Example sentences of "his [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This story seems garbled and may be nonsense , but the coincidence between King Haldanus and the Haldenne princeps regis of the Canterbury material remains ; possibly Cnut did have a relative or associate of this name , for the fact that his sister Santslaue occurs only in the Liber Vitae of New Minster Winchester indicates that his kin could have extended further than the threadbare sources reveal .
2 He tried several times to talk to his sister Laetitia on the telephone , but she continued to be elusive .
3 Although the younger woman has been taken to be a likeness of his sister Wil by many biographers , misled by an ambiguous comment of Vincent 's , Tralbaut sees in it a close resemblance to Kee .
4 His sister Wil was going to Haarlem , and then to Amsterdam .
5 He went to Haarlem and spent time with his sister Wil , walking about with her but not confiding anything .
6 Nevertheless , Eadwine 's overtures to Eadbald for the hand of his sister Aethelburh ( HE 11 , 9 ) suggest a northern ruler already prestigious in his own right .
7 When she had calmed down , Grandfather Denknetzeyan took his sister Katya away from Villa Destayala .
8 Her brothers all smoked yet when Mickey had seen his sister smoking he had snatched the cigarette from her hand , grinding it out with his heel , shouting at her that only dags smoked .
9 Wolfgang and his sister Nannerl remained on close terms throughout his life : his early letters to her and to a Salzburg cousin , Anna Maria Thekla ( ‘ the Bäsle ’ , as he called her ) are full of juvenile high spirits , spiced with an earthy , often indelicate sense of humour , while his later letters to his sister show a touching solicitude for the state of her health and spirits .
10 His sister Dolly and our Etty are the best of friends .
11 Tarquinian Ambassador and his sister Ch.
12 It is pointless telling a toddler that if he does not hit his sister Mummy will play with him tomorrow .
13 She passed the cobbler 's shop where Paccy Moore and his sister Bee waved out to her .
14 That he later troubled to marry his sister Estrith to Richard 's successor Robert ( see below ) probably also implies that his wife 's cooperation was not alone thought sufficient .
15 Matthew Cuthbert lived with his sister Marilla on their farm on Prince Edward Island in Canada .
16 Rubberneck , on his part — he saw his sister gloat over the suitcase , the bits of coloured paper — well , he preferred that she gloated ; it was a rest , his knees on the hard floor , that they knelt in endless prayer .
17 Roman power was declining generally , but it was still strong in Zurich , and the beheading of Felix and his sister Regula , two Christians , was ordered by the governor .
18 But following his hope GP at Assen last June , Zeelenburg 's fortunes took a spectacular turn for the worse .
19 Vic , 44 , had just finished a £12-ahead meal with six workers from his typesetting firm when he ordered the doubles .
20 The famous explorer Mogridge is seen by his university friend Duncan Patullo as , in fact , an overgrown schoolboy :
21 But it 's the working with them , you know , you 've got to try and work with them , he 's got to go round may be every five minutes and make sure they 've put it out , otherwise he 's going to stand there doing his university work .
22 He had a lot to learn about operating methods from the people on the shop floor , but he could also pass on to them the fruits of his university education .
23 It 's his university education you know — it tells , it tells .
24 Mr Clare told his son he had been saving the money he would have spent on his university education for him .
25 Her parents did not seem to mind that he had no qualifications and had not finished his university course .
26 Marivate told him how and why he had stood firmly for Moral Re-Armament through his university course .
27 The timing was opportune because Ned was able to take a year out from his university course ; Matthew had just finished school ; Val got 6 months ’ leave of absence from her job ; and I had just been given early retirement .
28 The 24 year old student had only started his university course this year .
29 Chris was chairman of his university society and competed regularly in Inter Varsity Dancing Association competitions around the country , helping to win last year 's team competition and coming third individually in the Rock and Roll competition .
30 Though he did not like Stych much — too stuck up by far with his university degree and his oilmen friends — he hoped that Hank had not stolen the money for the car .
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