1 shades they were made in Finland they were the paper pleated ones , er , most of them , no , no not most of them , a lot of them fitted er close up onto the ceiling where they 're intended for centre lights and were held up onto the ceiling with a little spring , erm , they also did some quite nice pleated paper shades , er at a time when you find that most electrical shops were , would have er the old type of erm what is it , imitation silk shades with fringes round them , er fringe at the top and fringe at the bottom and so on sort of thing , when the , when those was sort of old of age everywhere , it was just the same as it 'd been before the war , er it was , you know , quite right really to see these all in different colours , completely plain , but pleated shades but in just one particular colour each shade .
2 Language itself , he said , would cease to function as it had always functioned , it would only be a strange dead thing , smouldering perhaps , but burnt out , no longer conveying any meaning .
3 Mr Doran had moved his wife 's cake to the first position , and Mr Clancy had moved it back to the middle , saying the first cake tasted had the best chance , and his wife 's cake would be first as it had got there first .
4 And she typed the dream exactly as it had come to her .
5 But Jay 's spine became electric as Pergolese 's Stabat Mater came through the speakers sure as it had filled the dusk of her dream .
6 Her heart cramped now as she thought of her husband 's folly in plumping for the easy money , as it had seemed , after three bad harvests — his airy promise to come home soon — his failure to return after his regiment had been disbanded in Madras and left to make its own way back round half the world .
7 Here he was able to stand back from the onrush of western man and ask himself the real questions of life and meaning ; get his young life , full and successful as it had been , into perspective .
8 In tropical oceans , there is also the problem of the teredo worm , one of the lamellibranch family of boring molluscs , whose destructive vigour proved as deadly to submarine cables as it had previously done to ships ' timbers , wharves and sea dykes .
9 The England that Pound mourns the loss of is , as it had been for him from the first , an integral province of western Europe , sharing a common culture with France and always reaching out , through France , to the shores of the Mediterranean .
10 When Mary Queen of Scots went to Edinburgh she bewailed going out among savages , and she herself went from a sixteenthcentury court that held but a barbarous , or rather a drivelling and idiotic and superficial travesty of the Italian culture as it had been before the debacle of 1527 .
11 Increasingly referred to by its citizens as ‘ the Zone ’ , as it had been when it was merely the Soviet occupation zone , it has achieved no genuine separate identity or legitimacy .
12 The mortaring stopped just as suddenly as it had started , and it was quiet again .
13 This was not true , but in a largely illiterate society the snowball effect of malicious rumours worried the Bolsheviks , as it had the Tsarist officials before them .
14 It was achieved in a mood of almost stunned boredom amongst English opinion , confident that the dismantling of the United Kingdom as it had endured since 1707 or 1536 would not in fact take place .
15 This was attacked by Labour as dismantling the housing welfare programme as it had existed since 1945 , or perhaps since the Addison Act of 1919 .
16 Even so , the advance of privatization was a notable shift in public debate , a great reversal of the growth of corporatism as it had rolled on , government after government , since the centralization of the First World War .
17 The British attitude to Europe remained as functional and piecemeal as it had been in the time of Ernest Bevin after 1945 .
18 Within the Common Market , Britain in 1989 seemed as much the odd nation out as it had been in 1979 at the time of the rancorous Dublin summit , unable to prevent major changes within the Community by responding in a negative , bad-tempered way .
19 The basic logic of her programme since 1979 had been to reverse the main lines of her country 's history as it had developed since the Second World War .
20 The British still believed themselves to retain ‘ shared values ’ which the debate over a national educational curriculum in the 1980s helped stimulate anew , as it had done in the French Third Republic after 1875 .
21 He built out of that illusion a political cause which stirred the British electorate as it had not been stirred for decades and which has left its imprint on the Conservative Party and on British trade policy down to the present .
22 However in these years the total area of land devoted to such cash Crops by smallholders was minuscule in relation to the total area in production , and had little impact on the bush/fallow system as it had been traditionally practised .
23 Moran hardly heard ; all resentment left him as quickly as it had come : McQuaid was here and it was Monaghan Day .
24 Rose Brady 's attention had been as unexpected as it had been sudden and welcome .
25 Even Moran had to admit it though he dismissed it as well by saying that it would have done well enough for the likes of him as it had been .
26 Then , as abruptly as it had pitched camp , the caravan moved on .
27 Charlie was sensitive about having false teeth at thirty — why had n't all that wartime milk and orange juice set him up for life as it had his contemporaries ? — but he did n't mind Jack knowing .
28 ‘ Yes , ’ Frau Nordern sat bolt upright and gave Marx her commanding glare which , however , did not have quite the same effect on him as it had done on the Duty Officer .
29 ‘ There was a transitional moment of delicious uneasiness and then — instantaneously — the long inhibition was over , the dry desert lay behind , I was off once more into the land of longing , my heart at once broken and exalted as it had never been since the old days at Bookham . ’
30 But the exiled soldier wanted more than a place to stay : he wanted , to a Peter Pan-ish degree , everything as it had been in his childhood home .
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