Example sentences of "as [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , I have also set in motion several of my own initiatives as well as sponsoring the suggestions of a couple of other departments .
2 Obviously if we get any additional cash allocation from any source , it will be deployed in er such a way as to treat the patients as soon as possible .
3 Rather it is that Labour needs to defend — and , on these figures , regain — its traditional class base at the same time as completing the process of modernisation and colonising the new political territory of the 1990s .
4 In fact , Hainer Bastian see this exhibition as completing the vision of Picasso presented at the last great retrospective in New York twelve years ago , when the focus was on his Cubist , surrealist and classical phases .
5 Instead we can see it as completing the specification of which operation is to be performed .
6 They explicitly quoted sections of Article 41 or the 1937 constitution so as to support the view of including its provisions in any new all-Ireland constitution .
7 The Holland Report looked explicitly at the issue of employers ' dissatisfaction with young workers and presented its information in such a way as to support the idea of education 's failure in this area .
8 The basket was about a metre deep and the back of it had been built right up high so as to support the bank of flowers .
9 Creating a technical structure that allows for a pan-authority electronic mail service is usually as problematic as building the trust and confidence that will allow staff to communicate and make decisions using such a system — let alone remember to log in each day .
10 Also , the associations that will be discussed , and the interpretations of them in postclassical terms that will be offered , should not be seen as suggesting the operation of ‘ causes ’ or ‘ determinants ’ , even where such language has been used by those involved in establishing the associations .
11 In my judgment , however , this is not of any importance as touching the liability of the defendant under his covenants .
12 This great tower loomed over Rome — as indeed it still does although halved by a later earthquake — dominating the Capitol , the Colosseum , the Quirinal and the route from the Lateran to St Peter 's , and was described by one chronicler as touching the clouds .
13 As well as inventing the thin crisp biscuit that bears his name , Sylvester Graham was also the author of one of the most amusing condemnations of sex ever to see the light of day .
14 It becomes easy to picture himself and Boswell here , their servant outside holding the horse 's head , while Johnson 's taxi , his post-chaise , waited : ‘ The arch of one of the gates is entire , and another only so far dilapidated as to diversify the appearance , ; Sam himself with his famous stick prodding in the weeds , gauging the cut of the stone as he might examine the shoulders of a friend 's new frock-coat , measuring distances , tracing nave , crossing , choir , transept — inhaling meaning and implication , and converting it into judgment and knowledge .
15 By far the most prominent pattern is represented by the regular development of narrow-fronted strip buildings along the main frontages in such a way as to accommodate the maximum number of properties in the space available .
16 After the British had signed an armistice with the Vichy administration , a number of Gaullist " explosions " ( the most celebrated of which was a stormy interview between de Gaulle and the British minister of state in Cairo , Oliver Lyttelton ) forced a modification of the armistice terms so as to accommodate the General 's objections .
17 There was nothing precious about the playing — no feeling of careful compromise so as to accommodate the work 's problems , and certainly , to hornist Frank Lloyd 's playing , one can listen , whatever the technical complexities , in the comfortable knowledge that nothing will slip between bell and lip .
18 Since the findings of the surveys described in Chapter 6 , the message promoting the lobon-gur solution had been revised so as to include the four different recognised types of diarrhoea and the use of refined sugar as a substitute for gur when the latter was unavailable .
19 It is arguable that the ratio decidendi of the case is limited solely to this principle , and can not be extended so as to include the neighbour principle .
20 If the revolution is to be successful , then this shift will spread so as to include the majority of the relevant scientific community , leaving only a few dissenters .
21 But leaving that aside , as I have already explained , the court will not be ‘ hearing and determining the swap cases together ’ and I do not think those words can be stretched so as to include the present procedural arrangements .
22 The permanent ward staff bear the responsibility for finding ways to overcome or minimise these problems , so as to enable the ward to play its full part in the training programme .
23 In granting an exemption the Commission can attach appropriate conditions to the operation of the agreement such as , for example , a requirement that the parties notify the Commission as to the future operation of the agreement and/or review its operation prior to the expiry of the exemption , to limit the operation of the exemption for a specific period of time so as to enable the Commission to review its operation at some future date .
24 The packings must also be marked in such a way as to enable the person responsible for their movements to be identified ; that person must undertake to supply any Customs officer with any information that may be necessary to ensure the proper application of this simplified procedure .
25 The point of this exercise is to limit the terms experience , life , and reality in such a manner as to enable the claim that popular access to all three can only be gained by means of art which , for the purposes of national education effectively means English and especially English literature .
26 But Mr. Lester raises a more fundamental argument , with which I agree , that the effect of this court declaring the law in such a way as to enable the local authority to sue in libel , would be interference by a judicial authority with the right of freedom of expression of the press .
27 If , in these cases , the creditor leaves it to the debtor to procure the third party to provide the security , it is , in my opinion , almost inconceivable that the approach referred to by Dixon J. would be adopted so as to enable the surety to repudiate liability .
28 Accordingly , the legislature has provided this extraordinary process so as to enable the requisite information to be obtained .
29 The latter idea is that organisations have spare capacity that can be brought into play so as to enable the company to comply with the demands of one group without requiring a damaging transfer from another .
30 In addition , we must try to augment our oil revenues so as to enable the government to invest them for future development in industry and for processes and inventions at present unknown to us .
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