Example sentences of "from do [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Always during this period the same paper was used , although a rumour that it would change at the next sitting was constantly promulgated by dealers who had once cheated , to discourage others from doing likewise .
2 Even within a GP practice , it is likely that doctors will wish to use different hospitals and consultants , but may now be constrained from doing so .
3 The obvious course of action — to dilute the imported spirit in a similar way with other spirits — was not an option , since importers were banned by law from doing so .
4 In the last resort the only satisfactory answer to the question , ‘ Why do you devote yourself to the attempt to understand ? ’ is , ‘ Because I derive so strong a satisfaction from doing so . ’
5 Aszal says that he tried to call a doctor or an ambulance from the public telephone but was prevented from doing so by the guards .
6 To his credit , he wanted to give the markets a new nominal rule , on the exchange rate , but was prevented from doing so by Mrs Margaret Thatcher 's visceral dislike of the European Monetary System .
7 The potential benefits from doing so lay behind some ( but not all ) of the takeovers and LBOs of the 1980s .
8 It is therefore possible to have a battery without an assault ( e.g. where D strikes V from behind ) , as well as an assault without a battery ( e.g. where D threatens to strike V but is prevented from doing so ) , but most cases involve both .
9 Mr Crosby wanted to take them back on the pitch but was prevented from doing so by police , who had acted quickly to prevent a pitch invasion when Byrne headed Sunderland into a 35th-minute lead .
10 For example , we can prevent factories that are obviously discharging their waste into rivers , from doing so ; and there is virtually no kind of effluent nowadays that can not be safely treated and disposed of , if we are prepared to spend the money .
11 Year after year the crisis never climaxed , perhaps prevented from doing so by the Committee 's success in improving the course and keeping the existing members together .
12 It must be said on James 's behalf that he refrained from doing so .
13 every citizen in whose presence a breach of the peace is being , or reasonably appears to be about to be , committed has the right to take reasonable steps to make the person who is breaking or threatening to break the peace refrain from doing so
14 One woman from Ollerton was imprisoned in Risley Remand Centre after joining a picket line in breach of a bail condition prohibiting her from doing so .
15 She passed about forty-eight kilometres north of Krakatoa on the evening of the twenty-sixth , spent the night of the twenty-sixth to seventh anchored in Telok Betong , tried to sail again for Anjer in the morning , but was prevented from doing so by the violence of the eruption .
16 Employers should be free to recruit the most suitable workers and not be restricted from doing so by legislation or regulation . ’
17 Officers who wanted to stay on were discouraged from doing so .
18 For many years I have wished to ask my aunt to visit our beautiful town , ’ she wrote , ‘ but have been deterred from doing so by the knowledge that she would have to pass this stark , staring figure .
19 The protestors had intended to enter Épernay , but were prevented from doing so by a squadron of cavalry which had barricaded the road .
20 Accession should take such a form that although the United Kingdom did not forfeit the sovereignty of its Parliament , and could thus theoretically always assert it , it should , for the future , refrain from doing so .
21 His repugnance , for example , does not take him to the point of seeking to prevent those who wished to take part in war from doing so .
22 British civil servants would like to reverse this policy , but are prevented from doing so by the EC .
23 We can note , too , that the tippe-top differs markedly from the gyroscope : a tippe-top turns over spontaneously — indeed , it is hard to stop it from doing so — whereas a considerable amount of effort is required to flip over a gyroscope .
24 He rebuked those who refused to read the Scriptures in the vulgar tongue and discouraged others from doing so , as well as those who by inordinate reading , indiscreet speaking , contentious disputing and slander hindered the Word of God .
25 There are at least two contrasting ways of opposing force : one is with greater force , and the other is with reasons which might influence those who use or are liable to use force to refrain or desist from doing so .
26 I have come to suspect that the underlying motive to help younger people grow up to be confident , competent adults , and to derive pleasure from doing so , is something that a person can bury , ignore or conceal , but not amputate .
27 Unfortunately people who could benefit from some counselling are often prevented from doing so by their own injunctions .
28 Indeed , the EEC , in anticipation of its enlargement , had also begun to consider how it might accommodate the remaining EFTA states , all of whom for varying reasons could not consider joining the EEC , or were precluded from doing so .
29 it is difficult to measure precisely the influence of factors by isolating them in experiments and , even if we could , there may be ethical problems which prevent us from doing so
30 NCR Corp , Sequent Computer Systems Inc and Unisys Corp are all planning to see that May 17 — ‘ Pentium Day ’ — is not totally dominated by the personal computer end of the business : like just about every other Intel Corp customer , these companies are bursting to talk about their high-end Pentium systems , but have been forcibly gagged by Intel from doing so : NCR was luckier than most in that it got a ten minute portion of the huge Intel presentation at Cebit in Hannover last month devoted to its eight-processor Pentium monster , but with the model number carefully removed .
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