Example sentences of "from the same " in BNC.

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1 You both went into the theatre together from the same drama school ?
2 The alabaster freizes of monks with scatalogical Latin inscriptions created by Henry Poole for the Blackfriar in c.1905 come from the same tradition as the eclectic and irreverent use of ethnic imagery and architectural detail built into the new Horniman at Hays Galleria of 1986 .
3 ‘ And from the same dishes … no , I forgot .
4 ( His view of sex seems to suffer from the same ‘ Pharisaical ’ , constraints that ben Eliezer fought against , when he condemns ‘ Celebration ’ as ‘ a failure of tone , ’ ‘ portentous … imagery and the reality of the blow-job . ’
5 I left Aisha 's prison in the following way : one day a woman from the same village as Aisha and I came to pick up her sewing machine .
6 Dancers easily understand how a series of swift pas de bourrée courus ( i.e. running on the toes ) as danced by the Queen of the Wilis in Giselle , differs from the same step performed piqué ( i.e. each foot picked up sharply at each change of weight ) , as in many of petipa 's solos .
7 from the same source come such diverse creatures as Massine 's poodles in La Boutique Fantasque , a delicious pair of goats in Ashton 's Sylvia and of course the squawking Cock and Hens in La Fille Mal Gardée .
8 Since colours can vary slightly , it 's important to buy all the tiles you need at once to ensure that they 're from the same batch ; it 's also a good idea to unpack and mix them before fixing them , to even out any colour variations .
9 Using 3½× ¾in wooden slats resting on battens , I made spacers from the same wood , and glued these to the battens .
10 Another very neat feature is that one Postscript interpreter can handle both the user 's screen and a printer directly from the same source material .
11 As the child that comes or may come from a sexual encounter between a man and a woman differs from the child born from that man and some other woman ( or from the same man and the same woman on another occasion ) , so every genuine poem is the unique product of one unrepeatable encounter between the artist and an unearthly partner who may be called ‘ Muse ’ or ‘ goddess ’ .
12 A 1985 Lancia Y10 ( lead only ) sells for around £2,000 whereas the similar Fiat Uno 55 from the same year , converted to run on unleaded , is worth around £500 more .
13 And if a work as trite , foolish and offensive to women as Now , Voyager should , after 40 years , remain as watchable today as on its initial release , when equally feeble plays and novels from the same period have vanished into a limbo of neglect from which they can never be retrieved , it is a tribute less to the very questionable ‘ artistry ’ of its writer and director than to the enduring fascination of its leading actress .
14 How many people now remember his humiliation as chancellor of the Exchequer , turning back on a trip to Heathrow en route for a meeting of the International Monetary Fund in order that he could draft an application for a loan from the same organisation , then appearing in the Blackpool bear garden to be publicly abused ?
15 This block is widely considered the most important item in US philately ; a second block of four from the same sheet made $528,000 ( £338,462 ) , in line with estimate .
16 In part this reflects a reluctance to let outsiders interfere with the job of policing , as well as a suspicion about soci — ology , which for many policemen sounds too much like the word ‘ socialist ’ ; social work suffers from the same association .
17 Kochergih was the son of a merchant , from the same type of background as D'iakov .
18 If more output is obtained from the same manpower — which it is here contended could and should happen — then the allocation of resources so far as manpower is concerned will be unaffected .
19 If the conditions of the 1930s can be reproduced , the same effects will follow from the same causes .
20 I will go further , and say that crime itself has to be viewed from the same aspect of society as a balance — a balance that can be lost , like the physiological or chemical balance in an organism , in which cases the organism is destroyed , but a balance which is always there , whether being gained , maintained or lost .
21 the objects to which men give most preference , their ideals , proceed from the same perceptions and experiences as the objects which they most abhor , and … they were originally only distinguished from one another through slight modifications …
22 That light came originally from the same source as Fenna 's fire , from the heart of the golden star , from the sun itself — but it was light crashing around space at speeds which defy relativity , rolling like waves , bouncing like particles , rebounding off the dead desert of the cold moon and hurled thence , down through nearly a quarter of a million miles , forced through the steadily slowly moving liquid molecules of solid glass which made the windows .
23 Mike Dinnigan did n't allow the frosty weather to stop his fishing and landed two 5 lb plus chub from the same swim .
24 I have a feeling it 's coming from the same source .
25 • Kenny Gates and Mark Fitzwalters had a frantic battle with these mirror carp after getting takes within 30 seconds of each other from the same swim at Old Hall Lake in their home county of Essex .
26 The specimen was taken from the eastern side of the sandbar just as the tide began to ebb and came the day after Kevin had taken a 2 lb 8 oz flounder from the same spot .
27 The brilliant specimen is one of the biggest ever boated off South Wales and came from the same mark which yielded Charlie a 33 lb 8 oz cod three years ago .
28 The women in this book fall essentially into two groups — those who come directly from certain peasant societies of India , Pakistan and Bangladesh and those whose families migrated from the same peasant backgrounds first to East Africa and then to Britain .
29 As for the women , he said , they suffered from the same sort of things — depression and sometimes guilt .
30 Among Punjabis in Delhi who are often from the same peasant background as Punjabi immigrants to Britain a ‘ modern lady ’ is a ‘ respectable ’ urban middle-class woman .
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