Example sentences of "as he [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Where the defendant is aware of the contents , however , as he generally will be with prosecutions under this section , the prosecutor must show that the defendant was aware that others might find his words to be threatening , abusive of insulting .
2 One can rarely dip into a Pollini recording as a series of edited highlights ( except perhaps as a demonstration of superlative digital execution ) , as he rarely ever plays ‘ for the moment ’ ; one is irresistibly drawn towards hearing the whole work , as only then does the integrity of his vision register with its fullest potency .
3 As he rarely lifts his head off the pillow — yours usually , I believe , my sweet — I fail to see how he 's qualified to judge . ’
4 Dressed as he rarely was these days , in evening togs and carrying an opera hat , a white silk scarf around his neck , he was , at ten o'clock at night , completely sober , although the group he was with , headed by his brother Stair , and Havelock , usually known as Havvie , Marquess of Blaine , heir of the Duke of Innescourt , whose stag party night this was , were all three-parts drunk .
5 It was an artistic relationship that ultimately cost the composer his life as he repeatedly delayed vital heart surgery to complete the role that he knew would also be Pears 's last .
6 And always , at the back of his mind , there was the business with the Police ; a mere shadow , as he repeatedly reminded himself , without substance , but there just the same and often , as he went through Ostkreuz on the S-Bahn , he was tempted to get off and see Lieutenant Werner , merely to get the matter sorted out once and for all but , mindful of Bodo 's advice , he never did .
7 Charlie showed no obvious signs of friendship as he immediately caught me on the chin .
8 In fact , as he probably expected , the Caxton Hall meeting went excellently and Paddington went very badly .
9 ‘ The position is , as he probably expected , the same as that which , following my announcement last week about the withdrawal of clause 54(4) , applies to other employees in service industries ; the benefit is the cost to the employer .
10 Indeed , it was the man at the opposite end of the park , Sieb Dykstra , who had the busier afternoon as he produced three crucial saves , the middle one — he was backpedalling as he acrobatically tipped over a superb Pat McGinlay shot — being the pick of the bunch .
11 In the flicker of an eyelid the hostility had vanished and he had become a model of charm and smiling good humour , as he politely asked her all about herself and answered her questions in return .
12 Sweeting also confirmed that the Miss Johnson story originated from his aunt who , as he wittily put it , ‘ could only know what was told her ! ’
13 It is quite exhausting , ’ said Max , almost bashfully , as he professionally pressed the flesh .
14 A student with a punk haircut and a goose ( husa in Czech ) strapped into his rucksack was greeted with applause all round as he insolently walked the length of Wenceslas Square .
15 Kaas ' reputation grew as he relentlessly and ruthlessly tracked them down .
16 As a blond , curly-haired eight-year-old , invariably dressed in sailor suits , young Reshevsky dazzled the chess world as he confidently took on up to 75 adult opponents at once .
17 Television crews were invited to stand in front of the US Embassy and film a senior member of the staff , in black tie and dark suit , as he slowly wound up the folding door of an inconspicuous , metal-framed garage .
18 And that was exactly what the radiologist was doing as he slowly ran his sensor over my stomach .
19 As he slowly revolved he observed all points of the compass with eyes wide in wonder .
20 The fourth shot struck again in the chest , slamming Doyle hard against the wall , leaving a bloody smear as he slowly slipped to the floor , his eyes half closed , the breath wheezing from his lungs .
21 ‘ Yes , ’ he whispered urgently , as he slowly pushed her head down again .
22 At one point he faints , and as he slowly regains consciousness he imagines that he is being ordered to ‘ merge ’ through ‘ osmosis ’ ( 109/111 ) .
23 Something is his unconscious , and the planets or children are aspects of his life that return to him as he slowly readjusts to reality .
24 As he slowly undressed in his room , he heard her come snivelling up the stairs .
25 A faint , derisive smile curved Dane 's lips as he slowly shook his head .
26 ‘ Oh , no ? ’ he drawled mockingly as he slowly lowered his dark head towards her .
27 He liked the softness of silk , the slippery feel of it under his hands as he slowly undressed a woman in a shadowed bedroom .
28 The act of writing can be difficult at times , but he predicts that he 'll soon become the first Parkinson 's Disease patient to abandon drugs altogether as he slowly leaves a life of disability behind him .
29 Meninga , it must be said , did not look like a man under undue pressure as he genially fended press questions yesterday , even laughing off a suggestion from one of his braver interlocuters that his weight had recently ballooned .
30 The Leeds boss pointed the midfielder back on and had to be restrained by reserve official Brian Hill as he furiously remonstrated with referee Joe Worrall .
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