Example sentences of "as he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 'E collapsed as 'e come out the Kings Arms an' they rushed 'im away ter the 'ospital. 'E 's in a bad way so Maisie Dingle told me .
2 ’ ‘ As 'e 'ad owt tiv eat ? ’
3 ‘ If yer miss payin' 'e 'll do the same as 'e did wiv us .
4 But 'e made a bit o' Welsh rarebit after some coaxing. 'E 's not as incapable as 'e looks , I 've come to 't conclusion . "
5 just working in the same room as him welding all them hours
6 Just being in the same room as him sent shivers of something down her spine that up to now she had never experienced .
7 He had managed to strip her of all her protective layers , and just being in the same room as him made her feel vulnerable and helpless .
8 He is Cancerian and I 'm a Sagittarian and he describes it as him rushing towards the dark , and me rushing towards the light , and we both drag each other back , into a kind of middle earth .
9 She was surprised to see it was covered by a thick mat of soft fair hair — somehow she 'd have expected someone as blond as him to have smooth , hairless skin .
10 His reaction is particularly vividly described by Tolstoy , as him crossing a bridge that is being dismantled so he has to face the abyss below :
11 So I must have failed him in some way , to make him not like me , as well as him failing me .
12 Simon had once told her how if a Formula One driver blinked during a race it was the same as him driving thirty yards with his eyes shut , and Vitor 's stare was unrelenting .
13 I watched as he engaged a man who led him down to a boat ; they climbed in , and the man began to haul away on his oars .
14 ‘ Ya wee devil , ’ cried her brother as he punched his brother in the small of the back , received a savage kick for the injustice , accompanied by cries of ‘ It wisny me ’ from both ends of the bed .
15 Knives were drawn , and Burke 's life was threatened as he punched O'Rourke into helplessness .
16 ‘ For Farr , ’ said Lustgarten , ‘ as he laughed and joked with his old friend in the front room of their Wimbledon home , was already planning exactly where his carving knife would skirt the edge of the poisoned breast meat , digging deeper and deeper away from the tainted flesh , so that neither he nor Templeton would suffer .
17 When he got through and began to speak he cheered up as he laughed and talked away , before becoming depressed at the end of the call .
18 His marital troubles seemed far from his mind as he laughed and joked with the celebrity audience including actresses Patricia Routledge , Alison Steadman , and Frances Barber at the National Theatre .
19 She already knew his movements off by heart : the way he rubbed the bridge of his nose when he made fun of her ; how his upper lip crinkled as he laughed ; his habit of pulling his ear as he made a point he thought important .
20 This must have been a joke , as he laughed , or perhaps any mention of marriage was a joke to Gordon , who walked past Nenna and settled himself between them in a small chair , actually a nursing chair , surviving from some earlier larger family home and much too low for him , so that he had to try crossing his legs in several positions .
21 He was laughing at her , of course , as he laughed at everybody .
22 ‘ Go to hell ! ’ she snapped and watched as he laughed and turned then , and strode back towards the barn , whistling cheerfully beneath his breath .
23 She might have to , Isabel decided , as he laughed again and his hand drew aside the neck of her shift , exposing the delicate lines of her throat and shoulders .
24 Directing the building of what appeared to be a large fortification , Ross was clearly enjoying himself as he laughed and joked with the children , as perfectly at ease in these casual , unsophisticated surroundings as he was in the cosmopolitan offices of a smart City boardroom .
25 To match his eyes , she thought , and her own lost focus as she remembered the strange way the colour had seemed to change as he laughed .
26 Then she bit her lip as he laughed .
27 A WOMAN stabbed her husband in the back as he laughed at her , a court heard .
28 The last fish he had landed was a magnificent sea-trout weighing 6lb and , as he applied the priest , he was telling his companions about a similar fish , caught by his father in the dim and distant past : ‘ A beautiful fish , gentlemen , just like this one is . ’
29 Within six days , on 3 May 1862 , the young boy died , Benjamin declaring as he applied for a certificate that he had been present at the death .
30 As he applied pressure to the blade , a portion of the skull about the size of a ten pence piece came free .
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