Example sentences of "as [adv] at " in BNC.

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1 Then she and the president can set about hacking away as vigorously at the wasteful government machine as they have at the sheltered private sector .
2 Nor , Himmelfarb ( 1968 p 77 ) argued , was he concerned about transgressing occupants ' rights since , as a Utilitarian , he believed that " there was no such thing as right at all " .
3 Mr Grimes led the way round to the back door and ‘ the ash boy let them in , yawning horribly ’ ; soon Tom was ‘ in pitchy darkness , as much at home in a chimney as a mole is underground ’ .
4 The row that followed had left her deeply shaken , as much at her own blindness to the kind of man he really was as by the dreadful things he had said .
5 Ryan Giggs has achieved nearly as much as Best at the same age .
6 At the Dollis Hill factory the conditions were the same as elsewhere at Grunwick .
7 By the time we reach the second set of interviews , where the question of retirement was clarified , only a quarter of the grandfathers are remembered as still at work in old age .
8 He knelt as erect as ever at the table .
9 ‘ That was all talk , ’ Moran said , angry as ever at any baring of the inviolate secrecy he instinctively kept around himself .
10 Election Comment : Albany at Large : Royal and ancient PRINCESS Margaret 's eyes and tongue proved as sharp as ever at the preview of the Sovereign Exhibition at the V & A last week .
11 As ever at Jaguar , the emphasis will be on making the car smooth and quiet .
12 Margaret has n't looked back since and Marjorie ( as enthusiastic as ever at 80 years of age ) still teaches two classes each week .
13 The brave Stewart , solid as ever at the back , played the entire second half with a bandaged head after a collision with an opponent .
14 As always at this time of year , there have been some notable changes on the coaching front , with Pavel Slozil switching from being with Steffi Graf to Jennifer Capriati , Pete Sampras once again breaking from Jo Brandi and then Stanley Franker , the man credit with transforming Dutch tennis , announcing first that he would be leaving Holland to work again in Austria , and then changing his mind in the light of a new and improved offer from the Dutch Tennis Federation , who , given that country 's recent success ( 3 men in the top 40 ) , were naturally unhappy about his impending departure .
15 Winter was closing in fast over Europe and , as always at that time of year , he was travelling south to avoid the worst of the weather .
16 Now , as always at the beginning of the rainy season , dense black clouds began to roll in over the Residency from the direction of the river , advancing slowly , not more than a few feet above the ground and masking completely whatever lay in their path .
17 He looked , as always at the prospect of a new departure , an undertaking likely to cost money , desperate for ways of escape .
18 Break , as always at the school , was unsupervised .
19 At the time of the 1835 emancipation , as also at the cessation of apprenticeship in 1838 , abolitionists enacted rituals of triumph and unity , though it was significant for the future that they now acknowledged differences and , ironically , different abolitionists performed different rituals indicative of unity .
20 One of the ways in which French governments have tried to stem this depopulation is by building new roads , as now at Sainte-Engrâce , in a process they speak of as désenclavement or literally ‘ unwedging ’ .
21 Directing the building of what appeared to be a large fortification , Ross was clearly enjoying himself as he laughed and joked with the children , as perfectly at ease in these casual , unsophisticated surroundings as he was in the cosmopolitan offices of a smart City boardroom .
22 As far at least as I was concerned , it did so with due cause .
23 When Sir Christopher 's farms were first built on the high and , in those days , bleak land , with as yet little protection from the wind , the farm buildings were arranged , as here at the Castle , around a courtyard at the back of the house .
24 He had never felt so abandoned as here at the top of this tall silent house on Usher 's Quay .
25 Its cuisine was as varied as Hong Kong or Bangkok ( you could eat as well at the Mai Thai restaurant , Wimbledon Broadway , as in anywhere around the Gulf of Thailand ) .
26 I laughed as well at the time , but it stuck with me .
27 There had been anger as well at the cruel jest of fate that had brought her into love with her own brother .
28 I , I went in her class as well at Mansfield .
29 To ask wives as well at such short notice might not have been on .
30 Did he do as well at school as he claimed ?
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